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Writ Head

711 Writ. ‡ Wye. 28 January 1431. [Ha].G

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition [indented].... ?30 April 1432. [Langholm].

[Inquisition: ms torn down its left-hand side.]


Jurors: ... Grene ; Thomas Skirbek ; Richard Braytoft ; John Rumney ; William Grys ; Thomas Swanpek ; John Swanpek ; William Williamson ; Thomas Thorald ; Robert Thorald ; ... and Thomas Hunyng .n0124


He held no lands or tenements, but was formerly seised in demesne as of fee of a moiety of the manors of Moulton, Skirbeck, and Beausolace, and of 1/3 manor of Fleet. He granted the above moieties and third, described as his purparty of the manors of Moulton, Fleet, Beausolace, and Skirbeck, with other lands and tenements in Essex, to Lewis Johan , Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , William Neulond , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall, clerk , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Woodham Walter12 July 1425, enrolled in Chancery and exemplified under the king’s seal [CClR 1422–1429, pp. 260–61]. The charter was shown to the jurors. Lewis, Richard etc. were thus seised in demesne as of fee. William Neulond died. Lewis, John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Richard Duryvall , and William Faukeswell afterwards quitclaimed by deed all right and claim that they had in the manors to Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton , and to their heirs in perpetuity. Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton afterwards granted the moieties and third to John Chedyok, knight , Maurice Berkeley of Disterne , knight , Henry Grey , John Doreward , Robert Darcy , Oliver Groos , Richard Fox , and Adam May, and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated 18 November 1428. John, Maurice etc. were thus seised in demesne as of fee. John Doreward , Robert Darcy , and Richard Fox afterwards quitclaimed by deed all right and claim that they had in the manors to John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry, Oliver, and Adam May, and to their heirs. John, Maurice, Henry, Oliver, and Adam afterwards granted the moieties and third to Robert Darcy , John Doreward , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and William Robbesson , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Moulton 10 February 1431. Robert, John etc. were thus seised in demesne as of fee and are still so seised.

Skirbeck, ½ manor, annual value 5 marks, held of John, duke of Bedford, as of the honour of Richmond, service unknown.
Moulton, ½ manor, annual value £40, held of the prior of Spalding, service unknown.
Beausolace, ½ manor, annual value 100s., held of the heirs of Stephen Wygtoft, service unknown.
Fleet, 1/3 manor, annual value £20, held of the feoffees of the duke of Lancaster, service unknown.

He died on 25 November 1431. Elizabeth is his daughter and next heir, and aged 1½ years.

TNA reference

C 139/56/46 mm.1–2

E 149/149/1 m.1

Writ Head

712 Writ. ‡ Wye. 27 January 1432. [Wymbyssh].G

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Long Stratton 18 April 1432. [Gray ].

[Inquisition: head of ms is faded and torn.]


Jurors:? Philip ...?alles ; William Stokkere ; Thomas Shymplyng ; Thomas Boyn ; John Ryngere, senior ; Adam Heved ; Robert Alysaundre ; William ?Auntell ; Roger Cobald ; Edmund Grene ; John Randolf of Fritton; and Stephen Bernard .


Richard Sutton, knight , Richard de Upston, clerk , John Bataill , and John Stowe were seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Hempnall and Diss, with the hundred of Diss, and knights’ fees, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, and the rest of their appurtenances, except advowson of the church of Diss. They granted them to Walter Fitzwautier, knight, and Philippa his wife, and to the heirs male of the body of Walter, with remainder to his right heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by licence of ‪Richard II [CPR 1385–1389, p. 56]. Walter and Philippa were thus seised. Walter had male issue: Walter, and died conjointly seised of his estate with Philippa. [1]+Walter son of Walter afterwards granted reversion of the above, after the death of Philippa, to Alexander Walden , William Bourchier , knights, Robert Newport , Richard Baynard of Messing, John Basset of Great or Little Chishill (Cheshull), Alexander de la Garderobe , and Simon Systerne, clerk, and to their heirs and assigns in perpetuity. The grant was made by deed, dated at the manor of Henham 29 January 1398 and enrolled in Chancery, in which he is described as Walter, Lord Fitzwalter of Woodham Walter [CClR 1396–1399, pp. 313–14]. Philippa attorned to the grantees. Walter son of Walter had issue: Walter, and died. Richard Baynard and Simon Systerne , the surviving feoffees, afterwards granted reversion of the above, after the death of Philippa, to Walter son of Walter son of Walter, and Elizabeth his wife, for their lives without impeachment of waste, with successive remainders to the heirs male of the body of Walter; to the heirs of the body of Walter; and to Robert Darcy , John Doreward , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and William Robbesson , and their heirs and assigns in perpetuity. The grant was made without royal licence by charter dated Hempnall 10 February 1431. Philippa attorned to the grantees. She afterwards died, and Walter and Elizabeth were seised of the manors etc. Walter afterwards died conjointly seised of his estate with Elizabeth, still living.+[1]

Hempnall, the manor. There is a messuage with chambers, granges, and other ruinous buildings, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth nothing yearly; 400 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable at the four terms of the year; 20 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly, each acre worth 2s. yearly, payable as above; 500 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; 100s. 4d. assize rent, payable as above; perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses; 20s. castleward, payable yearly every 24 weeks; and a garden, worth 14d. yearly, payable as above.
Diss, the manor. There is a messuage with 2 chambers attached, and a grange, worth nothing yearly; 400 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly, each acre worth 2s. yearly, payable as above; 44 a. pasture, worth 42s. yearly [sic], each acre worth 6d. yearly; 100 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; 7 marks 2s. 5d. assize rent, payable as above; 24s. castleward, payable yearly every weeks24; and 6s. farm of land, payable as above.
The manors and hundred are held of the king in chief by knight service as of the barony of Fitzwalter. He died seised of the manor of Fincham in demesne as of fee. He had enfeoffed William Faukeswell, to hold the manor to him and the heirs of his body, with reversion to Walter and his heirs. William died without heir of his body with Walter still living.
Fincham, the manor, but of whom it is held and by what service is unknown. There is a messuage, worth nothing yearly; 80 a. arable, worth 26s. 6d. yearly, each acre worth 4d. yearly, payable as above; 10 a. pasture, worth 5s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, worth 6s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 4 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s expenses; and 6s. 4d. assize rent, payable yearly as above.

Date of death and heir as 711.

TNA reference

C 139/56/46 mm.3, 5

E 149/149/1 m.2

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Henhowe 20 April 1432. [Gray].


Jurors: William Dyer ; Robert Chenory ; Geoffrey Manwode ; John Longe ; John Germayn ; John Holme ; Richard Hill ; Simon Galyon ; Roger Essex ; John Baker ; Robert Whatlok ; and John Debenham .


Philippa, late duchess of York, held the manor of Shimpling in dower, with reversion to Walter Fitzwautier, knight, son and heir of Walter her late husband, and to his heirs. Continues as 712+[1].

Shimpling, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service as of the barony of Fitzwalter. There is a messuage with chambers attached, worth nothing yearly; 400 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable at the four terms of the year; 16 a. meadow, worth 32s. yearly, each acre worth 2s. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. pasture, worth 20s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; £4 11s. 2d. assize rent, payable as above; 20s. castleward, payable always at the end of 24 weeks; a weeks; park, worth nothing yearly above enclosure and maintaining the beasts; perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 12s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses; and a wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut.
Annual value of the advowson of Shimpling church, £10.
He held the
advowson of the church of Barningham, annual value £10, in demesne as of fee of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Fitzwalter.
Simon Systerne now occupies the church. He granted all
his purparty of the manor of Thurston
to Butard Purchas, ‘Purcevaunt’, his servant, still living, for life for good service past and future, with reversion to Walter and his heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Thurston 8 July 1425.
The purparty, annual value 10 marks, is held of the duke of Lancaster, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 711.
TNA reference

C 139/56/46 mm.3–4

Writ Head

714 Writ. ‡ Wye. 28 January 1432. [Hasele].G

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford 25 April 1432. [Barley].

[Inquisition: ms worn and galled.]


Jurors: Richard Sewale ; William atte Lee ; John Hyccheman ; John Veysy, senior ; John Horell ; John atte Fan ; Robert Athelham ; John Colle , ‘Bocher’; William ... ‘Smyth’; William Kirkeby ; John Causton ; and Henry Maldon .

He was seised of the manor of Woodham Walter in demesne as of fee. He granted
a tenement called ‘Brians tenement’ in Woodham Walter, worth 20s. yearly,
parcel of the manor, to Richard Beynton, his servant, for life for good service past and future. The grant was made by his letters patent dated Woodham Walter 8 July 1425, in which he is described as Walter, Lord Fitzwalter of Woodham, Haye-du-Puits, and Roche-Tesson, in Normandy. He afterwards granted the manor of Woodham Walter, and the manors of Ulting, Burnham, Little Dunmow, Henham, and Lexden to Lewis Johan , Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , William Neulond , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Woodham Walter 12 July 1425 and enrolled in Chancery [CClR 1422–1429, pp. 260–61]. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee. William Neulond afterwards died. Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , and William Faukeswell afterwards granted to Edward Tyrell and Richard Galon , on behalf of Robert Darcy , for his past good service to Walter, for the life of Robert Darcy, the office of the master of the lord’s farm and warren, and of the park of Woodham Walter, with custody of the park and warren. He was to take 4d. silver daily from the bailiff for his and his servants’ wages, with pasture in the park for 20 animals in summer, and for 20 pigs at pannage, and ‘Wyndefallewode’ and ‘Derefallwode’ with the croppings of trees given to persons in the park. Livery as that for Walter’s esquires was also to be given and, if not given to the men of his council, his esquires, or to Robert, then Robert must be paid 20s. The grant was made by indented charter dated Woodham Walter 20 June 1429. They also granted the following to Edward and Richard Galon for the life of Robert Darcy : 4 deer in summer and 4 deer in winter from the park, assigned at Robert’s pleasure by delivery of Edward and Richard or any of their assigns, without impediment by Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , and William Faukeswell , or their heirs or assigns; 2 carts of hay taken yearly from the demesne meadows of the manor of Woodham Walter; and in the absence of Lewis, Richard etc., they and theirs may stay, at their pleasure, within the lodge in the park, to hold the offices with wages and everything else, as explained above, to Edward and Richard Galon, and their assigns, for the life of Robert Darcy , with the offices occupied by them or their deputies for which they are answerable. If the wages or anything else should fall into arrears by 15 days, then it is lawful for Edward and Richard, or their attorneys, to distrain on the manor of Woodham Walter and its parcels, until satisfaction is made. Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall , William Neulond then deceased, granted
all lands and tenements, rents, and services called ‘le Newesshepen’ with a field called ‘Manfeld’ and 3 parcels of land called ‘Curleighmerssh’, ‘Fordecroft’, and ‘Beryhall’, in Woodham Walter and Ulting, parcel of the manor of Woodham Walter, annual value 20s.,
to Anne wife of John Cumbyrlowe for her life. The grant was made by indented charter dated Woodham Walter 18 April 1426. Lewis, Robert Darcy , Richard Baynard , Richard Fox , Richard Duryvall , and William Faukeswell afterwards released all right and claim in the manor by deed to John Tyrell and Robert Molynton , and to their heirs and assigns. John Tyrell and Robert Molynton then granted
a field called ‘le Westfeld’ with a pasture called ‘le...’, with the profits of the second crop from two meadows, one called ‘le Holemed’, and the other called ‘le Curleighmead’, and a tenement with all lands, meadows, and pastures called ‘Heywardes’, in Woodham Walter, parcel of the manor, annual value 13s. 4d.,
to Walter Asshe of Bacton, in Suffolk, for life for good service, past and future, to Walter Fitzwautier and Elizabeth his wife. The grant was made by indented charter dated Woodham Walter 12 January 1431. John Tyrell and Robert Molynton afterwards granted
a tenement called ‘Stubbardes’ and a meadow called ‘Brademed’ in Woodham Walter, annual value 26s. 8d.,
parcel of the manor, to John Fox, senior, servant of Walter, Lord Fitzwalter , for good service, to him and his assigns for life, rendering 13s. 4d. sterling yearly to John Tyrell and Robert Molynton at Michaelmas and Easter by equal parts. The grant was made by charter dated Woodham Walter 10 July 1429. John Tyrell and Robert Molynton afterwards granted the manor of Woodham Walter to Robert Darcy and Richard Fox , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Woodham Walter 10 February 1431. Robert and Richard were thus seised in demesne as of fee. They then granted the manor to Walter Fitzwautier and Elizabeth his wife for their lives without impeachment of waste, with successive remainders to the heirs male of the body of Walter; to the heirs of the body of Walter; and to the right heirs of Walter in perpetuity. The grant was made by indented charter dated Woodham Walter 16 February 1431. Walter and Elizabeth were thus conjointly seised, and Walter died seised of this estate. Elizabeth is still living.
Woodham Walter, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service as parcel of the barony of Fitzwalter. There is a messuage with other buildings, worth nothing yearly; a garden, worth 20d. yearly, payable at the four terms of the year by equal parts; a park, worth nothing yearly above enclosure and maintaining the beasts; £4 assize rent with farms of land and works, winter and summer, payable as above; 80 a. arable, worth 20s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 40 a. meadow, worth £4 yearly, each acre worth 2s. yearly, payable as above; 30 a. pasture, worth 30s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; a water-mill, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Walter was seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Lexden. He granted
a tenement called ‘Fraunceys tenement’, annual value 13s. 4d., parcel of the manor in the hamlet of Lexden
within the liberty of Colchester, to Richard Baynard of Essex, esquire , and to his assigns for life. The grant was made by his letters patent dated Lexden 20 June 1425. Walter afterwards granted the manor to Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox, William Neulond , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall , and to their heirs in perpetuity. This grant was made by the enrolled charter described above. Lewis, Richard, John etc. were seised in demesne as of fee. William Neulond died, and Richard Baynard released all right and claim that he had in the manor to his co-feoffees, except his right in ‘Fraunceys tenement’ that he holds for life. Lewis, John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , and William Faukeswell afterwards granted the office of warenner and parker in the lordship of Lexden, with the fee of the office there, to Richard Baynard, esquire , for life for past good service to Walter, taking from the manor of Lexden his wages of 3d. silver daily from the bailiff; a robe or 13s. 4d. at Christmas; pasture all year in the park for 4 bullocks, 6 cows, and 12 pigs; hay for one horse from the farm of the manor; and yearly pasture for 12 sheep in the manor..., to hold the office with all its wages and other things, to Richard and his assigns for his life, and to be occupied by him and his servants, for which he is answerable. The grant was made by charter dated... May 1429. They also granted the office of master of the farm of the lordship of Lexden to Richard Baynard for good service, taking 20s. yearly for his robe if Walter does not provide the men of his council or his esquires with livery; ‘le Wyndefallwode’ and ‘les croppes’ of oak and other trees in the park, that are not sold; and, in the absence of Walter... with ‘le logge’ there ... all other buildings... occupied... and in the enclosure only, to hold the office of master of the farm of the lordship of Lexden with all the other things granted to him by Lewis, John, Robert etc., to him and his assigns for life, to be occupied by him and his servants, for which he is answerable. If anything should fall into arrears, then it is lawful for Richard to distrain on the manor until satisfaction is made. Lewis, Richard Baynard , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall released all right and claim that they had in the manors of Lexden and Ulting by deed to John Tyrell and Robert Molynton . John Tyrell and Robert Molynton afterwards made the following enfeoffment by indented charter dated Lexden 10 February 1431, regarding the manor of Lexden, described as the manor and lordship of Lexden in Lexden in Essex, and the manor of Ulting. [2]+They enfeoffed Lord Fitzwalter and Elizabeth his wife for their lives without impeachment of waste, with successive remainders to the heirs male of the body of Walter; to the heirs of the body of Walter; and to Robert Darcy , John Doreward , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and William Robbesson , and their heirs in perpetuity. Walter and Elizabeth were thus conjointly seised of this estate, and Walter died so seised. Elizabeth is still living.+[2]
Lexden, the manor, within the borough of Colchester, held of the king in free burgage as all the vill is held. There is a messuage with other buildings there, worth nothing yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly above enclosure and maintaining the beasts; 5 marks assize rent, payable as above; 200 a. arable, worth 50s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 12 a. meadow, worth 20s. yearly, each acre worth 20d. yearly, payable as above; 2 mills, worth ?4 marks yearly, payable as above; 12 a. pasture, worth 6s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Ulting, the manor, held of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown. There is 100 a. arable, worth 16s. 8d. yearly, each acre worth 2d. yearly, payable as above; 12 a. meadow, worth 18s. yearly, each acre worth 18d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. pasture, worth 10s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; and 26s. 8d. assize rent with farms of land, payable as above.
Walter was seised of the manor of Burnham and he granted it to Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , William Neulond , Robert Molynton , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall , and to their heirs. This grant was made by the enrolled charter described above. They were seised in demesne as of fee. Thus enfeoffed... [text omitted in ms] to Thomas Wenlok, and his heirs. Thomas afterwards enfeoffed John Chedyok, knight , Maurice Berkeley , Henry Grey , John Doreward , Robert Darcy , Oliver Groos , Richard Fox , and Adam May , and their heirs in perpetuity with the manor. The grant was made by charter dated Burnham 10 March 1429. They were seised in demesne as of fee. John, Maurice, Henry etc. granted 20s. sterling rent from the manor of Burnham at Christmas, to Richard Baynard, esquire , for good service to Lord Fitzwalter of Woodham Walter and also to his father, for life, with clauses of distraint. The grant was made by deed dated 12 June 1429. They also granted 20 marks rent from the manor of Burnham, taken at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts to John Burgh, junior, esquire, for life, with clauses of distraint. The grant was made by charter dated 12 March 1429. John Doreward , Robert Darcy , and Richard Fox then released all right and claim that they had in the manor to John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry Grey , Oliver Groos , and Adam May . John, Maurice, Henry, Oliver, and Adam then made an enfeoffment regarding the manor of Burnham as +[2]+ above by indented charter dated Henham 10 February 1431.
Burnham, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service as of the barony of Fitzwalter. There is a messuage with other buildings, worth nothing yearly; 2 gardens, worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 300 a. arable, worth 70s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 100 a. pasture, worth 50s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; 40 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 100 a. marsh, worth 50s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; £8 assize rent with farms of land and works, summer and winter, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 13s. 4d. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Walter was seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Henham and Little Dunmow. He granted them to Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Robert Molynton , William Neulond , William Faukeswell , and Richard Duryvall , and to their heirs in perpetuity. This grant was made by the enrolled charter described above. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee. William Neulond afterwards died. Richard Duryvall then released all right and claim that he had in the manors to Lewis, Richard Baynard , John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , William Faukeswell , and to their heirs in perpetuity. Lewis, John Tyrell , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , and William Faukeswell afterwards released all right and claim that they had in the manors to Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton , and to their heirs in perpetuity. Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton granted the following to Henry Stamp and Richard Skylfull , for the past good service of Richard Fox to Walter, and to their assigns for the life of Richard Fox :
a messuage and ½ virgate in Henham, formerly of Richard Chischegate , that William Couper holds;
a tenement and ½ virgate in Henham called ‘Turnoures’, that John... holds; and
a tenement and ½ virgate in Henham called ‘Appildounes’, that Richard Mountagu holds,
parcel of the manor of Henham, annual value 10s. yearly, to hold by rendering a rose yearly to Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton for all services. The grant was made by charter dated Henham 12 November 1428. Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton granted the following to Henry Stamp and Richard Skylfull and their assigns, for the past good service of Richard Fox to Walter, for the life of Richard Fox : the office of the master of the farm and warren of the lordship and park of Henham, and custody of the park and warren, taking 3d. silver daily for his and his servants’ wages, to be delivered by the bailiff; pasture in the park yearly for 4 bullocks and 6 animals in summer and for 12 pigs during pannage; ‘Wyndefellewode’ and ‘Derefallewode’ with ‘croppes’ of trees... to persons within the park; and livery as one of Walter’s esquires and if Walter does not give livery to the men of his council, his esquires, or to Richard Fox , then he should pay 20s. to Richard. During Richard’s lifetime, Henry and Richard Skylfull may stay at their pleasure, for them and theirs, within ‘le logge’ of the park of Henham, with 2 carts of hay, taken yearly from the demesne meadows of the lordship or manor of Henham. The office is to be occupied by Richard Fox and his deputies, for which he is answerable. The grant was made by indented charter dated 12 November 1428, with clause of distraint for any wages in arrears. Henry, bishop of Winchester , has 20 marks rent from the manor of Henham for life by grant of Richard Baynard , Robert, Lewis, John, Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Richard Duryvall , and William Faukeswell , for the marriage of Walter from the time that he was in the wardship of the bishop. Richard Baynard and Robert Molynton afterwards granted the manors of Henham and Little Dunmow to John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry Grey , John Doreward , Robert Darcy , Oliver Groos , Richard Fox , and Adam May , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Henham 18 November 1428. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee and granted the following to William Robbesson and Joan his wife for their lives:
a tenement with a virgate called ‘Stacyesaleyn’
another tenement with 15 a. land called ‘Hefdes’ in Henham, parcel of the manor of Henham,
annual value 13s. 4d., to hold by rendering one rose yearly to John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry Grey , John Doreward , Robert Darcy , Oliver Groos , Richard Fox , and Adam May . The grant was made by charter dated Henham 18 June 1430. John Doreward , Robert Darcy , and Richard Fox afterwards released by deed all right and claim that they had in the manors of Henham and Little Dunmow to John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry Grey , Oliver Groos , and Adam May , and their heirs and assigns. John Chedyok , Maurice, Henry Grey , Oliver, and Adam May then made an enfeoffment regarding the manors of Henham and Little Dunmow as +[2]+ above by indented charter dated Henham 10 February 1431.
Henham, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a messuage, worth nothing yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly above enclosure and maintaining the beasts; 500 a. arable, worth £6 5s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 12 a. meadow, worth 12s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. pasture, worth 10s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; 4 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; 5 marks assize rent with farms of land and works, winter and summer, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Little Dunmow, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a grange, worth nothing yearly; 180 a. arable, worth 45s. yearly, each acre worth 3d. yearly, payable as above; 12 a. pasture, worth 12s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 14 a. meadow, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, payable as above; a wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; 50s. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth ?3s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Philippa, late duchess of York , held the manors of Wimbish and Sheering with advowsons of the churches there in dower from the inheritance of Walter Fitzwautier, knight , son and heir of Walter her late husband, and to his heirs. Continues as 712+[1].
Wimbish, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a messuage with other buildings attached, worth nothing yearly; a garden, worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; 500 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly, each acre worth 2d. yearly, payable as above; 8 a. pasture, worth 4s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; 12 a. meadow, worth 12s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; £7 2s. 5d. assize rent with farms of land and works, summer and winter, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 5s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Sheering, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a messuage with other buildings there, worth nothing yearly; 320 a. arable, worth 53s. 4d. yearly, each acre worth 2d. yearly, payable as above; 16 a. meadow, worth 16s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. pasture, worth 10s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; a wood, worth nothing yearly because newly cut; a ruinous mill, worth nothing yearly; £6 assize rent with farms of land and works, summer and winter, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 2s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Walter was seised of the manor of Roydon in demesne as of fee tail. He gave the manor to Henry, bishop of Winchester , for life, with reversion to Walter and his heirs.
Roydon, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a messuage with other buildings, worth nothing yearly; 500 a. arable, worth £10 yearly, payable as above; 20 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly, each acre worth 2s. yearly, payable as above; 40 a. pasture, worth 20s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly, payable as above; £4 assize rent with farms of land and works, winter and summer, payable as above; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 4s. yearly above the seneschal’s expenses.
Walter held
the advowson of the priory of Little Dunmow, extending to £40.
Date of death and heir as 711.
TNA reference

C 139/56/46 mm.6–7

Writ Head

715 Writ. ‡ Wye. 28 January 1432. [Haseley].G

Addressed to John Welles, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. 5 May 1432 n126 [Welles].


Jurors: Ralph Mark ; John Gay ; Richard Palmer ; Christopher Warthur ; William Gregory ; William Wetenhale ; Simon Strete ; Henry Plompton ; John Abbot ; William Abraham ; Richard Rowe ; John Hewet ; and William Allard .

an inn called ‘Ipresyn’ in the parish of St Thomas the Apostle, worth 20s. yearly quit when leased, held of the king in free burgage as all the city is held.
John Whitby, clerk , Robert Rykedon , and John Eldres were conjointly seised in demesne as of fee of the above inn that was formerly of John Deverose, knight , William Bourchier, knight , Thomas Remys , John Basset of Great or Little Chishill (Chishell), and John Aylward, chaplain . William, Thomas, John Basset , and John Aylward afterwards died, and Robert Rykedon and John Eldres then granted the inn to Edward Benstede, knight , Richard Baynard , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , Alan Faukeswell, esquire , and Richard Duryvall, chaplain , and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated London 8 December 1421. The charter was shown to the jurors. Alan afterwards died, and Edward, Richard Baynard , Robert Darcy , Richard Fox , and Richard Duryvall granted the inn to Walter, late Lord Fitzwalter , and Elizabeth his wife, and to their heirs in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated London 18 November 1428, in which Walter is described as Walter, Lord Fitzwalter of Woodham Walter . The charter was shown to the jurors. Walter and Elizabeth were thus seised in demesne as of fee, and Walter died conjointly seised of this estate with Elizabeth, still living.
Date of death and heir as 711.
TNA reference

C 139/56/46 mm.8–9



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuage, chambers, granges, buildingsworth nothinga (1 x messuage chambers granges buildings) -
dovecotworth nothinga (1 x dovecot) -
arable100s., 3d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow40s., 2s. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£4 (=960d.)
woodworth nothing500 a. (500 x acre) -
assize rent100s. 4d.£5 4d. (=1204d.)
court, frankpledge6s.6s. (=72d.)
castleward20s.£1 (=240d.)
garden14d.1s. 2d. (=14d.)
Total: £20 7s. 6d. (=4890d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
chambers2 (2 x chambers) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
arable100s., 3d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow40s., 2s. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£4 (=960d.)
pasture42s., 6d. (per unit)44 a. (44 x acre)£3 4s. (=768d.)
woodworth nothing100 a. (100 x acre) -
assize rent7 marks 2s. 5d.£4 15s. 9d. (=1149d.)
castleward24s.£1 4s. (=288d.)
farm of land6s.6s. (=72d.)
Total: £23 9s. 9d. (=5637d.)
messuageworth nothinga (1 x messuage) -
arable26s. 6d., 4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£2 13s. 2d. (=638d.)
pasture5s., 6d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow6s., 12d. (per unit)6 a. (6 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
woodworth nothing4 a. (4 x acre) -
court, frankpledgeworth nothing -
assize rent6s. 4d.6s. 4d. (=76d.)
Total: £4 1s. 6d. (=978d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuage, chambers, granges, buildingsworth nothinga (1 x messuage chambers granges buildings) -
dovecotworth nothinga (1 x dovecot) -
arable100s., 3d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow40s., 2s. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£4 (=960d.)
woodworth nothing500 a. (500 x acre) -
assize rent100s. 4d.£5 4d. (=1204d.)
court, frankpledge6s.6s. (=72d.)
castleward20s.£1 (=240d.)
garden14d.1s. 2d. (=14d.)
Total: £20 7s. 6d. (=4890d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
chambers2 (2 x chambers) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
arable100s., 3d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow40s., 2s. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£4 (=960d.)
pasture42s., 6d. (per unit)44 a. (44 x acre)£3 4s. (=768d.)
woodworth nothing100 a. (100 x acre) -
assize rent7 marks 2s. 5d.£4 15s. 9d. (=1149d.)
castleward24s.£1 4s. (=288d.)
farm of land6s.6s. (=72d.)
Value (=0d.)
Total: £23 9s. 9d. (=5637d.)
messuageworth nothinga (1 x messuage) -
arable26s. 6d., 4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£2 13s. 2d. (=638d.)
pasture5s., 6d. (per unit)10 a. (10 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow6s., 12d. (per unit)6 a. (6 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
woodworth nothing4 a. (4 x acre) -
court, frankpledgeworth nothing -
assize rent6s. 4d.6s. 4d. (=76d.)
Total: £4 1s. 6d. (=978d.)




  • Philip ...?alles
  • William Stokkere
  • Thomas Shymplyng
  • Thomas Boyn
  • John Ryngere, senior
  • Adam Heved
  • Robert Alysaundre
  • William ?Auntell
  • Roger Cobald
  • Edmund Grene
  • John Randolf of Fritton
  • Stephen Bernard


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