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Writ Head

157 Writ to assign dower. ‡ 12 Nov. 1418. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to Reynold Malyns, late escheator in Essex temp. Henry IV, requiring an assignment of dower from the lands taken into that king’s hand owing to the death of her husband Edward, duke of York, who held in chief from Henry IV, made pursuant to an order by that king.

Inquisition Head

Essex. Assignment of dower. Rayleigh. 20 March 1419. [Malyns].

Quoting writ of 26 Feb. 1416 [CCR 1413–19, p.267]. In the presence of John Mylle , next friend of Richard, son of Richard, son of the duke, kinsman and heir.


Rayleigh, 1/3 of the honor, township, fair, market and park, called `wardum extlore' comprising 1 1/2 a. arable and pasture with free ingress and egress. Rents and services of tenants: lands rendering 2s.; Alice Hamond holding by 2s. 1d. rent, rendering 6d.; John Morce 2s.; John Barenton ...; ... Swankyn 7d.; Peter Cheryngton 5s.(?); Simon Parker 2 1/2d.; Joan Bette ...; William Pye 2s.; Robert Atteloft ... 22d.; Thomas Nytyngale 4d.; Richard Clerk in Horkesley; John Lurkyn , who holds the manor of `Tendeye'...; ... Audeby who holds lands and tenements in Hamstel and Prittlewell; suit of court and service of William Swymbourne , who holds the manor of Horkesley; John Kent , who holds lands and tenements in North Shoebury or South Shoebury; Richard Waldegrave, knight, who holds the manor of Polsteads; a portion of Rayleigh park noted by metes and bounds, with entry by all gates; 1/3 of the warren; a building called `la gretchambre';... common pasture; 1/3 of the profits of the fishery; the hundred court, view of frankpledge; other courts of the honor of Rayleigh, with fines, felons, profits of the hundred of Rochford; 1/3 of the manor of Thundersley; in the site of the manor a building called `le shephous'; the services of the prior of Merton, who holds lands and tenements in the township of Thundersley; a messuage, 20 a. arable, 6 a. meadow which John ...; 1 a. meadow of John Fraunceys 7d.; 2 messuages, 50 a. arable, 6 a. meadow and pasture called `Howlotes'... called `le Chirchefeld' lying in the north-east part of the field; 33 a. 1 1/2 roods in the field called `Malowdowne'; a field called `le Conywer' next a grange, opposite the church, 16 a. by estimate; 80 a. pasture... 1 a. 1 rood meadow in `Chirchefeld' to the north... a portion of meadow from `Goldmannesgate' to `le Logge' by lane to the site... 1 a. 1/2 rood, 17 perches wood in `Salteresgrove' on the east;... of Thundersley with fines and amercements, chattels of felons and fugitives and all other liberties and franchises;... 27 a. 3 roods in `le Fanfeld';... 2 1/2 a., 1/2 rood, 6 1/2 perches pasture called `le Fan' on the south;... 1/3 manor of Eastwood... a house called `le Wyke' from the main door eastwards with 1/3 of the adjoining farm; 1/3 dovecot there and 1/3 of all perquisites and pence arising yearly; the yearly rents and services of the following tenants of the manor: Thomas Flemmyng 6s. 6d.; Katharine wife of John Sprot 12d.; John Boner 2s. 4d.; John Pynchon ...; 10 a. demesne meadow which John Peek holds, 5s. 5d.; a messuage, 20 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and pasture... 40 a. arable, 8 a. meadow and pasture, all demesne, which Agnes Burghyld holds, 5s. 4d.;... 2 a. meadow and pasture, all demesne, which Robert Roger holds, 9d.; 3 messuages, 24 a. arable, 6 a.meadow and pasture... 3s. 1d.; a messuage, 20 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and pasture, all demesne, which John Hankyn holds, 3s.;... 1 a. demesne arable, which Reynold Swaffer holds, 1d.; `Grymesfeld', 110 a.;... `le Homfeld' on the west; 2 1/2 a. arable 1/2 rood pasture in a field called `le Cowlese'; hundreds, views of frankpledge and other courts of the manor of Eastwood with fines and amercements, chattels of felons and fugitives with other liberties and franchises there;...; [the following rents, services and customary works] lands and tenements called `Blecchis tenement' which owes 217 1/2 works in winter, each work worth 1/2d.; John Symond for `Botyes tenement'; Thomas Tony for a tenement called `Castelanes'; `Jayberdes tenement'; John Peek ; Thomas Coll and John Godfrey ; John Bertyn ; John Gernon for `Lettres tenement';... 14 1/2d. yearly from the customary tenants for `bedrepsylver' paid at Michaelmas;...a rent called `wardepens'; 7 1/2d. yearly rent from the customary tenants for a rent called `war...';... John Glasyer holds within the lordship of Rayleigh for certain rents, 7s. yearly; the following rents and services: tenants of `Welhawe' in Horndon on the Hill or West Horndon held of the honor of Rayleigh,... annual value 6 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/2d.; a messuage, 40 a. arable and 10 a. meadow at `Whithalle' called `Bodenesse'; of the abbot of Beeleigh for lands and tenements in Stow Maries in Essex of the honor; of the abbot of Coggeshall for lands and tenements in Wissington... and tenements in Fordham in Essex of the honor; of John Song for lands and tenements in Fordham of the honor; of Gilbert Hert for lands and tenements in Fordham; of the heirs of John Vernon for lands and tenements in Latchingdon called `le Hyde' of the honor; formerly of Henry de la Hay for lands and tenements in Stratford in Suffolk of the honor;... in East Mersea or West Mersea of the honor; 1/3 of the perquisites and pence from a water-mill at Rayleigh.

[Much of the right-hand side of the document is missing.]

TNA reference

C 138/35/67 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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