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Writ Head

140 Writ de etate probanda . ‡ 10 March 1428. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding his inheritance as brother of John son of Henry de Barewe who held of ‪ Henry IV in chief. John died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV . The lands and tenements are in the custody of John Brocard by commission of ‪ Henry IV [CPR 1408–1413, p. 89]. Inform him of the forthcoming proof of age.

[Dorse:] John was informed by John Hunte , Robert Bron , John Kyngeyn , and Thomas Smert .

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Proof of age. Hereford 12 May 1428. [Hay].

Bartholomew Dansey of Madley, 51 and more, swears that Thomas was aged 21 and more on 30 November last. He was born at Little Dewchurch and baptised in the church of St David there on 30 November 1406. His godfathers were Thomas de la Hay of Arkstone and Philip Skydemore of Holampton , and his godmother was Maud wife of John Dewall of Much or Little Dewchurch (Dewechirche). He saw Henry, prince of Wales , first-born of ‪ Henry IV , ride with a great army through Little Dewchurch. The prince was on his way from Hereford to Monmouth, and on 30 November last, 21 years had passed since then. Edmund Gomond of Byford, 50 and more, was betrothed to Agnes his first wife, before John Oldecastell, knight , and he married her at Byford on the Sunday following. Thomas Werham of Hereford, 50 and more, says that John his first-born son was born and baptised on the same day in the church of St John the Baptist at Hereford. His godfathers were John Stanwey, clerk , and John Dewall , and his godmother was Isabel wife of John Falke . John Birches of Kivernoll, 50 and more, performed homage to James le Boteler, earl of Ormond, for lands and tenements in Kivernoll within the lordship of Kilpeck. John Apny of Much or Little Dewchurch (Dewichirche), 56 and more, purchased a messuage and 40 a. arable in Kivernoll from Richard Aburhale for 20 marks, payable on the Easter following. John Perle of Dewsall, 48 and more, went to ‘Haywode’ to see the timber. He bought twenty cut oaks for a new hall where he now lives. Richard Lowelyn, keeper of the wood, told him about Thomas’s baptism. Thomas More of Pengethley, 57 and more, took the manor of Newlond in Archenfield to farm for 12 years by counsel of the earl of Somerset . He held the manor of the same. John Brugge of Ross, 50 and more, says that Juliana his daughter, aged 10 years, was buried in the church of Ross and Sibyl his wife was unwell for a long time because of this. Richard Coces of Ross, 56 and more, bought 40 oxen from Richard Aburhale for £40. Twenty pounds was payable at the Candlemas following and £20 at the Easter then following. Philip Yorward , 50 and more, apprenticed his son, Henry, junior , with Walter Mibbe in the drapers’ guild for 8 years. Robert Asshe , 56 and more, says that John ap Hovell set fire to one of Robert’s buildings in Little Dewchurch. John was staying in the same building. Griffin Kylbrest , 50 and more, was retained by John Skydemore, knight , as keeper of Kentchurch park for 4 years, taking 40s. yearly along with two gowns as livery.

TNA reference

C 139/36/75 mm.1–2



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