Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Ilchester. 20 September 1434. [Champneys].


Jurors: John Courtenay ; William Tomas of Bridgwater; John Weston ; John Gilberd ; William Stapulton ; William Cloutesham ; William Magot ; John Cave ; John Tyttesbury ; John Pytte ; Thomas Copleston ; and Richard Arnold .


William Tryvet, chevalier , son of Thomas Tryvet, chevalier , was seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.

Puriton, 1/2 manor, held of James de Audeleigh, knight , of his manor of Puriton by knight service, annual value £4.
Crandon, a toft, 100 a. land and 10 a. meadow, held of the same James by knight service, as is clear in the charters and evidence publicly shown to the jurors, and 6s. 8d. to the king as blanch-farm at Michaelmas at the sheriff’s tourn at Lypestone.
He married Sarah, daughter of Robert de Eston , then seised in her demesne as of fee of the following.
Chilton Trivet, the manor, held of Robert Ponynges, knight , of his manor of Rodway by knight service, annual value £6.
Otterhampton, the manor, held of the same Robert of his manor of Wick by knight service, annual value £10.
Combwich, 1/4 manor, held of the same Robert of his same manor of Wick by knight service, annual value 40s.
Cock, 6 messuages, 100 a. land, 20 a. meadow and 20 a. wood, held of the same Robert of his same manor by knight service, annual value 60s.
Yard, a messuage and carucate of land, held of Thomas ?Stowell, knight [ms stained], of his manor of Cothelstone by knight service, annual value 26s. 8d.
Clayhill, a toft and carucate of land, held of John Bluet of his manor of North Petherton by knight service, annual value 20s.
William and Sarah had issue William, Romundus and Matthew, and Sarah died. William then held by curtesy, except for the 1/2 manor of Puriton and the land and tenement in Crandon of which he was seised in his demesne as of fee. He married Alice and they had issue William, Thomas, John, Nicholas, Baldwin, Agatha, Thomasia, Sybil, Deonise and Isabel. William died and William, son of William and Sarah, entered as their son and heir. He had issue, Thomas, and died. Thomas had issue John and died. John had issue Thomas Tryvet, knight , lately married to Elizabeth Tryvet named in the writ. Thomas entered as son and heir and was seised in his demesne as of fee. By his charter he granted the holdings to John Clynton , Matthew Gurnay, knight , Richard Mareys and Robert Wrenche and their heirs. The feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee and by their charter re-granted the holdings to this Thomas and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to Thomas’ right heirs. Thomas and Elizabeth were seised in their demesne as of fee tail and Thomas died seised of this estate without heir by Elizabeth or any heir of his body. Elizabeth surrendered her estate to John Tryvet , who survives, kinsman and heir of Thomas, son of John, as son of Thomas, son of Robert, son of James, son of Matthew, son of William and Sarah. Romundus, brother of Matthew, died long before the death of Thomas, son of John, without heir of his body.

She died on 30 November last, without heir.

[Foot:] this was delivered to Chancery on 30 September.

TNA reference

C 139/64/35 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Ashford. 13 March 1434. [Aune].


Jurors: Thomas atte Grove ; Simon Inkepette ; John Inkepette ; John Stoutyng ; John atte Broke ; Hamond Millere ; William atte Broke ; John Bente ; Hamond Genour ; John Sandre ; William Clerk ; and Robert Doget .

Lewis Clyfford, knight , William Brenchesley , William Makenade and William Wenlok were lately seised of the following manors, advowsons and hundred in their demesne as of fee. They granted these to Elizabeth who was the wife of Thomas Tryvet, knight , for life, reversion to them and their heirs. She was seised in her demesne as of free tenant. Lewis, William Brenchesley and William Makemade predeceased her, seised jointly of the reversion with William Wenlok , who then held the right to the reversion as tenant in survivorship. By his indented charter dated on 6 April 1413, the part bearing his armorial seal shown to the jurors, William Wenlok granted that the reversion of the following, described as the manors of Boughton Aluph and Stowting, remain to Richard de Beauchamp , son of William de Beauchamp, lately Lord Abergavenny , John Grendore, knight , Thomas Waleweyn , John Harewell , Thomas Harewell and Richard Pepur and the heirs of the body of Richard de Beauchamp , successive remainders to the following: Joan his sister, daughter of William de Beauchamp , and the heirs of her body; Elizabeth her sister and the heirs of her body; and to the same Richard de Beauchamp , John Grendore , Thomas Waleweyn , John Harewell , Thomas Harewell and Richard Pepur and their heirs. Elizabeth attorned to them. Richard de Beauchamp had issue Richard who had issue Elizabeth, wife of Edward Neuille , son of Ralph, lately earl of Westmorland , who survives. Richard died and the right to the manors, advowsons and hundred descended successively to Richard his son and heir; and to Elizabeth, wife of Edward Neuille , as daughter and heir of Richard, son of Richard. Richard de Beauchamp , Richard his son, John Grendore , Thomas Harewell , John Harewell and Richard Pepur predeceased Elizabeth named in the writ. She died seised of her estate, remainder to Elizabeth, wife of Edward, and the heirs of her body as kinswoman and heir of Richard de Beauchamp , son of William de Beauchamp, lately Lord Abergavenny , as daughter of Richard, son of this Richard, son of William.
Boughton Aluph, the manor, and the advowson of Boughton Aluph church belonging to the manor. Only 1/3 manor is held of the king of his honour of Boulogne, service unknown. Of whom or by what services the remaining 2/3 manor are held is unknown, but no part is held of the king . In the manor there is the site, worth nothing yearly because completely devastated; 224 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 264 a. pasture for sheep (ovum) and cows, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 6d. yearly; 120 a. seasonable wood, worth nothing this year because felled completely with no profits possible this year; a watermill, worth nothing yearly because completely destroyed and broken-up; the advowson of the church, which is occupied, the church worth £20 yearly; £25 free rents from lands and tenements of free tenants of the manor – £10 at the feast of St Andrew , 100s. at Palm Sunday, 100s. at Midsummer and 100s. at Michaelmas; rents of 6 cockerels, each worth 1 1/2d. and 40 hens, each worth 2d., from lands and tenements of free tenants of the manor, at Christmas; rent of 700 eggs from the same, at Easter, each 100 worth 4d.; manorial tenants bound, on account of their lands and tenements, to plough 28 a. land, called ?‘Gauelerth’ [ms soiled] in winter, the ploughing of each acre worth 12d.; a court every three weeks, worth 3s. 4d. after the expenses of the steward and bailiff; free rent of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., at Palm Sunday; rent of 6 geese from the tenements of manorial tenants at Lammas, price of each goose 3d.; rent of 3 bushels refined salt from lands of manorial tenants at Lammas, price of each bushel 6d.; rent of 100 horse nails from the same at Michaelmas, price of the nails 3d.; and a pasture called ‘la Leyne in Bradmed’ containing 60 a., worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Stowting, the manor, and the hundred of Stowting and advowson of Stowting church belonging to the manor, held of the archbishop of Canterbury in right of his church of Canterbury by knight service, annual value £33 6s. 8d.

She died on 2 December last. Identity of next heir unknown. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Neuille , is the kinswoman and next heir of Richard de Beauchamp , of his body in the above form, aged 17 years and more on that day. Edward Neuille , who survives, has had no issue by Elizabeth.

[Dorse:] this inquisition was delivered to Chancery on 9 April 1434.

TNA reference

C 139/64/35 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
tofta (1 x toft) -
land100 a. (100 x acre) -
meadow10 a. (10 x acre) -
Total: (=0d.)
Chilton Trivet
Value£6£6 (=1440d.)
Total: £6 (=1440d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land100 a. (100 x acre) -
meadow20 a. (20 x acre) -
wood20 a. (20 x acre) -
Value60s.£3 (=720d.)
Total: £3 (=720d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
landcarucate (1 x carucate) -
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
tofta (1 x toft) -
landcarucate (1 x carucate) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Bate(Writ Clerk)


  • John Courtenay
  • William Tomas of Bridgwater
  • John Weston
  • John Gilberd
  • William Stapulton
  • William Cloutesham
  • William Magot
  • John Cave
  • John Tyttesbury
  • John Pytte
  • Thomas Copleston
  • Richard Arnold


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