Full text


Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 31 July 1423. [Caldecote]


Jurors: John Knyghte ; Robert Dertlote ; Richard Parson ; John Hoppe ; John Waryn ; Thomas Clerk ; Henry Mapel ; John Cooke ; John Hawkyn ; John Cadman ; William Custance ; and John Lamasse .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or by service. Edmund Cheyne, knight , was seised of the manor of Long Stanton, among other manors, advowsons, lands and tenements in other counties, in his demesne as of fee. By a charter, with his close warrant, sealed with his seal of arms and dated at Poyntington, 4 June 1374, shown to the jurors, he granted all the above to Ralph Cheyne his brother, William Pekwell, parson of the church of Trent, John Cokk, parson of the church of Bridport, and Henry, parson of the church of Poyntington, and their heirs and assigns, to hold of the chief lords of these fees by the customary rents and services. The feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. By their charter they regranted all the above to Edmund and Katherine his wife and the heirs of his body, to hold as above, remainder of the manor of Long Stanton to Margaret Heton , Katherine’s daughter, for life, reversion to Ralph Cheyne, knight , his heirs and assigns. Afterwards, Margaret died and Edmund died without heirs long before the death of Katherine named in the writ. Katherine held the manor for life, lately jointly enfeoffed with Edmund her late husband. Right of reversion was to Edmund Cheyne , now in the king’s wardship, as kinsman and heir of Ralph Cheyne, knight , being the son of William Cheyne, knight , son of this Ralph Cheyne, knight , brother of Edmund.

Long Stanton. The manor is held of the earl of Westmorland of the honour of Richmond by 3s. 8d. yearly, and 5 a. land in the field of Oakington, part of the manor, are held of the abbot of Crowland by 3s. 8d. yearly. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 1 a. meadow, worth 12d. yearly; and 12 villein tenants who together pay £4 in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas.
She held in dower
1/3 manor called ‘Cheynes place’ in Steeple Morden by endowment of Edmund Cheyne, knight , her former husband. In the manor there are the capital messuage with 2 a. garden, worth 3s. yearly; a run-down water-mill, worth nothing yearly; 260 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 3 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and various free tenants together paying £7 4s. 4d. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. Annual value of the 1/3 manor therefore £4. The 1/3 and 2/3 are held of the king of the honour of Boulogne by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.

Thomas Kingeston and William Harrewode, clerk , by virtue of letters patent [CPR 1422–9, p.96], have taken all issues from the manor of Long Stanton and 1/3 manor of Steeple Morden since her death and still do so.

She died on 1 December last. John Latymer is her kinsman and next heir, as son of Margaret Heton , her daughter, and is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/2/29 mm.1–2

E 149/128/4 m.1

Writ Head

64 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 2 May 1424. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding the age of Edmund Cheyne , son of William Cheyne , in the king’s wardship, and the identity of the heir of Edmund Cheyne , her former husband, not specified in the above inquisition.

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Newmarket. 6 May 1424. [Parys]


Jurors: John Sibylle ; Geoffrey Bocher ; John Cook ; John Aston ; Robert Horn ; John Cristemasse ; John Leche ; John Grygge ; John Asselyn ; Robert Cook ; Richard Wregge ; and John Perkyn .


Edmund Cheyne , son of William Cheyne , was aged 21 years on 21 March 1423. He is the kinsman and next heir of Edmund Cheyne , her former husband, being the son of William Cheyne , son of Ralph Cheyne , brother of Edmund.

TNA reference

C 139/2/29 mm.3 –4

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 19 January 1423. [Copleston]


Jurors: Richard Holand ; Nicholas Radewey ; Roger Treymayle ; John Knolle ; John Newman ; John Crosse ; John Duke ; Stephen Fracke ; John Ayssh ; Richard Seyntclere ; John Latche ; and John Jermyn .


She held no lands or tenements of the king [in chief], in demesne or by service. Edmund Cheyne , her former husband, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the following, among other manors, advowsons, lands and tenements in other counties, granted and regranted as in 63, except that reversion after the deaths of Edmund and Katherine was to Ralph Cheyne, knight , his heirs and assigns. Edmund died without heirs. Right to the reversion to Edmund Cheyne as in 63. He was aged 21 years on 11 June last.

Rawridge, the manor and advowson of the chapel, held of the canons of the College of Ottery St Mary in socage by 1lb. of wax rent yearly. n65_001 In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 200 a. hill pasture (pastura montana), each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. substantial wood (boscus magnus), its pasture worth nothing yearly after maintenance of the wood’s enclosures; and 24 tenements, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly, and 14 cottages, each worth 20d. yearly.
Upottery, the manor, held of Edward de la Pomeray of his manor of Berry Pomeroy in free socage by 6d. rent yearly.n65_002 In the manor there are the capital messuage with garden, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 100 a. hill pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. substantial wood, its pasture worth nothing yearly after maintenance of the wood’s enclosures; and 6 tenements, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly, and 6 cottages, each worth 20d. yearly.
Fair Oak, the manor, held of the earl of March of his manor of Raddonn065_001, service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 200 a. hill pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 12 a. underwood, each acre worth 12d. yearly.
Birch, 4 messuages, worth 20s. yearly, 100 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly, and 10 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after enclosure costs, held of the prior of Goldcliff , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 63.

TNA reference

C 139/2/29 mm.5–6

E 149/128/4 m.2

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 22 July 1423. [Carent]


Jurors: John Downton ; John Lyneden ; William Knap... [ms torn] ; John Dare ; John Milburn ; Richard Waite ; John Forster ; Thomas Drapere ; John Eston ; John Dauy ; William Puriton ; and Robert Anketill .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in demesne or by service.

Date of death and heir as in 63.

TNA reference

C 139/2/29 mm.7–8

Writ Head

67 [Writ: see 66 .]

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Milverton. 14 August 1423. [Carrant]


Jurors: Nicholas Walrond ; Robert Stanlynche ; Richard Rede ; John Richers ; John Northdon ; John Touker ; John Isbeare ; William North ; Roger Thoder ; Robert Bruwer ; Richard Berdon ; and Richard Powton .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or by service. Edmund Cheyne , her former husband, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Poyntington with the advowson of its church, among manors, advowsons, lands and tenements in other counties. These were granted and regranted as in 63, except that reversion after the deaths of Edmund and Katherine was to Ralph Cheyne, knight , his heirs and assigns, and the feoffees’ charter is here dated at Poyntington, 22 June 1374. Right to the reversion to Edmund Cheyne , aged 21 years, as in 63.

The manor of Poyntington with advowson is held of Hugh Luttrell, knight , service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 2s. yearly; a grist-mill, worth 5s. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 3 a. wood, its pasture worth nothing yearly after maintenance of its enclosures; 200 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and £6 13s. 4d. assize rents from free and villein tenants at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 62.

TNA reference

C 139/2/29 mm.7, 9



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Downton
  • John Lyneden
  • William Knap... [ms torn]
  • John Dare
  • John Milburn
  • Richard Waite
  • John Forster
  • Thomas Drapere
  • John Eston
  • John Dauy
  • William Puriton
  • Robert Anketill


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