Inquisition Head
WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Solihull. 1 June 1434. [Porter].
Jurors: Thomas Grene and Thomas Hawe , of Solihull; John Dolfyn of Tanworth; John Waryng ; John Birches and William Barry , of Solihull; John Shawe of Olton; Richard Middelmore ; Richard Shawe ; William Smyth of Solihull; Walter Bromwyth ; and Henry Rolves .
She held in fee and right
She died on 12 April last without heir of her body. Margaret, duchess of Clarence, aged 50 years and more, is her sister and one of her next heirs, the other next heirs being her following kin: Alice, wife of Richard Neuille, earl of Salisbury , daughter of Eleanor junior , second sister of Joan, aged 26 years and more; Ralph Neuille, earl of Westmorland , son of Elizabeth, third sister of Joan, aged 26 years and more; Richard, duke of York , son of Anne, daughter of Eleanor senior , fourth sister of Joan, aged 24 years and more; Joyce, wife of John de Typtoft, knight , and daughter of the same Eleanor, aged 28 years and more; and Henry Gray , son of Joan, lately wife of John de Gray, knight , and daughter of the same Eleanor, aged 16 years and more.
[Foot:] this was delivered to court on 17 June.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.1–2
Inquisition Head
HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. Huntingdon. 30 May 1434. [Ormesby].
Jurors: John Jurdan ; John Bygge ; John Waryngton ; William Bigge ; William Smyth of Upton; John Swan ; John Ballard ; John Colyer ; Robert Gailler ; William Halyday ; William Webster ; and Roger Boteller .
She held
Date of death and heirs as in 245. Heirs given as follows – Margaret, duchess of Clarence , Richard, duke of York , Joyce, wife of John Typtoft, knight , Henry Grey in the king’s wardship, Alice, wife of Richard, earl of Salisbury , and Ralph, earl of Westmorland , – and her sisters given as follows – Eleanor first, Eleanor junior , third, and Elizabeth fourth.
[Foot:] this was delivered to court on 18 June.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.3–4
Inquisition Head
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Amesbury. 24 May 1434. [Berwe].
Jurors: John Combe ; Thomas Sawecer ; Thomas Hobbes ; John Handry ; Richard Vmfray ; William Kyrton ; Henry Lewayn ; William Dygon ; John Peuesy ; John Appulby ; John Yvy ; and John Palmere .
She held the following knights’ fees and parts of fees in fee and right of the king in chief, service unknown, extended when they fall as shown.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.5–6
Inquisition Head
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 1 May 1434. [Aune].
Jurors: John Clerk of Westminster; John Olyver ; William Terell ; Robert Herward ; Richard Germayn ; William Aueston ; Thomas Trevyngey ; Richard Seeler ; Richard Chapman ; Stephen Porter ; Richard Harry ; and Peter Harry .
She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee. She heldTNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.7–8
Inquisition Head
CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 4 May 1434. [Brokley].
Jurors: Alard Funk ; Thomas Gray ; William Prest ; Hugh Caundyssh ; John Grymesby ; Robert de Marr ; John Bardolf ; Philip Jakes ; John Lucas ; Henry Yole ; Peter Harder ; and Nicholas Walter .
She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee in the liberty. She held in dower, as in 248,
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.9–10
Inquisition Head
CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 20 May 1434. [Ormesby].
Jurors: Richard Garton ; John Atholf ; John Newman ; William Taillour of Stow cum Quy; Thomas Basseham ; John Alfred, junior ; Benedict Wale ; Thomas Hundreder ; William Masoun of Chesterton; John Warde ; Robert Milis ; and John Bacoun .
Joan who was the wife of Edmund, duke of York , held the manor of Oakington in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and her heirs by William Willughby, knight , her former husband, by enfeoffment of John Cuppuldyk, chevalier , William Michell , Aubyn Enderby and Thomas Enderby to Joan and William and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to William’s right heirs. William died without heir by Joan.
Date of death as in 245. Robert Willughby, knight , is the son and heir of William Willughby , and aged 48 years and more.
Her heirs as in 245, in the following order: Margaret, Richard, Henry, Joyce, Alice – aged 28 years and more – and Ralph.
[Foot:] delivered to Chancery on 14 June 1434.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.11–12
Inquisition Head
HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Hitchin. 8 May 1434. [Stokdale].
Jurors: Thomas Beawfew ; Edward Auncell ; William Bardolf ; William Tylere ; Thomas Boldro ; Henry Mahew ; Walter Wygon ; Geoffrey Fermour ; William Dryell ; Lawrence Shepherd ; Thomas Kylbeef ; and Robert Baron .
She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee. She held in dower, as in 248, the manor of Hitchin, except for 1⁄3 of 2⁄3 manor which Elizabeth, lately wife of Thomas Barre , held in dower. Richard II , by letters patent shown to the jurors [CPR 1385–89, p. 292], granted the manor, described as the manor of Hitchin with the reversion of all lands and tenements held in dower, to Edmund, duke of York , and the male heirs of his body, and Edmund was seised.Date of death as in 245. Heirs as in 246, except that Henry is aged 15 years and Alice 30 years.
[Foot:] delivered to court by Robert Danby on 2 June 1434.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.13–14
Inquisition Head
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Inquisition. Oundle. 12 May 1434. [Frebody].
Jurors: John Gryndell of Titchmarsh; Walter Rodburn and Reynold Fildyng , of Barnwell; John Best of Polebrook; Richard Chaumbr of Benefield; William Seby and Robert Depyng , of Pilton; Thomas Lawton of Stoke Doyle; William Mortymer and John Gardener , of Clopton; John Kitteson of Oundle; William Cok of Titchmarsh; Robert Bocher of Thrapston; and John Gardener of Titchmarsh.
She held the manor of Lilford, except its member the manor of Oakington in Cambridgeshire, in her demesne as of fee tail as in 250 by the enfeoffment in 250, John Cuppuldyke here styled knight. William Willughby ’s heir as in 250.
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.15–16
Inquisition Head
ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 10 May 1434. [Stokdale].
Jurors: William Gatton of Mucking; John Swayn of Maldon; John Staner of East Tilbury; John Shethe of Purleigh; Reynold Coteler ; Edmund Lytley ; John Stubbere ; John Hervy ; Thomas Markaunt ; John Whitlok ; William Dovne ; and John Coker .
Joan, lately wife of Edmund, lately duke of York , held in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body,TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.17–18
Inquisition Head
KENT. Inquisition. Dartford. 12 May 1434. [Aune].
Jurors: John Bost ; Walter Grouehurst ; John Knolles ; John Stybour ; Thomas Hunnfrey ; John Bate ; John Swerdman ; Richard Sadeler ; Thomas Shadde ; Andrew Lorkyn ; Thomas atte Fryth ; and Walter Roydon .
Joan who was the wife of Edmund, lately duke of York , held in her demesne as of fee, to herself and the heirs of her body,TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.19–20
Inquisition Head
WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Evesham. 20 May 1434. [Rous].
Jurors: John Toky ; Robert Webbe ; John Hayle ; Richard Pantrie ; John Folk ; William Bakere ; Giles Coteler ; William Heryng ; Nicholas Squyer ; Ralph Tailer ; Thomas Peore ; Richard Clene ; and Robert Curriour .
Joan, duchess of York , held to herself and her heirsTNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.21–22
Inquisition Head
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Newcastle upon Tyne, the castle. 3 November 1434. [ Bertram ].
Jurors: Robert Ogle, junior, chevalier ; John Fenwyk ; Simon Welden ; Robert Musgraue ; Robert Swynburn ; William Retherford ; Robert Langwyth ; John Cutour ; Richard Aldewode ; Thomas Eryngton ; William Jakson ; and Nicholas Crane .
She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service or of another in her demesne as of fee. She held 1/3 lordship of Tynedale and Wark (Tyndale & Werk) as dower by endowment of Edmund, duke of York , lately her husband, reversion to Henry Bourghcher, count of Eu and Lord Bourchier, and Isabel his wife in her right. Letters patent of Henry IV dated at Westminster on 18 February 1412 [CPR 1408– 13, pp. 383, 399] related that Edward, duke of York , held to himself and his heirs 2/3 lordship and the reversion to 1/3 which this Joan, lately the wife of Edmund his father and then wife of Henry Lescrope , held in dower – and the regalities, lordships, castles, peel-towers, fortalices, manors, vills, lands, tenements, rents, services, annuities, knights’ fess, advowsons of churches, chapels, hospitals and chantries, forests, woods, parks, stanks, mills, fisheries, fairs, markets, warrens, tolls, escheats, forfeitures, courts, fines, ?ransoms (redempciones), deodands, rights of vert and hunting, rights, liberties, franchises and jurisdictions, both in demesne and in reversion belonging to the 2/3 and 1/3 lordship – with reversion to the king for want of heirs of Edward and Richard, his brother. Henry IV released and quitclaimed all right, title, claim, interest and demand for himself and his heirs or successors as kings, to Edward and his heirs and assigns, to hold of the king and his heirs and successors as English kings in chief by the due and customary ancient services. By the letters patent he granted Edward licence to grant the 2/3 and 1/3 lordship to his beloved and faithful John Pellam, chevalier , Robert Vmfrauyle, chevalier , and William Whitchestre, chevalier , and to his beloved John Fenwyk, esquire , and Richard de Strother, esquire , and their heirs, to hold of the king and his heirs by the due and customary services. They could then grant the 2/3 and 1/3 lordship to his beloved and faithful Thomas Gray of Wark, chevalier , now deceased, for life, to hold as before, successive remainders to Thomas elder son of Thomas and Isabel, daughter of the same Richard, and the heirs of their bodies; the same Edward, duke of York , and the male heirs of his body; the same Richard and the male heirs of his body; and to the same Thomas Gray of Wark, chevalier , and his heirs and assigns. The 2⁄3 and 1⁄3 were granted according to the letters patent, by Edward by his deed dated on 20 May 1412 and shown to the jurors, and John, Robert, William, John and Richard were seised of 2/3 lordship in their demesne as of fee and Joan attorned to them for the 1/3. They then granted the 2/3 and 1/3 by their deed dated on 14 June 1412 and similarly shown. Thomas Gray of Wark died seised of 2/3 lordship in his demesne as of free tenement and of the reversion to the 1/3 for which Joan had attorned to him. Thomas his son and Isabel entered the 2/3 and were seised in their demesne as of fee tail. Thomas died seised without heir by Isabel and she married Henry Bourghchier, count of Eu and Lord Bourchier, and they survive, Isabel still seised of the 2/3. The reversion of the 1/3 now belongs to them in Isabel’s right.TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.23–24
E 149/153/5 m.9
Inquisition Head
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Robertsbridge. 8 May 1434. [Fontayns].
Jurors: John Alogh ; Richard Bokesell ; John Burgham ; Lawrence Courteis ; John Becheman ; Robert atte Reed ; William Ponte ; Thomas Frende ; Richard Reyner ; John Lambe ; John Hamere ; and Thomas Beche .
She held to herself and the heirs of her bodyTNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.25–26
Inquisition Head
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Loddon. 26 May 1434. [Drury].
Jurors: Denis Wyles ; Adam Fraunceys ; Robert Pulham ; Simon Trycok ; Henry Woderoue ; Ellis Cosman (Eleseus); John Hoxne ; Ralph Bu...e [ms soiled] ;...; Richard Titeshale ; William Smyth ; John de York ; John Dobbes ; and Thomas Vyncent .
She held the following in her demesne as of fee tail by the enfeoffment in 250, William Willughby here styled chevalier and William Michell cited as of Friskney. Robert Wylughby, knight , is William Willughby’s next heir as in 250.TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.27–28
Inquisition Head
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 28 May 1434. [Drury].
Jurors: Richard Edgor ; William Triker ; Stephen Bole ; John Franle ; Matthew White ; Thomas Haukyn ; William Emme ; Richard Free ; Roger Mannyng ; John Wryght ; Roger Smalheth ; and John Churcheman .
She held the manor of Bredfield in her demesne as of fee tail by the enfeoffment in 250, William Willughby here styled chevalier and William Michell cited as of Friskney. Robert Wylughby, knight , is William Willughby ’s next heir as in 250.TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.27, 29
Inquisition Head
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 3 June 1434. [Berwe].
Jurors: Edward atte Rythe ; Richard Cristemasse ; William Mori ; Henry Dene ; William Chace ; Nicholas Golley ; Richard Bryges ; William Banbury ; Ingram atte More; John Waterende ; Thomas Coufold ; and John Leche .
She held the following in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body.TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.30–31
E 149/153/5 m.6
Inquisition Head
LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Boston. 28 May 1434. [Meres].
Jurors: Thomas Rygg of Welton le Marsh; William Tetford and Robert Tetford , of East or West Keal; Simon Ruston ; John Tetford ; John Bowcher ; William Staynes ; Roger atte Prest ; Richard Norththorp ; William Borell ; Thomas Irby ; John Wynde ; John Staunton of Theddlethorpe; John Somercotes ; and Robert Borell of Partney.
Joan who was the wife of Edmund, duke of York , held the following lands and tenements in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body.Date of death as in 245. Heirs as in 250 except Henry is aged 15 years and more. Robert de Wylughby aged 48 years and more is the son and next heir of William Wylughby .
TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.32–33
Inquisition Head
YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York, the castle. 12 Henry VI [1 September 1433 – 31 August 1434].n120 [Fitzwilliam].
[Part of the top of the ms is torn away and missing.]
Jurors: John Percehay ; Walter Frost ; John Hertlyngton ; Henry Burton ; John ...; ... Birton; Robert Arthyngton ; John Stirton ; Robert Waylard ; and William Turton .
Joan, who was the wife of Edmund, duke of York , held the following in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body.TNA reference
C 139/66/43 mm.34–35
Holding Item | Value | Quantity | Total | |
Droitwich | ||||
fee-farm | £31 18s. 5d. | £31 18s. 5d. (=7661d.) | ||
vill | £89 5s. | £89 5s. (=21420d.) | ||
Total: £121 3s. 5d. (=29081d.) |
No holding extent information available.
- Bate(Writ Clerk)
- John Toky
- Robert Webbe
- John Hayle
- Richard Pantrie
- John Folk
- William Bakere
- Giles Coteler
- William Heryng
- Nicholas Squyer
- Ralph Tailer
- Thomas Peore
- Richard Clene
- Robert Curriour