Inquisition Head
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 4 May 1440. [Burgh].
Jurors: Thomas Trekyngey ; William Fyvyan ; William Pasty ; John Benet ; Thomas Moreys ; John Purs ; John Querne ; Thomas Taillour ; William Tanner ; John Deyre ; William Auston ; and John Wylkyns .
He held no lands or tenements of the king, or any other, in demesne as of fee, but he was seised of the office of chamberlain and usher of the Exchequer, occupied and executed by him or his deputy.n192 The late earl and all his ancestors were seised of this office in demesne as of fee and by right from time immemorial and they and their deputies had held and occupied it, taking customary wages and fees and any other profits whatsoever belonging to it. Richard, late earl , granted for him and his heirs the office to John Throkmarton , appointing John as his deputy, by deed shown to the jurors. He was to hold, occupy, and execute the office for life for Richard and his heirs, taking all customary wages etc. belonging to it. John was thus possessed of the office and occupied it for all of the late earl’s life and at the time of his death, and he still occupies it as tenant for life, with reversion to Henry, present earl of Warwick , son and heir of Richard.
He died on 30 April last. Henry his son is his next heir and on 22 March last was aged 15 years.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 7 June 1440.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 1–2
Inquisition Head
CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 27 August 1439. [Broune].
Jurors: Robert Durwell ; Robert Couper ; John Dawe ; Thomas White ; John Reshawe ; John Partrich ; John Garblesham ; William Elfham ; John Leche ; William Gosley ; John Clerk ; and Ralph Mark .
Hugh Segrave, knight , Richard de Piriton , and John Ermesthorp, clerk , were seised in demesne as of fee of the following inn, houses, shops and toft and granted them to Thomas, formerly earl of Warwick , and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas and Margaret were thus seised in demesne as of fee tail, and they had issue: Richard, late earl . Thomas and Margaret afterwards died and Richard entered the inn, houses, shops, and toft, as their son and heir. He thus held them to him and the heirs of his body. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of his estate.
He died on 30 April last. Henry, present earl of Warwick , his son and next heir, was aged 14 years on 22 March last. Eleanor, Margaret, and Elizabeth, wife of George, daughters and heirs of the countess, are respectively aged 25 years, 28 years, and 22 years and more.
[Head:] Received on 23 September 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 3–4
Inquisition Head
VILL OF CALAIS. Inquisition. Calais. 18 September 1439. [Cliderowe].
Jurors: Robert Wastell ; Richard Eccleston ; Robert Nicholl ; John Drake ; Roger Best ; Thomas Ichynden ; Robert ?Scarlett [ms worn]; Stephen Leycestre ; Walter Weyland ; William Balderston ; John Bradeley ; and Henry Dyer .
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
He died on 30 April last. Henry, present earl of Warwick , is his son and next heir and on 22 March last was aged 14 years.
[Dorse:] Response of Robert Cliderowe, mayor of Calais , is as within-written.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 5–6
Inquisition Head
SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford. 27 April 1440. [Penycok].
Jurors: Thomas Ingram ; Richard Alday ; John Redyngherrith ; John Hawkyn ; Bartholomew Smyth ; John Aleyn ; John Clerk ; John Wolby ; John Comber ; John Makauk ; John Sende ; and Ralph Pulter .
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne or service but, by a fine levied three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596], before Robert de Thorp and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, between Thomas Beauchamp , then earl of Warwick , querent , and John Bukyngham , Ralph Basset of Sapcote, Richard de Piriton , William de Salwarp , Richard de Sutton , and William Gadesby, deforciants , regarding, among other things, advowson of the church of Cranleigh, John, Ralph etc. [as above] granted it to Thomas, then earl, for life, with successive remainders to Thomas, son of the earl, and the heirs male of his body; and to others, as fully apparent in the fine shown to the jurors. Thomas, then earl, was thus seised of the advowson as of free tenement, and afterwards died. Thomas, son, was then seised as of fee tail, and he had issue: Richard, late earl , named in the writ, and died. Richard, late earl , as son and heir of Thomas son of Thomas, was thus seised of the advowson as of fee tail. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of this estate.
Date of death and heir as 263, except heir was aged 15 years.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 13 May 1440.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 7–8
Inquisition Head
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Newport Pagnell. 15 September 1439. [Wenlok].
Jurors: William Watford ; Nicholas Baker ; John Edy, junior ; John Sharp ; Thomas Edward ; Nicholas Chapell ; Henry Dycon ; John Proudfote ; William Mody ; Henry Harpcote ; Roger Curteys ; and Robert Leuenoth .
He held the manor of Quarrendon to him and the heirs male of his body by a fine levied in 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 332], before John Stonore and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, and others, between Thomas Beauchamp , then earl of Warwick , and Katherine his wife, querents, and John Melbourn and Roger Ledebury , clerks, deforciants. John and Roger granted the manor, among other things, to Thomas, then earl, and Katherine his wife, for their lives, with successive remainders to Guy, son of Thomas, earl , and the heirs male of his body; and to Thomas, brother of Guy, and the heirs male of his body. Thomas and Katherine were thus seised of the manor as of free tenement. They died, and Guy afterwards died without heir male of his body. Thomas, brother of Guy entered the manor in his remainder and was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. He had issue: Richard, late earl , and died. Richard entered the manor, as son and heir of Thomas, brother of Guy, and was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of this estate.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Received on 25 September 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 9–10
Inquisition Head
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. The king’s castle at Newcastle upon Tyne. 20 August 1439. [Fenwyke].
Jurors: Robert Musegraue ; Robert Horsley ; Gerard Mitford ; John Dent ; Nicholas Turpyn ; John Crewyk ; James Buke ; Robert Longwath ; Alexander Mitford ; William Benet ; Robert Corbet ; and Walter Boynton .
He held, among other things, the castle of Barnard Castle and the manor of Gainford to him and the heirs male of his body by virtue of a fine levied on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 334] with the king’s licence [CPR 1343–45, pp. 251–2], before John Stonore and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, between Thomas Beauchamp , then earl of Warwick , and Guy, his son, querents, and John Melbourn and Roger Ledebury , clerks, deforciants. John and Roger granted the castle and manor to Thomas, then earl, and Guy, and to the heirs male of the body of Guy, with remainder to Thomas, brother of Guy, and the heirs male of his body. Thomas, then earl, afterwards died, and Guy his son died without heir male of his body. Thomas, brother of Guy, was afterwards seised of the castle and manor in demesne as of fee tail by virtue of the fine. He had issue: Richard, late earl , and died. Richard was thus seised in demesne as of fee tail as son and heir of Thomas, brother of Guy. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of this estate.
Date of death and heir as 263
[Head:] Delivered to the king’s Chancery on 25 October.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 11–12
Inquisition Head
HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. St Albans. 2 December 1439. [Stokdale].
Jurors: Henry Sperlyng ; Nicholas Enderby ; Walter Ketewyld ; William Nowell ; Thomas Clerk ; John Somery ; John Lythyng, junior ; Thomas Saundre ; Richard Fraunceys ; Thomas More ; John Spencer ; John Rede ; and John Shyngelton .
Findings as 266 regarding the following, although there is no reference to the king’s licence, and the fine was shown to the jurors.
Date of death and heir as 263
[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 December 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 13–14
Inquisition Head
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Axbridge. 12 June 1439. [Spencer].
[Inquisition: ms galled and torn in places.]
Jurors: Hugh Malet ; William Mychell ; Richard Byccombe ; John Curtenay ; James Haryngdon ; Philip Pymme ; Richard Gosse ; Thomas Whytton ; Robert Whytton ; Nicholas Artour ; Walter Mychell ; and Hugh More .
He held no lands or tenements of demesne as of fee, but he did hold the following by curtesy as 262 Furthermore, the messuages, tofts, cottages, and fisheries that Nicholas Arthur , John Hert , Ellen Seymour , Thomas Pole , and Agnes his wife, hold for their lives, described below, should remain to Eleanor, Margaret, and Elizabeth, wife of George, kin and heirs of Thomas Berkeley, knight, late Lord Berkeley , as daughters of Elizabeth, late countess , daughter of the same Thomas. Milverton, 1/6 manor, hundred, borough, and hundred of the borough, held of the king in free burgage by homage only for all service.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Delivered to court on 9 July 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 15–16
Inquisition Head
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Andover. 11 July 1439. [Thornbury].
Jurors: John Fauconer ; William Barell ; John Croucheman ; John Morant, senior ; Thomas Fostbury ; Walter Spere ; John Adam ; John Thorn ; John Galiet ; John Cuffeley ; John Naill ; and Richard Daunce .
He held the following messuages and office to him and the heirs male of his body by virtue of a fine levied at Westminster three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596]. Continues as 264.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 17–18
Inquisition Head
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 20 July 1439. [Thornbury].
Jurors: John Gilberd ; Richard Thaccham ; William Thaccham ; John Thaccham ; William Perett ; William Gemyldon ; Walter Massenger ; William Rumsey ; Walter Bacham; Edmund Cokerell ; Robert Lokyerd ; Thomas Bayly ; Thomas Saucer ; and John Carre .
A fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 334]. Continues as 266 regarding the following.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Delivered to court on 31 July 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 17, 19
Inquisition Head
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 5 July 1439. [Isham].
[Inquisition: ms badly galled in places.]
Jurors: John Bertram ; William Harowdon ; William Ive ; Thomas Burgeis ; John Harowdon ; Richard Holwell ; John Halle ; James Walker ; John Abraham ; William W...;......; and John Russell .
By a fine levied at Westminster on the morrow of the Ascension 1339 [CP 25/1/287/40, no. 255], before John Stonore and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, between Ralph Basset of Drayton Basset , Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset of Drayton Basset , and Joan, daughter of Thomas Beauchamp , then earl of Warwick , querents , and William Herle of Herle, knight , and Thomas de Radclyue , then parson of Olney , deforciants , William and Thomas granted the manor of Long Buckby, among other things, to Ralph Basset for life, with successive remainders to Ralph son of Ralph and Joan, and the heirs of the bodies of Ralph and Joan; to the heirs male of the body of Ralph Basset ; to Ralph Stafford for life; to Richard Stafford for life; to Ralph son of Ralph Stafford , and the heirs male of his body; to Richard son of Richard, and the heirs male of his body; to Thomas Beauchamp , son of Thomas, then earl, and the heirs male of his body;n196 and to the then earl and his heirs, as fully apparent in the fine and royal licence [CPR 1338–40, pp. 213–14], shown to the jurors. Ralph Basset was thus seised of the manor as of free tenement and died seised of this estate. Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph, and Joan his wife afterwards died without heir of their bodies and, similarly, Ralph Basset died without heir male of his body. Ralph Stafford and Richard Stafford died, and Ralph, son of Ralph Stafford , and Richard son of Richard similarly died without heir male of their bodies. Thomas Beauchamp , son of Thomas, earl , then entered the manor in his remainder. He died and Richard, late earl , named in the writ, entered the manor as son and heir of Thomas. He had issue: Henry, present earl , and died seised of this estate. n197
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Delivered to court on 28 July 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 20–21
E 149/165/1 m. 3
Inquisition Head
CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 13 June 1439. [Wyse].
Jurors: John Mayowe ; John Palmer ; John Trewynt ; John Stephen ; Thomas Lannoye ; Thomas Cade ; John Walke ; William Hampme ; Robert Corke ; John Stephen, junior ; Richard Vnderdon ; and John Tredyden .
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief as of the crown in demesne or service, but he did hold the following in demesne as of fee.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Delivered to court on 9 July 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 22–23
Inquisition Head
DEVON. Inquisition. Great Torrington. 15 June 1439. [Wyse].
Jurors: William Graunt ; John Pollard ; Richard Barry ; Henry Person ; Richard Pollard ; William Blenche ; Nicholas Tyrent ; Roger Pollard ; John Bylhole ; Thomas Westcote ; Simon Loveton ; and Thomas Adam .
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 22, 24
E 149/165/1 m. 1
Inquisition Head
STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Lichfield. 4 November 1439. [Whitgreve].
Jurors: William Orme , William Kyrkeby , and Henry Fenton , of Lichfield; Robert Bryd of Ashmore Brook; Roger Stokley of Yoxall; Nicholas Chamber of Tatenhill; William Deykyn of Chorley; John Watson and John Peresson of Lichfield; John Smyth of Rugeley; Nicholas Tarleton of Lichfield; and William Wrokton of Longdon.
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Date of death and heir as 263
[Head:] Delivered to court on 1 December.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 25–26
Inquisition Head
NORFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. Shirehouse at Norwich . 5 November 1440.n206 [Tymperle].
Jurors: John Brethenham ; Walter Wetherby ; John Broun ; John Russell ; Edmund Grene ; John Puttok of Wroxham; John Portman of Wicklewood; John Keton of Catton; Edmund Risyng ; John Pyper ; John Deynes ; and John Hill.
A fine was levied at Westminster three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596]. Continues as 264 regarding the following.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 27–28
Inquisition Head
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Grandpont. 1 September 1439. [Gyffard.]
Jurors: Roger Radlegh ; William Walrond ; William Loye ; John Coke ; John ?Congreue [ms torn]; John Toursey ; Thomas Tomelyns ; John Hardyng ; Roger Burymyll ; William Gyles ; John Gyles ; and George Skydemore .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee and by right. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of this estate.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Received on 25 September 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 29–30
Inquisition Head
OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Oxford. 1 September 1439. [Gyffard].
Jurors: William Ardern ; Richard Purcell ; Richard Neuby ; John Cornwayll ; James Samwell ; John Baylowe ; Thomas Harlyngrygge ; Richard Fermoure ; John Yelbury ; John Gybons ; Thomas Haselford ; and John Balle, senior .
He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king or any other. A fine was levied at Westminster on the quindene of St John the Baptist 1425, before John Cokayn and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, and afterwards granted and recorded on the octave of Michaelmas 1425 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 44], before the same justices, between Henry, bishop of Winchester , Thomas, bishop of Durham , Philip, bishop of Worcester , John, bishop of Bath and Wells , William Babyngton , Walter Beauchamp, knight , William Mountfort, knight , John Baysham, clerk , John Verney, clerk , John Thomas, clerk , Robert Andrew , John Throkmarton , and William Wollashill, querents , and Richard, late earl of Warwick , deforciant , regarding the manor of Spelsbury, among other things. Richard, late earl , recognised the manor to be the right of John Thomas , and granted for him and his heirs that the manor, then held by Joan, Lady Bergavenny , Walter Kebbell , John Bathe, clerk , John Daundesey , John Massy , William Londman , John Brase , and John Bultus for the term of Joan’s life from the inheritance of the earl, with reversion to the earl and his heirs, should instead remain to the four bishops, William Babyngton , Walter Beauchamp , William Mountford , John Baysham , John Verney , John Thomas , Robert, John Throkmarton , and William Wollashill , and to the heirs of John Thomas . Richard, late earl , also granted that he and his heirs would guarantee the manor against all men to the four bishops etc. [as above] and the heirs of John Thomas , as fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Joan afterwards died and the four bishops etc. [as above] entered the manor and thence were seised, viz., John Thomas in demesne as of fee, and the others as of free tenement. The bishops of Durham and Worcester, Walter Beauchamp , John Baysham , and Robert Andrew afterwards died, and the bishop of Winchester , John, bishop of Bath and Wells , William, William, John Verney , John Thomas , John Throkmarton , and William Wollashill held the manor by right of survivorship and are yet seised by virtue of the fine. They took the issues in the meantime, and still take them.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 29, 31
E 149/165/1 m. 11
Inquisition Head
CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 28 January 1440. [Hay].
Jurors: Richard Stodevile ; William Martyn ; John Reynold ; Thomas Roger ; John Abbotte ; John Ingrith ; William Maste ; John Bradley ; Thomas Bussar ; John Gardiner ; Henry Gardiner ; Henry Catour ; and Walter Syntar .
A fine was levied at Westminster on the octave of Trinity 1344 [CP 25/1/287/41, no. 334]. Continues as 266 regarding the following. The fine was shown to the jurors.
Date of death and heir as 263.
[Head:] Received on 13 February 1440.
[Dorse:] Delivered to court on 12 February by the escheator.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 32–33
E 149/165/1 m. 15
Inquisition Head
RUTLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Uppingham. 5 November 1439. [Iseham].
Jurors: John Ward ; Richard Colson ; William Stok ; Thomas Luffenham ; Robert Symkynson ; John Skerhare ; Thomas Caster ; Thomas Hunt ; Henry Breton ; Thomas Parmentere ; Robert Wymark ; and Henry Payn .
He held the hundred of Wrangdike, among other things, to him and the heirs male of his body by virtue of a fine levied in 1344 [CP 25/1/192/6, no. 36], before John Stonore and his associates, king’s justices, between Thomas Beauchamp , then earl of Warwick , querent , and John Melbourn and Roger Ledebury, deforciants . John and Roger granted it to Thomas, then earl, for life, with successive remainders to Reinbrun, son of Thomas, for life; to Guy, brother of Reinbrun, and the heirs male of his body; to Thomas, brother of Guy, and the heirs male of his body; and to others, as fully apparent in the fine, shown to the jurors. Thomas, then earl, was thus seised of the hundred as of free tenement. He died, and Reinbrun similarly died. Guy died without heir male of his body, and Thomas, brother of Guy, was then seised of the hundred as of fee tail by virtue of the fine. He had issue: Richard, late earl , and died. Richard, as son and heir of Thomas, brother of Guy, was then seised of the hundred as of fee tail. He had issue: Henry, present earl of Warwick , and died seised of this estate.
Date of death and heir as 263.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 3 December.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 34–35
Inquisition Head
ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Barking. 30 November 1439. [Stokdale].
Jurors: William Cole ; Thomas Heyward ; Robert Baldewyn ; Thomas Knotte ; John Chirche ; William Clerk ; William Heryngman ; Edmund Shipman ; John Ederiche ; John Lucas ; John Hauelok, junior ;n213 Robert Saman ; William Bevyngton ; John Pynder ;n214 and John Clerk of West Ham.
A fine was levied at Westminster three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596]. Continues as 264 regarding the following.
Date of death and heir as 263.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 12 December 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 36–37
Inquisition Head
HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 4 November 1439. [Delabere].
Jurors: Walter Wagham ; Miles Water, senior ; John de Eye ; Thomas Brugge of Ley; Hugh Brugge of Ivington; Thomas Monyngton ; Walter Monyngton ; Walter Bradford ; John Bradford ; John Patsale ; Thomas Johnson ; and William Deueros .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Date of death and heir as 263.
[Foot:] Examined.
TNA reference
C 39/94/54 mm. 38–39
Inquisition Head
LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Leicester. 4 November 1439. [Danet].
Jurors: Thomas Gyssynge ; John Crakke ; William del Hill ; John London ; Giles Norton ; John Hawkyn ; Thomas Broune ; John Gegg ; John Billesden ; John Tilton ; William Brounknaffe ; and John Aleyn .
He held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king or any other. A fine was levied at Westminster on the quindene of St John the Baptist 1425, before John Cokayn and his associates, king’s justices of the Bench, and afterwards granted and recorded on the octave of Michaelmas 1425 [CP 25/1/291/65, no. 44]. Continues as 271 regarding the following. n216
Date of death and heir as 263.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 10 December 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 40–41
Inquisition Head
WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Warwick. 4 November 1439. [Danet].
Jurors: Roger Clerk ; Thomas Herthill ; Thomas Temple ; William Hopkyns ; John Walford ; John Boveton ; Thomas Mason and Thomas Smyth of Rowington; Simon Glasyer ; John Cokkes ; William Martyn ; and John Compton .
He held the following in demesne as of fee. Warwick,
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 40, 42–44
E 149/165/1 m. 15
[The inquisition consists of 3 membranes, now separate but previously sewn together.]
Inquisition Head
WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Pershore. 29 August 1439. [ Verney ].
[Inquisition: ms in extremely poor condition.]
Jurors: John Spechesley ; Richard Bewch... ; Thomas Kyngton ; John Aston ; William Cosnet ; John Toky ; John Walssh ; Richard Farnewell ; Robert Staneway ; John Ruyhale ; William Qwynt ; and John Monselowe .
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 45–46
Inquisition Head
VILL OF BRISTOL. Inquisition. Bristol. 15 June 1439. [Withiford].
Jurors: John Castelman ; John ?Beket [ms dirty and worn]; Richard Hurste ; John Bonce ; John Stephenes , ‘wolman’; Thomas Markes ; John Gussche ; Thomas Castelman ; Peter Ledbury ; John Vsscher ; Stephen Cryse ; and William Worcestre .
He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king or any other, but he held the following by curtesy as 262.
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Delivered to court on 8 July 1439.
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 m. 47
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 10 September 1439. [Moreyn].
Jurors: John Cassy , Henry Clyfford , Robert Mattesdon , Baldwin Rous , William Somervyle , Thomas Sloughtre , John Solers , esquires; John Walton , John Hampton , Thomas Anford [each described as] ‘gentilman’; Henry Dene ; and John Lymeryk .
He held to him and the heirs male of his body the manors of Wickwar, Chedworth, Lydney, and advowson of the church of Notgrove, among other things, by virtue of a fine levied at Westminster three weeks from Michaelmas 1361 [CP 25/1/288/46, no. 596]. Continues as 264
Date of death and heirs as 262
[Head:] Examined by John Louthe, clerk .
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 m. 48 [writ]
E 149/165/1 m. 8 [inquisition]
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Cirencester. 3 November 1440. [Rokes].
Jurors: William Eode ; William Aston ; John Venne ; William Hert ; Robert Clive ; John Halle of Northleach; John Notelyn ; John Gyleworth ; Richard Redehed ; John Fifide ; John Rook ; and William Wythebrugge .
He held more lands and tenements, as follows, than specified in the inquisition taken after his death and returned to Chancery [286].
TNA reference
C 139/94/54 mm. 49–50
E 149/165/1 m. 17
[The inquisition consists of 2 membranes, now separate but previously sewn together.]
TNA reference
E 149/165/1 m. 22
TNA reference
E 149/165/1 m. 4
TNA reference
E 149/165/1 m. 9
TNA reference
E 149/165/1 m. 13
TNA reference
E 149/165/1 m. 18
Holding Item | Value | Quantity | Total | |
Redcliffe Street, Temple Street, Tucker Street , St Thomas Street | ||||
rent | 11s. 2d. | 11s. 2d. (=134d.) | ||
Total: 17s. 5d. (=209d.) | ||||
Redcliffe Street, Temple Street, Tucker Street , St Thomas Street | ||||
rent | 6s. 3d. | 6s. 3d. (=75d.) | ||
Total: 17s. 5d. (=209d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Wrington Lane | ||||
rent | 2s. | 2s. (=24d.) | ||
Total: 2s. (=24d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 5d. | 5d. (=5d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 3s. | 3s. (=36d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 2s. 7d. | 2s. 7d. (=31d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 5d. | 5d. (=5d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 2s. | 2s. (=24d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | - | |||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 1 (1 x rent) | - | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 1 3/4d. | 1.75d. (=1.75d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 4d. | 4d. (=4d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 5d. | 5d. (=5d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 5d. | 5d. (=5d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 9d. | 9d. (=9d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 9s. | 9s. (=108d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 3d. | 3d. (=3d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 2d. | 2d. (=2d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Redcliffe Street | ||||
rent | 4d. | 4d. (=4d.) | ||
Total: 2s. 3d. (=27d.) | ||||
Redcliffe Street | ||||
rent | 17d. | 1s. 5d. (=17d.) | ||
Total: 2s. 3d. (=27d.) | ||||
St Thomas Street | ||||
rent | 3d. | 3d. (=3d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
St Thomas Street | ||||
rent | 3d. | 3d. (=3d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
Temple Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 16s. 1d. (=193d.) | ||||
St Thomas Street, Redcliffe Street | ||||
rent | 2s. | 2s. (=24d.) | ||
Total: 2s. (=24d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 3d. | 3d. (=3d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Tucker Street | ||||
rent | 4d. | 4d. (=4d.) | ||
Total: 7s. 4.75d. (=88.75d.) | ||||
Redcliffe Street | ||||
rent | 6d. | 6d. (=6d.) | ||
Total: 2s. 3d. (=27d.) | ||||
Redcliffe Street | ||||
- | ||||
Total: 2s. 3d. (=27d.) | ||||
Bristol | ||||
rent | 64s. 11 1/2d. | £3 4s. 11.5d. (=779.5d.) | ||
Total: £3 4s. 11.5d. (=779.5d.) |
No holding extent information available.
- Withiford(Escheator)
- John Castelman
- John ?Beket
- Richard Hurste
- John Bonce
- John Stephenes
- Thomas Markes
- John Gussche
- Thomas Castelman
- Peter Ledbury
- John Vsscher
- Stephen Cryse
- William Worcestre