‹ E-CIPM 26-466: JOHN HILLE ›
Inquisition Head
SOMERSET. Proof of age. Taunton. 23 October 1445. [Leyot].
The jurors swear that he was born at Spaxton on Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin[4 September] 1424, and baptised in the church of the Virgin Mary there. They recall this well with reference to the following memories of the day of his birth. Walter Mychell , aged 44, carried a basin and ewer to the church. John Blower , aged 50, carried a torch. William Magott , aged 60, rode there with John Warre , godfather. John Person, senior , aged 60, was riding to Taunton and fell from his horse, injuring his right shin. John ?Cloutesham, aged 50, was sent to bring the above John Warre to Spaxton. Thomas Roche , aged 54, rode to Spaxton with Isabel Courtenay , godmother, and rode homewards again with her. John Phelpott , aged 53, had a vessel (dolium) of oil carried to his house. On the way it was broken and the oil poured out and was lost. John ?P o le, aged 43, wore a surplice and held the book from which the rector read during the baptism. Roger Person , aged 45, recalls because William, his son, now deceased, was born. Robert Cote , aged 58, recalls because his servants (famuli) went with a wagon to carry corn. An ox pulling the wagon suddenly fell to the ground and died. John Cogayn , aged 60, had a daughter, Alice, who died and was buried in the cemetery of the church. Henry Sidenham , aged 53, was riding to Bridgwater. As his horse was walking along the way it suddenly fell from under him and died. [Foot:] Thomas Kyryell , Cecily, and Walter Portman were warned to be there.
TNA reference
C 139/124/53 mm. 1–2
No holding information available.
No holding extent information available.
- Bate(Writ Clerk)