Full text


Writ Head

478 Writ devenerunt ‡ 5 Feb. 1421. [Mapilton]

Inquire what lands and tenements accrued to the king by the death of William, who held from Richard II in chief, the minority of his son Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV, and the minority of Richard son of Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry V.

Inquisition Head

Cambridgeshire. Inquisition. [Illegible.] 8 April 1421. [Bury].


Jurors: … ...kyn ; Thomas ...ss..aundre ; John ?Bret ; William … ; John Osbern ; Thomas West ; John Kyng ; Thomas Fan ; Roger Fyn ; and John Ely [ms worn, at least 2 jurors' names illegible].


William Gambon held jointly with William Horston and John West the manor of Wendy and a tenement, 90 a. arable in Wendy and Kneesworth by the gift and feoffment of Thomas Maddyngle made to William Gambon, William Horston and John West, then still living, and to William ?Stodeley and Sir John Baude, chaplain , then deceased, and the heirs of William Gambon. William Horston afterwards died, and John West still lives. The manor and 90 a. arable came into the hand of ‪ Richard II, ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V because of the minorities of Richard son of William and his son Richard.

Wendy. There are in the manor 110 a. arable worth 54s. yearly, 10 a. pasture worth 5s. and 4 a. meadow worth 6s. yearly. The manor is held of the earl of Westmorland of the honor of Richmond in socage and by yearly suit at his tourn
Wendy and Kneesworth. The 90 a. arable, annual value 35s., are held of William Fitzrauf for 6s. 8d. yearly.

Richard son of Richard son of William died without issue on 5 Nov. last. John Gambon , aged 30 years and more, son of William Gambon is the kinsman and heir of Richard son of Richard, i.e. son of William the father of Richard son of William the father of Richard son of Richard.

TNA reference

C 138/47/52 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.

[This entry relates to 2 writs and 2 inquisitions, one pair (mm. 3-4) relating to Richard the son and heir of William Gambon and the other (mm. 5-6) to his son, also named Richard. The inquisitions are almost identical save for their respective death dates.]

Writ Head

479 Writ devenerunt ‡ 20 Nov. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquire what lands and tenements accrued to the king by the death of William, who held from Richard II in chief, and the minority of his son Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV.

Writ Head

479 Writ devenerunt ‡ 5 Feb. 1421. [Mapilton].

Inquire what lands and tenements accrued to the king by the death of William, who held from Richard II in chief, the minority of his son Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV, and the minority of Richard son of Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry V.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition. Bere Regis. 24 Feb. 1421. [Caraunt].


Jurors: John Smert ; William Sevier ; William James ; Richard Mourton ; William Bagh ; John Norce ; William Bartelot ; John Parly ; Richard Burgeys ; Walter Marlyng ; Edward Burgeis ; and Geoffrey Dier .n479_001


William Gambon held the following by the law of England after the death of his wife Cecily of the inheritance of Richard named in the writ, son and heir of William and Cecily, which by reason of the death of William and the minority of his son Richard came into the hand of ‪ Richard II , ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V.

Winterborne Kingston, 7 messuages, worth 40s. yearly; a toft, worth 2s. yearly; a carucate of land, worth 4 marks yearly; 3 a. meadow, worth 3s. yearly; and 20 a. pasture, worth 4s. yearly; held of ‪ Richard II in chief by knight service.

Richard son of William died on 24 Sept. 1401. Richard son of Richard son of William on the death of Richard son of William was the next heir of Richard son of William and died without issue [m. 6 only:] on 5 Nov. last. John Gambon son of William and Cecily, aged 30 years and more, is the brother and next heir of Richard son of William and kinsman and next heir of Richard son of Richard, i.e. son of William Gambon the father of Richard son of William father of Richard son of Richard.

TNA reference

C 138/47/52 mm. 3-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Much other additional material has also been added.

Writ Head

480 Writ devenerunt ‡ 20 Nov. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquire what lands and tenements accrued to the king by the death of William, who held from Richard II in chief, and the minority of his son Richard, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV.

Inquisition Head

Norfolk. Inquisition. Runhall. 21 Jan. 1421. [Lexham].


Jurors: John Robert ; Simon Messanger ; Thomas atte Hawye ; John Medilton ; John Bygot ; John Marchere ; Thomas Thalmage ; John Skatere ; Robert Rhinhale ; Robert atte Haghe ; John Westgate ; and Simon Vilby .


William Gambon held by the law of England on the death of his wife Cecily in right of Richard son of William named in the writ, son and heir of William and Cecily:

1/3 manor of Outwell, held of the earl of Stafford for 1/2 knight's fee,
100 a. arable worth 36s., 10 a. meadow and pasture in the townships of Outwell, Hackford, Great Witchingham and Little Witchingham worth 10s. yearly, and 40s. yearly rent from various free tenants in the same townships at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; all held of Lord Fitzwalter for 1/8 knight's fee,
a messuage called Outwell in Runhall, annual value 12d., with 50 a. arable, annual value 9s., 10 a. meadow and pasture, annual value 10s., and 30s. yearly rent from various free tenants in the townships of Barnham Broom, Brandon Parva and Runhall at the same terms as above; all held of the earl of Gloucester , service unknown,
1/2 manor of Skeyton, the advowson of the church of the township, and
90 a. arable, annual value 30s., 10 a. meadow and pasture, annual value 10s., in the townships of Skeyton, Crostwight and Tibenham at the same terms as above
. He held jointly with John Baude, chaplain , John atte Cros , John Frary , citizen of Norwich , and Richard Mold of Wendy in Cambridgeshire , of whom only John atte Cros and John Frary survive, by grant of John Howard , citizen of Norwich , Robert Howard, knight , Robert Boteler of Heigham , William son of Thomas Howard of Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen , and Thomas Howard, chaplain ,
a manor called Uphall in Runhall with appurtenances in Runhall, Brandon Parva , Welborne, Barnham Broom, `Rysks' Coston, Carleton Forehoe, Thuxton and Mattishall, annual value 40s., and held of Lord Fitzwalter for 1/8 knight's fee.
All the above were taken into the hand of ‪ Richard II on the death of William Gambon and were afterwards in the hand of ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V because of the minority of Richard son of Richard son of William.

Richard son of Richard son of William died without issue on 5 Nov. last. John Gambon , son of William and Cecily, is his kinsman and next heir, i.e. son of William father of Richard father of Richard, and is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/47/52 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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Wendy, Kneesworth
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  • Mapilton(Writ Clerk)


  • … ...kyn
  • Thomas ...ss..aundre
  • John ?Bret
  • William …
  • John Osbern
  • Thomas West
  • John Kyng
  • Thomas Fan
  • Roger Fyn
  • John Ely


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