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Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Hereford 7 January 1429. [Walwayn].

[Inquisition: ms worn, torn, and galled.]


Jurors: Hugh Monyten ; John Brugge ; Thomas Ragon ; Roger ?Aunsham; Thomas More ; William Greye ; John Moton ; Robert de Assle ; William de Lauke ; William Tomkyns .


Hugh Harper, clerk , William Peion, clerk , and Thomas Bromwyche were lately seised of the following in demesne as of fee.

Wellington, the manor, and
3 messuages, 3 carucates of land, 20 a. meadow, 20 a. wood, 20 a. pasture, and 40s. rent in Wellington called Adzor,
pertaining to the same manor, held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20. By their indenture dated Wellington 13 December 1406, shown to the jurors, they granted the manor, described as the manor of Wellington, and all their other lands and tenements, meadows, woods, pastures, rents, and services in Wellington called Adzor, to John Chaundos and Philippa his wife, and to the male heirs of John’s body, to hold of the chief lords of those fees by due service in perpetuity. Failing such heirs, a moiety of the manor and of the lands and tenements called Adzor should remain to William Walwayn , John Catesby , and Roger Hoore , clerks, and John Walwayn of Stoke ?Edith , all now deceased, and to Thomas Walwayn , Richard Walwayn son of John Walwayn , and Richard Gambon , all still living, and to their heirs and assigns in perpetuity. The other moiety should remain to Thomas de la Hay , John Skydemore, knight , described as John Skydemore son of John Skydemore , Richard de la Mare , Thomas Burghope , and Richard Walsshe of Eton, chaplain , all still living, and Richard Carpenter, vicar of Peterchurch , and William Brut, vicar of Woolhope , both now deceased, and to their heirs and assigns in perpetuity. Royal licence was obtained, as shown by letters patent dated Westminster 20 October 1406, shown to the jurors [CPR 1405–1408, p. 246]. John Chaundos was seised in demesne as of fee tail male, and Philippa his wife was seised in demesne as of free tenement. Philippa died with John still living. He afterwards died without heir male of his body. A moiety of the manor and the lands and tenements called Adzor should remain to Thomas Walwayn , Richard Walwayn , and Richard Gambon and their heirs, and the other moiety should remain to Thomas de la Hay , John Skydemore, knight , Richard de la Mare , Thomas Burghope , and Richard Walsshe and their heirs in perpetuity. Richard de la Mare, esquire , John Merbury, esquire , Walter Mybbe , John Daundeseye , and Richard Walsshe, clerk , were seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Snodhill, the castle, manor, and lordship, with park, mill, rents and services, free warren, a fishery in the water of the Dore, view of frankpledge, knights’ fees, and advowson of the free chapel of the castle, held of the king in chief by knight service.
They demised it to John Chaundos , to hold at their will by rendering a red rose at Midsummer. He had no other estate there, and possession of free tenement and fee after the death of John, and always afterwards, rests with Richard, John, Walter, John, and Richard. John Goldyngton , Robert Sireston , and John Swanscombe , all still living, and John Chancy and Robert Kendale , now deceased, were lately seised in demesne as of fee of the following.
Fownhope, the manor with all its liberties and franchises, 6 messuages, 2 carucates of land, 100 a. meadow, 100 a. wood, 100 a. pasture, rent of 40s., and free fishery in the water called Wye, parcel of the manor, with appurtenances in Fownhope, Littlehope, Mordiford, and Holme Lacy (Home), held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £40; and
6 messuages, 100 a. land, 10 a. meadow, 10 a. pasture, and rent of 40s. called ‘Stepulconyslond’ in Fownhope, annual value 40s., held of John Hervy in socage.
By their indenture dated Fownhope 7 June 1417, shown to the jurors, they demised the above to John Chaundos and to his assigns for his life, to hold by rendering one red rose to John Goldyngton , John Swanscombe , John Chancy , Robert Sireston , and Robert Kendale at Midsummer. The manor etc. was described as the manor of Fownhope with all liberties and franchises and all those lands, tenements, meadows, woods, pastures, rents and services, free fishery of water of Wye with appurtenances in Fownhope, Littlehope, Mordiford, and Holme Lacy (Home), lately held by gift of Thomas Bromwyche, esquire, senior , and the lands and tenements called ‘Stepulconyslond’ in Fownhope, lately held by enfeoffment of John Chaundos . Royal licence was obtained by letters patent dated Westminster 25 November 1416, shown to the jurors [CPR 1416–1422, pp. 50–51]. John Chaundos was seised in his demesne as of free tenement of the manor of Fownhope and the lands and tenements called ‘Stepulconyslonde’ and died so seised. The manor and lands should revert to John Goldyngton , Robert Sireston , John Swanscombe , and to their heirs. He held the following in demesne as of fee, to him and his heirs in perpetuity.
Lugwardine, the manor, annual value £20; and
Lymbury , the manor, annual value 20s.,
held of Thomas Swynford and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, as of her manor of Ashperton by fealty and one pair of gilt spurs, price 2s., payable at Midsummer.

He died on 16 December last without heir of his body. Giles Brugge, esquire , is kin and one of his next heirs as the son of Alice one of the daughters of Elizabeth sister of John Chaundos , and aged 30 and more. Margaret wife of Nicholas Mattesdon is kin and his other next heir as the other daughter of Elizabeth sister of John Chaundos , and aged ?40 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/40/54 mm.1–2

E 149/143/1 m.1



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: (=0d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land3 carucates (3 x carucate) -
meadow20 a. (20 x acre) -
wood20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture20 a. (20 x acre) -
rent40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
park, mill, rents, services, free warren, fishery, frankpledge, knights’ feesa (1 x park mill rents services free warren fishery frankpledge knights’ fees) -
Total: -
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land2 carucates (2 x carucate) -
meadow100 a. (100 x acre) -
wood100 a. (100 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
rent40s.£2 (=480d.)
fishery -
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £42 (=10080d.)
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land100 a. (100 x acre) -
meadow10 a. (10 x acre) -
pasture10 a. (10 x acre) -
rent40s.£2 (=480d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Lugwardine, Ashperton
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Hugh Monyten
  • John Brugge
  • Thomas Ragon
  • Roger ?Aunsham
  • Thomas More
  • William Greye
  • John Moton
  • Robert de Assle
  • William de Lauke
  • William Tomkyns


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