Full text


Writ Head

323 Writ 27 Jan. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Andover. 24 Feb. [Persons].


Jurors: Thomas Bryghampton ; Peter Fugge ; Thomas Tylte ; Robert Lylie ; John Robys ‘Boucher’; John atte Hegge ; John Seynour ; John Coupere ; Thomas Blakesmyth ; Walter Thorne ; Adam atte Grove ; and John Newe .


He held a moiety of the manor of Tangley in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief for 1/4 knight's fee,
and the manor of Niton in the Isle of Wight of another than the king, in fee tail to him and his heirs by his late wife Margery.

He died on 9 Jan. last. John Keynes , his son and next heir, is aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/42/69 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

324 Writ ‡ 28 January 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset.

Inquisition Head

Somerset. Inquisition. Ilminster. 29 Feb. [Welyngton].


Jurors: John Gilden ; William Malfell ; John Roller ; William Trote ; John Rocke ; Nicholas Knobbe ; William Presford ; John Huwet ; Thomas Hunt ; William Courteys ; Thomas Bodyn ; and John Leigh of Allowenshay .


He held the manors and advowsons of Dowlish Wake and West Dowlish to himself and the heirs of his body by the grant of Walter de Souraye to John Keynes , his wife Isabel and the heirs of their bodies. They held in their demesne as of fee and had issue Thomas, the father of John Keynes , father of John Keynes , who survives, as son and heir of John son of Thomas. The manors are held of the king of the honor of Trowbridge, part of the duchy of Lancaster, by knight service.

In Dowlish Wake are: £8 assize rents from various tenements at the four terms by various tenants; in the manor of Dowlish Wake 20 messuages, 12 cottages, 10 tofts, annual value nil, 2 gardens, annual value nil, a corn-mill, 6s. 8d., a dovecot, nil, 300 a. arable, 40s., 10 a. meadow, 10s., 400 a. pasture and moor, 13s. 4d., 100 a. mature wood, 3s. 4d., and the advowson, nil.
In West Dowlish: 73s. 4d. assize rents at the four terms, 10 messuages, 6 cottages, 4 tofts, 2 gardens, nil, a corn-mill, 3s. 4d., 100 a. arable, 20s., 10 a. meadow, 8s., 100 a. pasture and moor, 6s. 8d., 100 a. mature wood, 3s. 4d.
He also held in his demesne as of fee 1 a. in Compton Martin in `la Overcourtclos', held of the earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 6d.,
with the advowson, annual value nil,
at alternate presentations by the grant of John Benyn and William Roucetre on 8 Jan. 1407. He held in his demesne as of fee the remainder of the manor of Compton Martin with the advowson at alternate presentations, being entitled to the second and fourth turns, by grant of Hugh Sutton and Richard Walbrond on 8 Jan. 1407. Richard Michell and his wife Agnes and the heirs of Richard were seised with remainder to John Keynes named in the writ as appears in the charter.
The remainder of the manor of Compton Martin, annual value 100s.,
and the advowson, annual value nil,
are held of the earl of Huntingdon , service unknown. Annual value of the reversion, nil..
He also held in his demesnse as of fee the remainder of a messuage, 50 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, and 4 a. pasture in the parish of Kingstone called `Wychell' by grant of William Torperley, clerk , by a charter dated at Dowlish Wake 5 Feb. 1414, i.e. in the said parish between West Dowlish and Dowlish Wake and in the south part of `Wychell' and between 'le Hedestok' and Kingstone on Dowlish down on either side of the way there called `Wychellespecys' in the parish of Kingstone, which Thomas Brokhampton , deceased, and his wife Christine, who survives, held for life, remainder to William Keynes , son of John Keynes , and his heirs, remainder to John Keynes named in the writ. The messuage, etc., are held of William Hankeford, knight , John Hals , Henry Foleford , John Stourton of Preston, Robert Veel , John Brewer, clerk , Ralph Eustas, clerk , Robert Spret, clerk , and William Mirydene of the manor of Cudworth , service unknown, annual value of the manor 40s., the reversion nil.
By a fine levied quin. East. and afterwards oct. Mich. 1419 [CP 25/1/201/35, no. 39] between John Keynes, senior , quer., and William, etc., def., concerning the manor of Cudworth, 20 messuages, 6 carucates, 20 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Cudworth, `Wertelybenersshe', Allowenshay, Dinnington, `Crymelsford', Ludney, `Walterescombe', Craft and Hinton St. George , John acknowledged the manor and lands to be the right of William, etc.,as those which they had of his gift, and remitted and quitclaimed them to William, etc., and the heirs of John Bruer for ever.

Date of death and heir as in 323.

TNA reference

C 138/42/69 mm. 3-4

E 149/116/3 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the writ has been corrected, and a previously illegible passage inserted.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition. Milton Abbas. 11 March. [Welyngton].


Jurors: Hugh Ponchardon ; Ralph Belton ; William Keggeworth ; John Henystrygge ; Roger Veele ; Richard Porter ; John Kynge ; Thomas Palyngton ; Robert Frye ; John Frye ; Richard Sewyn ; and Walter Poperay .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the reversion of the manors of Stoke Wake and Hill and of various lands, tenements, reversions, rents and services in Stoke Wake, Pulham and Hill, having granted them by his indented charter, sealed with an armorial seal and dated 20 Dec. 1419, shown to the jurors, to Robert Hulle, senior , John Hals , John Stourton of Preston, Henry Foleford , Robert Veel and his son Nicholas Keynes for life. The grantees all survive.

The manor of Stoke Wake is held of the abbess of Shaftesbury in right of her church of Shaftesbury , annual value £20.
The manors of Pulham and Hill are held of Thomas Colyn , service unknown, annual value 100s.
He also held in his demesne as of fee the reversion of the manor of Caundle Wake, having granted it by his indented charter, sealed with an armorial seal and dated at Caundle Wake 5 Aug. 1418, shown to the jurors, to his son Nicholas Keynes and Nicholas's wife Maud, daughter of John Molyns of South Petherton, and the heirs male of Nicholas's body. Nicholas and Maud survive.
The manor of Caundle Wake is held of the prior of Woodspring , service unknown, annual value £8.

Date of death and heir as in 323.

TNA reference

C 138/42/69 mm. 3, 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Writ Head

326 Writ ‡ 28 Jan. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Cornwall. Inquisition. S... 26 Feb. [Foleford].


Jurors: Richard Pendon ; Thomas Trevysak ; John Trevysak ; Ranulph Langeford ; Roger atter Leye ; Thomas Gerveys ; Nicholas Langeford ; William Donecomb ; William Northdon ; Richard Mayowe ; John Th..re..on (?Thoredon); and John Southwestecote .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of 8 messuages, 2 tofts, 2 carucates, and 64 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 30 a. wood, 10s. rent and 1/2 of 3 tofts, 51 a. arable, 5 a. meadow and 60 a. pasture in `Westspray', Hele, `Loterygge', Tackbear, Stratton, Efford, `Stonlond by the Strond', Collaton, Pinchla, Kitleigh, Marsland, Crabbe, Burracot, Penhallym, Cardinham, Week St. Mary, Bradridge and Binamy. According to a fine levied quin. Trin. and afterwards in oct. Mich. 1415 [CP 25/1/34/35, no. 11] between Henry Foleford and his wife Willelma, quer., and John Keynes and his wife Joan, def., Henry acknowledged the lands to be the right of John as those which John and Joan had by his grant, for which John and Joan granted them to Henry and Willelma, who rendered them to John and Joan, to hold to Henry and Willelma and their heirs of John and Joan and the heirs of John by service of 1/6 knight's fee, rendering to John and Joan 8 silver marks, i.e. 2 marks at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 2 marks at Michaelmas, 2 marks at Christmas and 2 marks at Easter for all services. If Henry dies without heirs by Willelma, the lands to remain to Willelma's heirs, and failing her heirs to John and Joan and the heirs of John. By virtue of the fine Henry still holds and the fine has been shown to the jurors in evidence. Joan died and after her death John Keynes by his writing shown in evidence and dated 24 July 1416 granted that Henry and Willelma should hold all the lands mentioned in the fine of John and his heirs, paying 5 marks at the terms mentioned above, and that after Henry's death, Willelma and Henry's heirs by Willelma should render to John the full 8 marks. Willelma died and John by another writing dated 1 Jan. 1417, also shown in evidence, granted to Henry and his heirs by Willelma all the lands in `Westspray', Hele and `Loterygge' formerly called `Loteryggewode' in free socage, paying 27s. 8d. yearly at the terms mentioned above and 6s. as a relief. By another writing dated 3 April 1418 John granted to his son Nicholas Keynes , Thomas Pyllond and John Bruer, parson of Dowlish Wake , the rents and services of Henry and his heirs and the reversion in all the said tenements, rents and services, to have and to hold for the life of the said John Keynes named in the writ, remainder after his death to Edmund, son of the same John, and the heirs male begotten of his body forever, in default of such issue to the said John Keynes and his heirs forever. By his indented writing dated 20 Aug 1418, shown to the jurors in evidence, Henry attorned to Nicholas Keynes , Thomas Pyllond and John Bruer , who were seised of the rents and services by Henry Foleford and continued so during the whole life of John Keynes. Edmund still lives. John Keynes named in writ died seised of the reversion, annual value nil until it falls in. And on the day he died the tenements, rents and services were held by Henry Foleford of Nicholas Keynes , Thomas Pyllond and John Bruer , service unknown, annual value beyond the 5 marks reserved to John Keynes, 40s.

Date of death and heir as in 323.

TNA reference

C 138/42/69 mm. 6-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it, including changing the forename of Henry Foleford's wife from William to Willelma.

Inquisition Head

Devon. Inquisition. Exeter. 5 March 1420. [Foleford].


Jurors: Richard Holand ; John Holand ; Nicholas Speccote ; Robert Salle ; John Spenser ; Gilbert Bisshop ; William Michell ; Henry Merwode ; John Mayour ; Thomas Brusshford ; John Clerk ; and William ?Raysshlegh .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Winkleigh and the hundred belonging to it of the heirs of Lord le Despenser by knight service. There are there ?60s. rents of assize paid at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas, 23 messuages and 12 cottages, annual value nil, 200 a. arable, annual value ?2 marks, 20 a. meadow, annual value 2 marks, 20 a. pasture and moor, annual value 2 marks, ?a mill, annual value 2 marks, 200 a. mature wood (bosci grossi) worth 2s. 6d. Annual value of the hundred with its profits 20s., and of the rest of the manor nil.
He held in his demesne as of fee a messuage in Exeter … in socage, annual value 6s. 8d.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee of a messuage and a carucate in `Thorry' in Hartland , and by his charter, shown to the jurors, dated 12 March 1397 he granted them, as all his lands and tenements in `Thorry' in Hartland, to his son John Keynes , still living, and his then wife Margery, now deceased, and the heirs of their bodies, reversion to himself and his heirs. John the son is still seised and John senior died seised of the reversion, held of John Dynham, knight , in free socage for 6d. and 1 lb pepper yearly at Michaelmas, annual value of the reversion nil until it falls in, of all the issues 30s.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee of a carucate, 10 a. meadow and 40 a. pasture in Warrington and by his charter dated 8 July 1418, shown to the jurors, he granted them, by the name of all his lands in Warrington, Ivedon and `Wolwey' near Honiton, to John Widecomb and Nicholas Abell, clerk , who afterwards by a fine dated 22 Aug 1418,n327_001 shown to the jurors, granted them, by the name of all their lands in Warrington, to John Brewere, clerk , and Robert Veel for the life of John Keynes, senior , remainder to his son Nicholas Keynes and Maud his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, remainder to the right heirs of John senior. Brewere and Veel are still seised and John senior died seised in service and not in demesne of the remainder, held of the king as of his manor of Bradninch, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, annual value of the remainder nil until it falls in, of all the issues 40s.
He and Joan his wife were seised in their demesne as of fee of 2 messuages, 2 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 200 a. moor, and a moiety of 6 a. wood in Black Torrington and Halwill called Whiteleigh and ‘Radefernlond’, and by a fine levied between Henry Foleford and his wife Willmine (Willelma) and John Keynes senior and his wife Joan, shown to the jurors, granted them to Henry and Willmine Foleford for 2 years for a rose at Midsummer yearly, remainder [sic] to Nicholas Keynes and William Keynes for the same rent for the life of John Keynes senior, in the fine named John Keynes of Winkleigh, remainder [sic] to Edmund Keynes , son of John Keynes senior, and the heirs male of his body, to hold of John senior and Joan and the right heirs of John senior. Henry and Willelma were seised for two years, and then Nicholas and William were seised. Edmund still lives. Joan died seised, and John Keynes senior died seised of the fee and the reversion, annual value of the reversion nil until it falls in.
Of the tenements comprised in the fine he held, in service and not in demesne, 2 messuages, 1½ carucates, 140 a. pasture, 140 a. moor and the moiety of 6 a. wood in Black Torrington called Whiteleigh of Amaury Fitz Waryn , service unknown, annual value 30s, and the residue in Halwill called ‘Radefernlond’, of Robert Cary , service unknown, annual value 10s.
The manor of Loxbeare was held of him by John Auenell by knight service, annual value nil except when the tenant dies. He held it in service of John Cambon senior , service unknown. He held the following for his life by the law of England of his wife Joan’s inheritance by reason of their children:
The manor of Lashbrook of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , as of his honour of Okehampton (in the king’s hand by reason of the death of his father Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon ) by knight service. There are there 100s. rents of assize paid by divers tenants at the same four quarter days, 10 messuages and 10 cottages, annual value nil, 100 a. arable, annual value 20s., 20 a. meadow, annual value 20s., 100 a. pasture and moor, annual value 13s. 4d. Annual value of the residue of the manor, nil.
2 messuages, a carucate and 100 a. pasture in West Flares within the manor of Lashbrook of Hugh, earl of Devon , as of his honour of Okehampton, by knight service, annual values: the messuages nil, 40a. the carucate 16s. 4d., the pasture 5s. 8d., and the residue of the carucate nil.
A messuage and a ferling in Buckpitt and ½ a. arable called ‘Nomanslond’, parcel thereof, of Amaury Fitz Waryn , service unknown, annual values: the messuage nil, 30 a. arable of the ferling 6s. 6d., the ½ a. 6d., and the residue of the ferling nil.
A moiety of a ferling in Coryford of Richard Foghler , service unknown, annual values: 12 a. arable and 2 a. meadow contained in the moiety of the ferling 6s. 4d., the residue of the moiety nil.
A messuage and 16 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 20 a. pasture and moor in Bridgerule of the heir[s] of Thomas Asseton , service unknown, annual value 10s.
A messuage and 2 ferlings in Smythencote of the heir[s] of Ralph Lapflode , service unknown, annual values: the messuage nil, 60 a. arable, meadow, pasture and moor contained in the 2 ferlings 10s., the residue of the ferlings nil.
The hundred of Black Torrington (of which Joan’s ancestors have been seised since time immemorial) of Amaury Fitz Waryn in socage for 13s. 4d. paid on the same four quarter days, annual value 40s.
A messuage and a carucate in Bridgerule were held of him by Richard Foghler for 4s. paid on the same four quarter days. He held the rent in service of the heir[s] of Thomas Asseton , service unknown.
A messuage and a carucate in Northcote were held of him by John White for 10s. paid on the same four quarter days. He held the rent in service of Amaury Fitz Waryn , service unknown.
A messuage in Black Torrington was held of him by William Snowe for 12d. paid on the same four quarter days. He held the rent in service of Amaury Fitz Waryn , service unknown.
The manors of Alwington and Portledge and the advowson of Alwington were held of him by the heir of John Denyes of Gidcote by knight service, annual value nil except on the tenant’s death. He held them in service of John Wybbury as of his manor of Northleigh , service unknown.
A messuage and 2 ferlings in Coham were held of him by John Chobham for 10s. paid on the same four quarter days. He held them in service of Amaury Fitz Waryn , service unknown.
A messuage and a ferling in Clawton of Humphrey Courtenay as of his manor of Clawton, service unknown, annual values: the messuage nil, 30 a. arable, meadow, pasture and moor contained in the ferling 10s., the residue of the ferling nil.

[Date of death illegible.] Heir as in 323.

[Exchequer copy, in margin next to Warrington and Loxbeare:] Nil at the account.

TNA reference

C 138/42/69 mm. 6, 8

E 149/116/3 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is almost entirely new, replacing the brief six-line text in the print edition of CIPM XXI. Henry Foleford's wife's forename is rendered as Willelma, not William.

n327_001^: Devon R.O., Z1/4/1-7.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Thorry, Thorry
Total: -
Total: -
Whiteleigh, Radefernlond
Total: -
Total: -
West Flares, Lashbrook
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Black Torrington
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Black Torrington
Total: -
Alwington, Portledge, Alwington, Northleigh
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -



  • Foleford(Escheator)


  • Richard Holand
  • John Holand
  • Nicholas Speccote
  • Robert Salle
  • John Spenser
  • Gilbert Bisshop
  • William Michell
  • Henry Merwode
  • John Mayour
  • Thomas Brusshford
  • John Clerk
  • William ?Raysshlegh


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