Full text


Writ Head

178 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 11 June 1439. [Bate].

Elizabeth is one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas Duffeld . Inquire after those lands and tenements that came to the king’s hand owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Elizabeth.

Inquisition Head

CITY OF YORK. Inquisition. York. 27 June 1439. [ Ridley ].


Jurors: John Lawton ; Richard Robynson ; John Hodfeld ; William Neuton ; Robert Pert ; William Plowelle ; William Blawmfront ; William Sutton ; William More ; Richard Hebson ; Robert Dowffe ; and John Stewnson .


Owing to the death of Thomas Duffeld and the minority of his daughters and heirs, Elizabeth Duffeld and Margaret Duffeld, the following tenements, held of the king in free burgage as all the city is held, came to the king’s hand and are still there.

St Saviourgate, a tenement, worth 8s. yearly;
Ousegate, a tenement, worth 10s. yearly;
Peaseholme, 4 small tenements under one roof, each worth 12d. yearly;
Aldwark, 5 small tenements under one roof, each worth 12d. yearly;
Little St Andrewgate, 5 tenements under one roof, each worth 18d. yearly; and 7 small tenements under one roof, each worth 12d. yearly;
Garthlane, 3 small tenements under one roof, each worth 8d. yearly; 3 other small tenements under one roof, each worth 8d. yearly; and a small garden there, worth 10d. yearly;
St Andrew ’s churchyard, 5 small tenements under one roof, each worth 18d. yearly; and, on each side of a lane, 7 small tenements built under one roof, each worth 10d. yearly.

Thomas died on 10 March 1429, seised in demesne as of fee of all the said tenements and garden which descended to Margaret and Elizabeth as his daughters and heirs. They too were seised in their demesne as of fee, and were minors in the king’s wardship. Elizabeth was then aged 2 days and no more, and she died on 21 March 1429 jointly seised in parcenary with Margaret. Margaret is sister and next heir of Elizabeth, and is aged 16 years and more. By the death of Elizabeth, the moiety of the tenements and garden that was hers descended to Margaret. Both moieties of the tenements and garden are still in the king’s hand, one moiety owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Elizabeth, and the other moiety owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Margaret.

TNA reference

C 139/91/21a mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Baldersby. 4 November 1438.n118 [Conyers].

[Inquisition: ms badly galled. Information supplemented by 181 (for jurors’ names) and 182 (body of inquisition).]


Jurors: Thomas Newby and John Newby of Skipton on Swale; John Alanson of Catton; Thomas Baron of Cundall; William Topclyffe of Catton; William Forster , and William Saunderson of Cundall; William Bell , Thomas Grysthwayte , William Gillyng , and Richard Faldyngton of Dishforth; Thomas Tirwhite and William del Hall of Topcliffe; and John Burton of Leckby.

She held the following in demesne as of fee, jointly with Margaret her sister.
Skelton, a close called ‘Cortburn’, containing 14 a. land, worth 2s. yearly, held of the king in chief by rendering 10s. yearly at Easter and Michaelmasn119 for all service; and a wood called ‘Hordhirn’ and 200 a. pasture, worth 2s. yearly, held of the king in chief by knight service, viz., 1/6 knight’s fee, with no other rent to pay.
Skelton, a field called ‘Halefeld’, containing 3 bovates, worth 4s. yearly, held of the abbot of St Mary ’s, York , by rendering 5s. yearly for all service.
Skelton, a capital messuage with 3 small buildings there, 4 bovates of arable, a close called ‘Stokheng’, containing a bovate, a close called ‘Langintakes’, containing a bovate, and a close called ‘Wydhopyn’, containing a bovate, worth 14s. yearly, held of Joan, countess of Westmorland , as of her manor of Raskelf.

... is aged ?16 years and more....

[Foot:] Memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to court at London on ? 30 December 1438 by Thomas Pounde, clerk of the Lower Exchequer.

[Dorse:] To Thomas Pou[nde] ... to Sir [as ms] John Kirkby ... Ekyngton veyn... at London [ms partly covered by guard at its edge].

TNA reference

C 139/91/21a mm. 3, 6

Inquisition Head

180 Appointment of two men by the Yorkshire sheriff to empanel a jury. 3 November 1438.

I, Robert Constable , sheriff of Yorkshire, have assigned Henry Tesdale and John Maleuer to bring 24 good and lawful men before Christopher Conyers, king’s escheator , at Baldersby on 5 November 1438,n120 according to the order sent to me by the escheator. Dated at York Castle on 3 November 1438. Under the seal of my office.

TNA reference

C 139/91/21a m. 4

Inquisition Head

181 YORKSHIRE. List of men empanelled for a jury.

Thomas Newby of Skipton on Swale, sworn; John Newby of the same place, sworn; John Alanson of Catton, sworn; William Topclyff of the same place, sworn; William Forster of Cundall, sworn; Thomas Baron of the same place, sworn; William Saunderson of the same place, sworn; William Bell of Dishforth, sworn; Thomas Grystwayth of the same place, sworn; William Gyllyng of the same place, sworn; Richard Faldyngton of the same place, sworn; Thomas Tyrwyth of Topcliffe, sworn; William del Hall of the same place, sworn; John Burton of Leckby, sworn; Robert Crawyn of Baldersby; John Paliser of Topcliffe; Alexander Pode of Thornton; John Dobson of Leckby; Robert Bulyng of the same place; Richard Wath of Asenby; Adam Milner of Topcliffe; [continues on dorse] Peter Chapman of Topcliffe; John Catton of Cundall; and Adam Milner of Topcliffe [this name is repeated].

[Head:] Panel.

TNA reference

C 139/91/21a m. 5

Writ Head

182 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 16 February 1439. [Bate].

Regarding 179. Inquire after those lands and tenements that came to the king’s hand owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Elizabeth, and are still there, and of whom they are held.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. The castle at York . 14 March 1439. [Fitzwilliam].


Jurors: Thomas Crathorn ; William Dalton ; William Rodes ; George Forster ; Ralph Clyfton ; Robert Malton ; John Burton ; Thomas Clyfton ; John Mordon ; John Claxton ; John Sawmon ; and John Bryan .


The lands and tenements in 179, and no more, came to the king’s hand owing to the death of Thomas and the minority of Margaret and Elizabeth, his daughters and heirs.n121

Thomas died on 10 March 1429. Margaret and Elizabeth were then his daughters and next heirs and, by his death, the lands and tenements descended to Margaret and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was then aged 2 days, and she died on 21 March following, jointly seised in parcenary with Margaret of all the said lands and tenements. Margaret is sister and next heir of Elizabeth and, by the death of Elizabeth, the moiety of the lands and tenements that was Elizabeth’s, descended to Margaret. Both moieties are still in the king’s hand owing to the minority of Margaret. She is aged 16 years and more.

[Head:] Memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to the king’s Chancery on 30 March 1439 by William Hill, clerk, in the escheator’s name.

TNA reference

C 139/91/21a mm. 7–8



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
wooda (1 x wood) -
pasture200 a. (200 x acre) -
Value2s.2s. (=24d.)
land2s.14 a. (14 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
2s.2s. (=24d.)
Total: £1 2s. (=264d.)
bovates4s.3 (3 x bovate)4s. (=48d.)
Total: £1 2s. (=264d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
buildings3 (3 x buildings) -
arable4 bovates (4 x bovate) -
bovatea (1 x bovate) -
bovatea (1 x bovate) -
bovatea (1 x bovate) -
Value14s.14s. (=168d.)
Total: £1 2s. (=264d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • Thomas Newby
  • John Newby
  • John Alanson of Catton
  • Thomas Baron of Cundall
  • William Topclyffe of Catton
  • William Forster
  • William Saunderson
  • William Bell
  • Thomas Grysthwayte
  • William Gillyng
  • Richard Faldyngton
  • Thomas Tirwhite
  • William del Hall
  • John Burton of Leckby


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