Full text


Writ Head

829 Writ ‡ 30 June 1421. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford .

Inquisition Head

Rutland. Inquisition. Oakham. 17 July. [Compworth].


Jurors: John German of Exton ; Henry James of the same; Thomas Stoke of the same; John Kelewaye of the same; John Clypsham of Empingham ; William Agas of the same; Thomas Welles of the same; John Stacy of the same; John Goneld of Whitwell ; Geoffrey Skevyngton of the same; John Boyvill of the same; and John Clerk of Greetham .


She held the manor of Exton in fee tail by fine levied between Thomas Hogekyn and John Wright , chaplain s, quer., and Nicholas Grene and his wife Joan, def., by which def. acknowledged the manor to be right of John as that which quer. had of their gift, for which quer. granted it to def. to hold to them and the heirs male of their bodies, reversion to Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas and Joan, and her heirs by John de Holand, knight , reversion to the heirs of the bodies of Nicholas and Joan, reversion to the heirs of Nicholas, remainder to his right heirs. The manor is held of the king in chief of his honor of Huntingdon for 1/8 knight's fee. There are in the manor the site, annual value in herbage and fruit 2s. 6d.; 110 a. demesne arable, 80 a. of which can be sown yearly and are worth 4d. an acre, and 30 a. of which lie fallow in the common field and are worth nothing; 250 a. pasture in Cottesmore and Greetham, part of Exton manor, lie fallow and in common to all the tenants of Exton, Greetham and Cottesmore and are worth nothing; Henry Duraunt of Cottesmore holds 24 a. arable in Cottesmore of the same manor by service of providing sufficient oil for the lamps in the chapel in the manor of Exton throughout the year and suit of court twice a year at Exton. There are also in the manor a meadow called `le Moremylne- holme', annual value 10s.; a piece of several pasture called `le Newemylnedam', annual value 2s.; 2 meadows called `Barnardesthilpark', annual value 10 marks, and `Todyng- ley', annual value 40s.; 3 woods, 21 a., called `Bovewode', `Oxpasture' and `Westlond'; annual value nil because all the tenants of Burley on the Hill and Exton manor have common pasture in them throughout the year, and there is no underwood; a wood called `Russhpate', 2 1/2 a., annual value 12d.; 27s. 7 3/4d. assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter equally; 1 lb. pepper, annual value 12d., 3 lb. cumin, annual value 3d., and 2 roots of ginger, annual value 1/2d., at Michaelmas; 9 messuages, 9 virgates and 1/4 virgate held by various tenants at will, each messuage and virgate paying 10s. yearly at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and the 1/4 virgate 2s. 6d. yearly at the same terms; 2 cottages each paying 2s. yearly; and a water-mill with a meadow, annual value 40s. at the same terms.

She died on 28 June last. Because Nicholas and Joan died without heirs male and John and Elizabeth Holand are dead without issue, by virtue of the fine the manor reverts to John Colepepir, esquire , son of Eleanor daughter of Nicholas and Joan, aged 40 years and more.

[Exchequer copy, foot:.] Examined by Selby. Apportionment of £17 12s. p.a. from 28 June 1421 to 1 Sept., being 66 days: 64s.

TNA reference

C 138/59/55 mm. 3-4

E 149/125/5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

830 Writ ‡ 2 Aug. 1421. Daventry . [Sturges]. Teste John, duke of Bedford .

Inquisition Head

Huntingdonshire. Inquisition. Stilton. 13 Aug. [Bury].


Jurors: John Tomas of Yaxley ; Richard Symmesson ; William Smyth of Stilton ; John Abbot ; John Baron ; John Drewe ; John Fox ; William Couper of Sawtry ; John Kymbolton ; Richard Benet ; William Bate ; and John Bukke .


With Thomas de Wesenham, esquire , of Covington she held the advowson of the church of Covington with the right of alternate presentation. At the last turn Thomas presented John Eston, clerk , who was admitted, instituted and inducted by the bishop of Lincoln . Joan's kinsman and heir John Colepepir, esquire , aged 40 years and more, son of her daughter Eleanor, is entitled to present at the next turn. The manor and advowson of Covington are held of the king in chief of his honor of Huntingdon for 1/3 of 1/4 knight's fee. Thomas Wesenham and his heirs hold the manor of Joan and her heirs. Annual value of the advowson 6d.

Date of death as in 829. John Culpepir , son of her daughter Eleanor, is her kinsman and next heir, aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/59/55 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the inquisition has also been corrected.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John German of Exton
  • Henry James
  • Thomas Stoke
  • John Kelewaye
  • John Clypsham of Empingham
  • William Agas
  • Thomas Welles
  • John Stacy
  • John Goneld of Whitwell
  • Geoffrey Skevyngton
  • John Boyvill
  • John Clerk of Greetham


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