Full text


Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Louth 29 May 1431. [Tamworth].


Jurors: Robert See and Nicholas Burton of Louth; William Schadworth of Great Carlton; Michael Rouse and William Drewry of Saltfleetby; William Thomson of Saltfleet Haven; John Palmer of Grimoldby; Roger Catdale of North or South Cockerington (Cokryngton); John Johanson and John Helwys of Saltfleetby; William Route of Muckton; and Thomas Kyrk of Grimoldby.

He held the following by curtesy after the death of Isabel his wife from the inheritance of Christopher Conyers . Isabel was one of the daughters and heirs of William de Pert and Joan his wife.
Castle Carlton, 1/3 manor, held as a whole of the king in chief as 1/20 knight’s fee, with 1/3 advowson of the church there. There is the site of 1/3 manor, worth nothing yearly; 5 messuages with 1/3 another messuage, each messuage worth 20d. yearly, and the third worth 6¾d. yearly; 5 cottages with 1/3 another cottage, each cottage worth 12d. yearly, and the third worth 4d. yearly; 1/3 ruinous windmill, worth nothing yearly; 140 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 79 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 56½ a.a third of ½ a. meadow, each acre worth 5d. yearly, and the third of ½ a. worth 1¾d. yearly; 120 a. marsh, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 47 a. wood and underwood, the underwood worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 21s. 7½d., and a third of ½d. rent service from various tenants, taken at the feast of St Botulph, Michaelmas, Christmas, and Easter by equal parts; profit of toll for the fair held on the feast of the Exaltation of St Cross, commonly worth 8d. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 8d. yearly. The church is worth 40s. yearly.

He died on Tuesday, the feast of St Mark the Evangelist last.n081 Christopher Conyers is his son and next heir, and aged 10 and more.

[Foot:] Memorandum: this inquisition was freed to the court on 8 June 1432.

TNA reference

C 139/50/44 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York Castle 28 October 1431. [Thwaytes].


Jurors: Ralph Fitzrandolff ; John Wandesford ; John Wyclyff ; Thomas Blawfront ; John Moubray ; John Lasyngby ; Norman Carnaby ; Thomas del Spence ; Thomas Henrison ; Thomas Qwarrome ; John Gowton ; and Thomas Ayscoghe .

He held the following as 519.
Colburn, 1/3 manor, held as a whole of John Barneby , service unknown. There are 12 a. arable, worth 20d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, worth 3s. yearly; and 20 a. moor, worth 4d. yearly.
Newsham, 1/3 manor, held as a whole of Brian de Stapilton, knight , by rendering 6s. 8d. to him for all service. There are 12 a. arable, worth 2s. yearly; 9 a. meadow, worth 5s. yearly; and 24 a. moor, worth 12d. yearly.
He died seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Richmond, 1/3 burgage in the vill, worth nothing yearly because waste, held of John, duke of Bedford, in burgage.
Hudswell, 1/3 toft and 3 a. land, worth 12d. yearly, held of the abbot of St Agatha’s, service unknown.
He held no more lands or tenements of the king or any other because he granted the following to Henry, earl of Northumberland , Roger de Aske , John de Laton son of Thomas de Laton , and Robert Neuton, rector of Stokesley , and to their heirs. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee and continue to be so seised. The grant was made by charter dated Malton 24 April 1431 in which the castle, manors etc. were described as all the lands and tenements that Robert had in the vills of Malton, Welham, and Duggleby. The charter was shown to the jurors.
Malton, 1/3 site of the castle, with 1/3 profits of the fair, market, toll, and court of the borough of Malton, parcel of the third of the site of the castle;
Welham, ½ manor; and
Duggleby, ½ manor
. The castle and manors in their entirety are held of the king as of his honour and manor of Pickering, as parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by 5s. yearly for all service. He granted the following to the same people by another deed, its terms and date as the one above. The manors were described as all the lands and tenements, rents, and services that he had in the vills of Hutton Buscel and West Ayton.
Hutton Buscel, the manor.
West Ayton, the manor.
They are held of the king as of his manor and honour of Pickering, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by rendering 6s. 8d. yearly for all service. He granted the manor and lordship of Girsby to the earl of Northumberland , Roger Thorneton , Christopher Boynton , Roger de Aske , and John de Laton , still living. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee and continue to be so seised. The grant was made by deed dated Girsby 6 April 1428, shown to the jurors. The manor and lordship are held of Thomas, bishop of Durham, service unknown. Robert Conyers , Isabel his wife, William Eldyngton , Margaret his wife, and Conan de Aske granted the manor of Terrington to Henry, earl of Northumberland , Ralph Gray , Henry Fitzhugh , knights, Roger de Wederyngton , Robert de Eland , Laurence Moygne , John Lyndesay , esquires, Robert Neuton, rector of Stokesley , and Thomas Graunt, rector of Castle Carlton , and to their heirs and assigns. They were thus seised in demesne as of fee and continue to be so seised. The grant was made by deed dated 31 October 1429 where the manor was described as all the lands, tenements, rents, and services that Robert Conyers , Isabel his wife, William Eldyngton , Margaret his wife, and Conan de Aske had in the vill and territory of Terrington by York. The manor is held of Edmund Darell , service unknown. The deed was shown to the jurors.

He died on 26 April last. Christopher Conyers , son and next heir of Robert and Isabel, is aged 11 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/50/44 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
arable20d.12 a. (12 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
meadow3s.8 a. (8 x acre)3s. (=36d.)
moor4d.20 a. (20 x acre)4d. (=4d.)
Total: 5s. (=60d.)
arable2s.12 a. (12 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
meadow5s.9 a. (9 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
moor12d.24 a. (24 x acre)1s. (=12d.)
Total: 8s. (=96d.)
burgageworth nothing 1/3 (0.33 x burgage) -
Total: (=0d.)
toft 1/3 (0.33 x toft) -
land3 a. (3 x acre) -
Value12d.1s. (=12d.)
Total: 1s. (=12d.)
Malton, Malton
site of the castle1/3 (0.33 x site of the castle) -
fair, market, toll, court of the borough1/3 (0.33 x fair market toll court of the borough) -
Total: (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Hutton Buscel
Total: (=0d.)
West Ayton
Total: (=0d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
arable20d.12 a. (12 x acre)1s. 8d. (=20d.)
meadow3s.8 a. (8 x acre)3s. (=36d.)
moor4d.20 a. (20 x acre)4d. (=4d.)
Total: 5s. (=60d.)
arable2s.12 a. (12 x acre)2s. (=24d.)
meadow5s.9 a. (9 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
moor12d.24 a. (24 x acre)1s. (=12d.)
Total: 8s. (=96d.)




  • Ralph Fitzrandolff
  • John Wandesford
  • John Wyclyff
  • Thomas Blawfront
  • John Moubray
  • John Lasyngby
  • Norman Carnaby
  • Thomas del Spence
  • Thomas Henrison
  • Thomas Qwarrome
  • John Gowton
  • Thomas Ayscoghe


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