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Inquisition Head

Wiltshire. Assignment of dower. Swindon. 20 Oct. 1419. [Wyke].

Assignment in the presence of Robert Beynam, guardian and attorney of Anchoret, daughter and heir of Gilbert, and of Thomas Major, attorney of Beatrice.


Swindon: from the manor a lower chamber with kitchen annexed to south of the large chamber, a little stable at the north end of the byre, 2 `canip' and 1/4 barn with a portion of land between the stable and the barn, and all the gardens to the north of the large chamber, with a portion of land with gate, annexed the garden to the north, with free ingress and egress. Next 1/3 of the park called `Oldeorchard' to the west and 1/3 of 2 water-mills worth yearly... Also £4 4s. 1d. assize rents from lands etc. of various tenants with the services and customary works of the tenants: William Harryce, a burgage 5s.; Thomas Brome, 2 burgages 2s.; John Symond, 3 1/2 burgages 3s. 6d.; Robert Forde, 3 1/2 burgages 3s. 6d.; Thomas Balle, a burgage 5s.; Walter Taylour, 1 1/2 burgages 2s. 5d.; Philip Putmannes, 1 1/2 burgages 2s. 3d.; Simon Bridde, a cottage 8d.; John Sopere, various burgages 5s. 1d.; Thomas Smyth, 2 1/2 burgages 2s. 3d. and a forge 4s. 2d.; John Pyryton, 4 1/2 burgages 7s. 2d.; John Lorde, a messuage, 2 virgates 8s.; Robert Purre, a messuage, 2 virgates 8s.; Thomas Burgeys, a messuage, 2 virgates 8s.; William Hone, a messuage, 2 virgates 11s.; John Admond, a messuage, 1 1/2 virgates 8s. 4d. A 1/3 of all demesne lands: in `le Estfeld' at `Whatynden', 2 a. at `Fowlake' lying together, 4 a. at `le Wowlond', 4 a. in `le Longlond'; in `le Westfeld' 3 1/2 a. at `Sterte' to the south, 2 a. in `Middelfurlong', 1 a. called `Chilkyacr', 4 a. at `le Hurst'; and in `le Middelfeld', 5 a. at `le Buryhull' on the west, 4 a. at `Oldorchard', 4 a. at `Ludlowe' to the south, 3 a. at `Burylenche'. Also 10 a. meadow called `Northmede', 4 a. pasture to the west, 10 a. pasture at `Longbreche' to the west, and 1/3 of all views of frankpledge, of pleas and perquisites of courts, of market tolls and of stallage of cattle. Broughton Gifford, assignment in the presence of Robert Beynam, 14 Nov. 1419. From the manor called Talbot's manor, 67s. 5d. in assize rents: Thomas Testewode for a messuage and various portions 2s. 11d.; John Grenehull for a messuage, 3 tofts, a water-mill, 6d.; William atte Wode for a messuage, 1/2 virgate called `Philippes' 6s. 7 1/2d., a cock and 3 hens; the same for a cottage with croft called `Shepecroft' 12d.; Robert Tytte for a messuage and a virgate called `Lyllebones' 11s. 11 1/2d.; John Fyssh for a messuage and a virgate called `Braybones' 11s. 11 1/2d.; William Curteys for a messuage and a virgate called `Swones' 11s. 11 1/2d.; John Grenyng for a messuage and a virgate called `Yongges' 11s. 11 1/2d.; the same for a messuage and 1/2 virgate called `Huntes' 6s. and a cock and 3 hens; Philip Gay for a cottage called `Mulleburyes' 2s. Also a building called `le bakhous' below the site of the manor, a space for a barn, with free entry, a garden called `Chalparrok' or `Bernherdes' to the east of the site. Demesne land and pasture: a field called `Langgaston' comprising 10 a. arable and 2 portions of a croft of pasture to the north of the field, a field called `Middellangaston' of 4 1/2 a. arable with a little croft of pasture in the North field, in a field called `Lyghfeld' 6 1/2 a. 1 rood arable abutting on a croft called `Lyghcroft' and extending to a wood called `Audelewode', and 4 a. meadow called `le Westmede'... 1 a. meadow in `Parkemede' next `Donnyngesclose' extending in length to the north and south, and 10 a. pasture called `le Newlese' next the site of the manor, 6 a. 1 1/2 roods pasture in a croft called `Estwhatele'; in the east of the croft, 19 a. pasture in a field called `le Breche', of which 5 lie at `Hullefurlong' and 14 next the gate called `Brecheyate'; 6 1/2 a. pasture and wood in the lord's park of which 3 a. 1 rood lie in the south and extend in length as far as `Parkfysshwher', and 3 a. 1 rood in the east part of the park between the lane called `Parklane' and `Parkstyle'; and 19 a. wood lying along the length of the wood to the gate called `Wodeyate' and to the pasture called `Wodelygh' to the east of the wood. Also 1/3 mill, view of frankpledge, fines, goods, pleas and perquisites of courts, and the third turn of presentation to the church of Broughton Gifford, when vacant. Ashton Gifford, assignment by John Wykes, escheator, in the presence of Robert Beynam, guardian and attorney of Anchoret, 22 Nov. 1419. From the manor of Ashton called Talbot's manor: 1/3 assize rents 32s. 11d., with fines, suit of court etc.; Thomas Bayly for a messuage and a virgate 18s.; Edmund Kent for a messuage and a virgate 14s. 11d.; 1/3 site called Talbot's garden, that part next `Estlane'extending in length to the pasture called `le Merssh', and the length of the garden to the north, 3 perches in the middle of the garden next the ditch called `Fysshwher', 3 perches 4 feet in the south of the garden, 4 perches 14 feet in length. Also 3 a. demesne arable in the field of Ashton Gifford lying in the middle of... croft and extending to `les Busselles'; 1 a. in the west between the king's highway called `Herewey' and Ashton; 3 a. in `Upshotenfurlong'; 1 a. to the west called `le Mersshlond'; 1 a. called `le Shorteacre'; 3 a. at `le Breche' to the south; 1 a. at `Longlondesynde'; 2 a. at `Dusseplottes'; 3 a. at `Lytelcoffurlong'; 6 a. in `Estlonglond'; 2 a. in `Longcollond' to the east of the said furlong; 1 a. called `le Gores'; 1 1/2 a. called `Shotgores'; 1 1/2 a. at `Brodelond'; 1 a. at `le Hake'; 1 a. at `Wawlond'; 1 a. demesne at `Thomelyng'. Also 5 a. 1 rood meadow in `Northmede', 1/3 pasture called `le Rixen', 4 a. pasture in `le Downe', 1/3 parcel called `le Conyngges', 1/3 of 1/2 water-mill, 3 a. arable, 3 roods meadow belonging to the mill; and the third turn of presentation to the church of Codford St. Peter.

TNA reference

C 138/35/66 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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  • Wyke(Escheator)



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