Full text


Writ Head

710 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 4 September 1426. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding lands held by Hugh by curtesy of the inheritance of Eleanor and Joan the other daughter and heir of Philippe, and whom Nicholas Carewe, esquire , married.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Ledbury. 19 September 1426. [Walwayn]


Jurors: James Wodward ; Walter Webley ; Thomas Colyns ; James Watyes ; Thomas Smyth ; Richard R...ore [ms soiled]; John Wode ; James Mill ’; Edmund Willes ; Thomas Pathe ; William Ketter ; and William Pymuch .


Owing to the death of Hugh Courtenay, chevalier , and the minority of Eleanor and Joan, daughters and heirs of Philippe wife of Hugh,

1 a. land in Richards Castle
which Hugh held by curtesy after Philippe’s death of the inheritance of Eleanor and Joan, came into the king’s hands. On the following 28 July, Nicholas Carewe, esquire , who had married Joan, and Joan prosecuted delivery of Joan’s share of this land and other lands and tenements in other counties [above 462]. Thus a moiety of the land was in the king’s hands from the time of Hugh’s death by reason of Eleanor’s minority and is still in the king’s hands through her death.
The acre was lately part of the manor of Richards Castle and is held of the king in chief by knight service; annual value of the moiety 2d.

She died on 8 August last. Joan is her sister and next heir, aged 15 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/27/21 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Brentwood. 23 September 1426. [Flete]


Jurors: John Page ; John Smyth ; William Cok ; William Mason ; John Charstull ; Richard Cole ; John Vltyng ; John Sergeant ; Henry Berdefeld ; John Herde ; William Lane ; and Richard Algor .


For the same reasons as in 710,

1/3 of 1/2 manor of Woodham Mortimer
which Hugh held as in 710, came into the king’s hands. Prosecution of delivery as in 710. Thus 1/2 of the 1/3 was in the king’s hands from the time of Hugh’s death by reason of Eleanor’s minority and is still in the king’s hands through her death.
The 1/3 of 1/2 manor is held of the king of the honour of Peverel by knight service. In 1/2 of 1/3 there are 36 a. land, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 20 a. pasture worth 3s. 4d. yearly; n710_001 and 4 a. meadow, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 710.
TNA reference

C 139/27/21 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Tiverton. 17 September 1426. [Copleston]


Jurors: John Crwys ; John Ralegh ; Laurence Puntyngdon ; John Russhell ; William Cleuyer ; Nicholas Michell ; Roger Gerard ; Richard M... [ms stained] ; William Pollard ; John Tachell ; John Fulbrok ; and John Pappe .


For the same reasons as in 710, the manors of Haccombe, Ringmore, Coombe Hall, Come Nytherton, Shobrooke and Milton, with the advowson of Haccombe church pertaining to the manor of Haccombe and of the chantry there, to which chantry the church of Quethiock in Cornwall is appropriated, which Hugh held as in 710, came into the king’s hands. Prosecution of delivery as in 710. Thus half of the manors and advowson was in the king’s hands from the time of Hugh’s death by reason of Eleanor’s minority and is still in the king’s hands through her death. The manors of Haccombe, Ringmore and Coombe Hall are held by knight service of Thomas Courtenay son and heir of Hugh Courtenay, knight, late earl of Devon , and a minor in the king’s wardship.

In 1/2 manor of Haccombe there are a curtilage and 1 1/2 gardens, worth 10s. yearly; 20 a. arable, worth 10s. yearly; 2 a. meadow, worth 2s. yearly; 20 a. wood, its pasture worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 63s. 10d. assize rents at Martinmas, Candlemas, Pentecost and Lammas in equal portions by the hands of the free tenants. The advowson of the church of Haccombe and chantry is worth nothing yearly.
In 1/2 manor of Ringmore there are £4 assize rents at the same terms in equal portions by the hands of free tenants.
In 1/2 manor of Coombe Hall there are 50s. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions by the hands of free tenants.
The manor of Come Nytherton is held of Benedict Archebold , service unknown. In 1/2 manor there are 20s. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions by the hands of free tenants.
The manor of Shobrooke is held of the duchess of Clarence, service unknown. In 1/2 manor there are 2 a. wood, its pasture worth 6d. yearly; and £4 6d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions by the hands of free tenants.
The manor of Milton is held of Richard Witteley , service unknown. In 1/2 manor there are £7 assize rents at the same terms in equal portions by the hands of free tenants.

Date of death and heir as in 710.
TNA reference

C 139/27/21 mm.5, 7

Writ Head

713 [Writ: see 712 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Launceston. 24 September 1426. [Copleston]


Jurors: William Bodrugan ; Otes Dy...am [ms soiled] ; Roger Burgh ; John Mayhewe ; John Dirwelle ; Thomas Tregore ; Michael T...styn [ms holed]; John Calle ; Edmund Beket ; Thomas Dranek ; Andrew Helygan ; and John Nichell ’.


For the same reasons as in 710, the manors of Bejowan and Domellick which Hugh held as in 710, came into the king’s hands. Prosecution of delivery as in 710. Thus half of the manors was in the king’s hands from the time of Hugh’s death by reason of Eleanor’s minority and is still in the king’s hands through her death.

The manor of Bejowan is held of the prior of Bodmin of his manor of Rialton in socage by fealty. In 1/2 manor there are 20 a. land, 6 a. meadow and [more than] 10 a. wood, worth 7s. 6d. yearly [ms worn].
The manor of Domellick is held of John Arundell, knight , service unknown. In 1/2 manor there are 30 a. land, 15 a. pasture and 3 a. meadow, worth 10s. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 710.
TNA reference

C 139/27/21 mm.5–6

n710_001^: Exchequer copy has 10 a. pasture worth 2s. 4d. yearly.



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Woodham Mortimer
Total: -



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  • John Page
  • John Smyth
  • William Cok
  • William Mason
  • John Charstull
  • Richard Cole
  • John Vltyng
  • John Sergeant
  • Henry Berdefeld
  • John Herde
  • William Lane
  • Richard Algor


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