Inquisition Head
VILL OF CALAIS. Inquisition. 7 January 1429 [Parke].
Jurors: Robert Wastell ; Robert Pyell ; Robert Jacob ; William Frere ; William Barry ; John Edward ; Richard Sprott ; William Fratyng ; David More ; Richard Shakyrdale ; Richard Butlier ; and Henry Bywell .
He held the following by purchase in demesne as of fee.He died on 3 November last. Alice wife of Richard Neville, knight, present earl of Salisbury, is his daughter and next heir, and aged 22 and more.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.1–2
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester 10 February 1429. [ Gilbert ].
Jurors: Thomas Berkeley ; Nicholas Mattesdon ; John Delamare ; John Gerald ; William Tymburhull ; Thomas Purlewent ; John atte Venne ; John Phelpes ; Richard Kemele ; Walter Richeman ; John Wynyard ; and John Andrewes, mercer .
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or any other in demesne or service.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.3–4
Inquisition Head
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Beccles 8 January 1429. [Hevenyngham].
Jurors: Walter Falk ; Thomas Olton ; Richard Dersyngham ; Edmund Barbour ; William Plomer ; Robert Cook ; Richard Fraunceys ; Richard Wene ; Thomas Andrewe ; John ?Lebard [ms torn]; Reynold Appilton ; and William Deye .
He held the following by curtesy from the inheritance of Alice his daughter by Eleanor his late wife. Alice is wife of Richard Neville, knight , the present earl of Salisbury .TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.6, 8
Inquisition Head
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Acle 12 January 1429. [Hevenyngham].
Jurors: Robert Hendy ; Laurence Oky ; John Rothe ; Thomas Cordwaner ; John Baily ; Thomas Cokefeld ; Robert Vynne ; Thomas Vyncent ; John Baron ; John Poyntour ; William Lyster ; and Andrew Sad .
He held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king or any other.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.6–7
Inquisition Head
YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Selby 8 January 1429. [Fitzwilliam].
Jurors: Christopher Preston ; William Wombewell ; Richard Feryby ; Robert Rypars ; Thomas Dodworth ; John Beresford ; Thomas Wenteworth ; John West ; William Haldenby ; William Bryghous ; John Risworth ; and Henry Croft .
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.9–10
Inquisition Head
HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. Huntingdon 27 January 1429. [Forster].
Jurors: Thomas Boleyn ; John Goddyng ; John Bate ; John Colson ; Thomas Smyth ; Leonard Bayns ; Thomas Clophull ; William Bysshop ; Thomas Thornton ; John Colle ; John Cathee ; and John Hendson .
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.5, 11
[The inquisition for Cambridgeshire, ordered in the writ, is not extant.]
Inquisition Head
LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Grantham 8 January 1429. [Meires].
Jurors: Thomas Harleston ; Simon Ive ; John Sharp ; Thomas Symond ; John Gerveys of Grantham; William Snell ; Edmund Bayard ; John Cullom ; George Glover ; William Chapman ; John Levely ; William Dale ; and Richard Somerford .
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.12–13
Inquisition Head
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Wansford 6 January 1429. [Palmer].
Jurors: Nicholas Duraunt of King’s Cliffe; Henry Attehall of Apethorpe; William Potton and John Seyton of Nassington; Thomas Roulond and William Sharwyn of Woodnewton; William Dycon of Yarwell; Richard Bastard of Fotheringhay; William Serle of Yarwell; John Kirkby and John Smyth of Duddington; and John Barnak and John Sutton of Easton on the Hill.
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.14, 16
Inquisition Head
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham 26 January 1429. [Palmer].
Jurors: John Warde of North Luffenham; William Toky of South Luffenham; William Baylle and Henry Fethyngworth of Barrowden; Nicholas Campon of Morcott; William Kyng of Glaston;n048 Thomas Castreton of Bisbrooke; John Yrelond of Lyddington; Robert Quadryng of Caldecott; Thomas Wryght of Stoke Dry; John Godwyn of North Luffenham ; and John Thorp and William Rypon of Little Casterton.
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.14–15
Inquisition Head
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster 12 February 1429. [Rykhull].
Jurors: John Theyr ; William Child; Thomas Rauf ; Thomas Swynford ; John Boner ; John Morys ; John Everard ; William Ingelond ; Stephen atte Felde ; John Sauney ; John Clerk of Westminster; and Robert Nek .
He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king or any other.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.17–18
Inquisition Head
CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. 7 February 1429 [Barten].
Jurors: William Preest ; Thomas Hatcher ; Thomas Merssh ; William Illyng ; William Ferrour ; William Morys ; William Ryder ; William George ; Thomas Harlowe ; William Mower ; John Conyburgh ; and John Frankeleyn .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king and no other in free burgage as all the city is held, service unknown.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.19–20
E 149/142/1 m.3
Inquisition Head
HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford 7 January 1429. [Walwyn].
Jurors: Richard Abighale ; Richard Kok of Ross; John Brawe, junior ; Richard Alderon ; Thomas Arundell ; James Tomkyns ; Thomas Hull ; John ap Ithell ; Henry Whytte ; Reynold Mile of Mordiford; Thomas Herdeman ; and Roger ?Tonston [ms torn].
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.21–22
E 149/142/1 m.3
Inquisition Head
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. High Wycombe 21 January 1429. [Sperlyng].
Jurors: Thomas Bristowe ; John Sandwell , Thomas Gaillache and Richard Yanlode of Aston Clinton; John Golon ; William Kyngham ; William Grace ; Thomas Naldre ; William Pyffelde ; William Longe ; Robert Colet ; and Thomas Halfhunte .
[1]+ Edward I granted the manor of Aston Clinton, among other manors, by charter to Simon de Monte Acuto for life, with remainder to William son of Simon and the heirs of his body. After the death of Simon, William his son entered the manor and was seised in his remainder in fee tail. After the death of William, the manor descended to William son and heir of William son of Simon. William died without heir of his body.n049 The manor descended to John, late earl of Salisbury , kin and heir of William son of William son of Simon as the son of John brother of William son of William son of Simon. He was seised in demesne as of fee tail.+[1] He then granted the manor, among other things, to John Brokeman , and his heirs in perpetuity. [2]+John Brokeman afterwards demised the manor to Thomas, late earl , and Eleanor his wife, described as Thomas de Monte Acuto son of John de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury , and Eleanor his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by indented charter, dated Aston Clinton 24 August 1400.n050 Thomas and Eleanor had issue: Alice, present wife of Richard Neville, knight and earl of Salisbury . Eleanor died, then Thomas.+[2]
Date of death and heir as 262. Furthermore, Richard de Monte Acuto , knight, is his kin and next male heir as the son of John father of John, late earl , father of Thomas, and aged 60 and more.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.23–24
Inquisition Head
HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Ware 3 January 1429. [Stokdale].
Jurors: William Hert ; John Canon ; Thomas Burstede ; William Herdewyk ; John Wygge ; Richard Algore ; John Hert ; John Fletcher ; John Bouk ; Richard Marsshall ; John Pery ; and Robert Bocher .
He held the following in demesne as of fee by purchase from John, duke of Bedford , regent of France.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.25, 27
Inquisition Head
ESSEX. Inquisition. Barking 12 January 1429. [Stokdale].
Jurors: John Malmayn ; John Wyet ; Walter Burre ; John Clacton ; John Hervy ; John Newark ; William Bifeld ; John Grace ; John Elyot ; William Gylot ; John Godard ; William Shouke, senior ; John Wodeward ; Nicholas Bocher ; John Serle ; and John Smyth of Little Heath.
He held the following in demesne as of fee by purchase from John, duke of Bedford , regent of France.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.25–26
Inquisition Head
DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter 28 December 1428. [Bamfeld].
Jurors: John Franchyne ; John Boltere ; Thomas Trobryg ; Nicholas Coterell ; Richard Whitlok ; John Clifton ; Walter Bobbebroke ; Richard Worthy ; John Kyrton ; John Harper ; John Proo ; and William William .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king in chief by knight service.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.28, 30
Inquisition Head
CORNWALL. Inquisition. Liskeard 3 January 1429. [Bamfeld].
Jurors: Edmund Beket ; Richard Hendour ; William Beket ; Rule Toker ; Robert Weryng ; Thomas Joce ; Richard ...age [ms torn]; William Synon ; David Kempe ; John Colys ; Nicholas Toker ; and John Serll .
He held of the king in demesne as of fee tail maleTNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.28–29
Inquisition Head
OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Woodstock 14 January 1429. [ Rede ].
Jurors: Richard Stephenes ; Thomas Carswell ; Robert Hyde ; William Wyghthyll ; William Hareys ; Thomas Pryket ; Thomas Harlyngrygge ; John Collys ; Richard Wartour ; John Boureman ; William Gygour ; and William Stephenes .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.31–32
Inquisition Head
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Newbury 27 January 1429. [ Rede ].
Jurors: John Lydeyerd ; John Colley ; Henry Samon ; Roger Radeley ; William Wabrond ; John Chadelworth ; Nicholas Messenger ; Robert Croke ; Thomas Cokerell ; Edward Townesend ; William Croke ; and William Whyte .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.31, 34
Inquisition Head
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton 30 December 1428. [Melbourne].
Jurors: Walter Stawelle ; Thomas Michell ; John Coker ; Thomas Huntley ; John Gregory ; Thomas Mechelden ; William Merden ; John Bole ...; John Milbourne ; William Halsewell ; John Pytte ; and John Persone .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.33, 35
Inquisition Head
DORSET. Inquisition [indented]. Sherborne 19 January 1429. [Melbourne].
Jurors: Nicholas Latymer ; Thomas Manston ; John Grygory ; Robert Hemerford ; Robert Cammell ; John Milbourne ; Baldwin Thornhill ; Robert Bavent ; Thomas Anketill ; John Coker ; Robert Brice ; and William Goff .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.33, 36
Inquisition Head
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Salisbury 11 January 1429. [Longe].
Jurors: John Gilberd ; Robert Leveden ; John Bilyngdon ; Roger Mey ; John Cuttyng ; William Kyng ; John Claymond of Sutton ; Thomas ?Velkans... ; ...anton [ms torn]; Thomas Gogyn ; William Launtebale ; and John Claymond of Wolverton.
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.37, 39
Inquisition Head
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke 13 February 1429. [Longe].
Jurors: Philip Baynard ; Simon Alman ; John de Ely ; Edmund Tanke ; Richard Cotesmore ; Henry Dummere ; John Waterende ; Roger Kent ; John atte Hoke ; William Chamberleyn ; William Motche ; and Robert Coudray .
He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king in chief, service unknown.
TNA reference
C 139/41/57 mm.37–38
Inquisition Head
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke 20 January 1429. [Long].
[Jurors not listed.]Holdings
[Text missing.]
TNA reference
E 152/10/568 no. 3.n060
Holding Item | Value | Quantity | Total | |
Amesbury | ||||
capital messuage | worth nothing | a (1 x capital messuage) | - | |
land | £20 | 20 carucates (20 x carucate) | £20 (=4800d.) | |
meadow | 53s. 4d. | 40 a. (40 x acre) | £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.) | |
messuages | 48s. | 24 (24 x messuages) | £2 8s. (=576d.) | |
cottages | 20s. | 20 (20 x cottages) | £1 (=240d.) | |
assize rent | £13 6s. 8d. | £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.) | ||
court | 100s. | £5 (=1200d.) | ||
Total: £44 8s. (=10656d.) | ||||
Winterbourne Earls | ||||
site | worth nothing | a (1 x site) | - | |
arable | £12 | 16 carucates (16 x carucate) | £12 (=2880d.) | |
meadow | 20s. | 20 a. (20 x acre) | £1 (=240d.) | |
tofts | 3s. | 6 (6 x tofts) | 3s. (=36d.) | |
messuages | 18s. | 12 (12 x messuages) | 18s. (=216d.) | |
assize rent | 100s. | £5 (=1200d.) | ||
Total: £19 1s. (=4572d.) | ||||
Etchilhampton, Merton | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Wilsford | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Shrewton, Little Cheverell, Corton | ||||
knights’ fees | 4 (4 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Coate | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Chaddenwick | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Norridge | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Chitterne, Maddington | ||||
knights’ fees | 2 (2 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Orcheston St George, Orcheston St Mary, Shrewton | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Burcombe | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Burcombe | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Deptford, Chicklade, Poole Keynes | ||||
knights’ fees | 3 (3 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Boyton, Orcheston St George, Orcheston St Mary, Maddington | ||||
knights’ fees | 3 (3 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Zeals | ||||
knight’s fee | one (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee, vill | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee vill) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Corton | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Asserton | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Fisherton Anger, Bickton, Wilsford | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Little Langford | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Lus Hill | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Blunsdon | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Wanborough | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Alderton | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Barford | ||||
knight’s fee | 1/5 (0.2 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1/5 (0.2 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Chelworth | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Froxfield | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
North Tidworth | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Great | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Amesbury | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Lake | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
West Amesbury | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Netheravon | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Amesbury | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Amesbury | ||||
knight’s fee | ¾ (0.75 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Porton | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Charlton Horethorne | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Normanton, Wilsford | ||||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
knight’s fee | 1/10 (0.1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: (=0d.) | ||||
Winterbourne Earls | ||||
Value | 20 marks | £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.) | ||
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.) | ||||
North Tidworth | ||||
Value | £10 | £10 (=2400d.) | ||
Total: £10 (=2400d.) | ||||
earl of Salisbury | ||||
Total: - | ||||
Upton Scudamore | ||||
knights’ fees | 3½ (3.5 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
Total: - | ||||
Norton Bavant, Fifield Bavant | ||||
knights’ fees | 3 (3 x knights’ fees) | - | ||
Total: - | ||||
Teffont Evias | ||||
knight’s fee | ½ (0.5 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
knight’s fee | ¼ (0.25 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: - | ||||
Rockley | ||||
knight’s fee | 1 (1 x knight’s fee) | - | ||
Total: - |
Holding Item | Value | Quantity | Total | |
Amesbury | ||||
capital messuage | worth nothing | a (1 x capital messuage) | - | |
land | £20 | 20 carucates (20 x carucate) | £20 (=4800d.) | |
meadow | 53s. 4d. | 40 a. (40 x acre) | £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.) | |
messuages | 48s. | 24 (24 x messuages) | £2 8s. (=576d.) | |
cottages | 20s. | 20 (20 x cottages) | £1 (=240d.) | |
assize rent | £13 6s. 8d. | £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.) | ||
court | 100s. | £5 (=1200d.) | ||
Total: £44 8s. (=10656d.) | ||||
Winterbourne Earls | ||||
site | worth nothing | a (1 x site) | - | |
arable | £12 | 16 carucates (16 x carucate) | £12 (=2880d.) | |
meadow | 20s. | 20 a. (20 x acre) | £1 (=240d.) | |
tofts | 3s. | 6 (6 x tofts) | 3s. (=36d.) | |
messuages | 18s. | 12 (12 x messuages) | 18s. (=216d.) | |
assize rent | 100s. | £5 (=1200d.) | ||
Total: £19 1s. (=4572d.) |
- Haseley, clerk (Writ Clerk)
- Longe, Robert, escheator (Escheator)
- the king (Named Person)
- Malewayn, John (Heirs Of)
- Daundeseye, Walter (Heir Of)
- Botreaux, William, Lord Botreaux (Named Person)
- Bore, Robert (Heir Of)
- Mautravers, John (Heir Of)
- Berkeley, Maurice de, chevalier (Named Person)
- Lye, Elizabeth (Named Person)
- Lye, Nicholas (Named Person)
- Bradenstoke, prior of (Named Person)
- Tychebourn, Roger (Heir Of)
- Kyngeston, Nicholas de (Heirs Of)
- Wodehay, John (Named Person)
- Cuttyn, Thomas (Heir Of)
- St Amand, lord (Heir Of)
- Pygot, John (Heir Of)
- Lambert, Nicholas (Heirs Of)
- Monpisson, Robert (Named Person)
- Palton, William, chevalier (Named Person)
- Rygge, Thomas (Named Person)
- Linger, Thomas (Named Person)
- Katherine, queen of England (Named Person)
- Richard Ponynges, chevalier (Named Person)
- Honk, John (Heirs Of)
- Giffard, Gilbert (Heirs Of)
- Fraunceys, Hugh (Heirs Of)
- Frankeleyn, William (Heirs Of)
- Spencer, Hugh le (Heirs Of)
- Chaworth, Thomas, knight (Named Person)
- Clyvedone, John (Heir Of)
- Martyn, Laurence (Heir Of)
- Botreaux, William, chevalier (Named Person)
- Welyngton, Henry de (Heir Of)
- Popham, Stephen, chevalier (Named Person)
- Salisbury, St Edmund's, prior [provost] of (Named Person)
- Stourton, John, junior (Named Person)
- Lusteshull, Richard de (Heirs Of)
- Lou...ll, John (Heir Of)
- Longspe, Emily de (Heir Of)
- Percy, Agnes (Heir Of)
- Holand, John, earl of Huntingdon (Named Person)
- York, Richard, duke of York (Named Person)
- Columbers, Matthew (Heir Of)
- Combe, Robert (Heir Of)
- Wodhull, John (Heir Of)
- Judde, John (Named Person)
- Geion, Geoffrey (Heir Of)
- Gourncoy, Robert (Heir Of)
- Pauncefot, Thomas (Heir Of)
- Wykebere, William (Heir Of)
- Theoma, Everard (Heir Of)
- Montefort, Patrick de (Heir Of)
- Walter son of Bernard (Heirs Of)
- Gournay, Richard de (Heirs Of)
- John son of Aucher (Named Person)
- Gomeldon, Thomas (Named Person)
- Hamme, William de (Heir Of)
- Mone, John (Named Person)
- Warner, John (Heir Of)
- Edward III, king of England (Grantor)
- Montagu, William, Lord Montagu, earl of Salisbury (Grantee)
- Montagu, William, earl of Salisbury, lord of Man (Named Person)
- Montagu, John, Lord Monthermer, earl of Salisbury (Named Person)
- Montagu, John, knight (Named Person)
- Montagu, THOMAS, count of Perche, Lord Monthermer, earl of Salisbury (Named Person)
- Rous, William (Heir Of)
- John Gilberd
- Robert Leveden
- John Bilyngdon
- Roger Mey
- John Cuttyng
- William Kyng
- John Claymond of Sutton
- Thomas ?Velkans...
- Thomas Gogyn
- William Launtebale
- John Claymond