Full text


Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Lutterworth 1 July 1429. [Bug].


Jurors: William Lussell ; Richard Rawlyn ; William Hert ; John Broun ; Thomas Seer ; Thomas Jakkesson ; Philip Campion ; John Helwes ; Richard Malston ; Thomas Brian ; John Oxton ; and Richard Stier .

He held the following conjointly with Mary his wife.
Ullesthorpe, 100 a. arable, worth 40s. yearly; 24 a. pasture, worth 6s. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, worth 20s. yearly.
They held the land by grant of Richard Stafford, esquire , John Wythemale, esquire , John Mervyn, chaplain , and John Humfrey , by a charter dated 3 September 1428, where it was described as a moiety of the site of the manor of Ullesthorpe with its demesne lands, for the life of George, with successive remainders to Eustace Burneby and Philippa his wife, both still living, and to the heirs of their bodies; and to the right heirs of George Burneby .
The moiety is held of John, duke of Norfolk , service unknown.
The charter was shown to the jurors.

He died on 9 June last. Eustace is his son and next heir, and aged 30 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/39/29 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Brixworth 30 June 1429. [Palmer].


Jurors: William Skaldewill of Brixworth; John Dorwyn, senior , Simon Garaunt , and Simon Smyth of Walgrave; Richard Chaumberleyn ; Richard Capell ; Richard Gille of Old (Wolde); John Rektok ; John Rawlynson ; Ralph Hoggesson ; William Ladde of Hanging Houghton; and William Torpley , William Sare , and John Dorwyn of Brixworth.

He held the following in demesne as of fee conjointly with Mary his wife, still living.
Watford, the manor, annual value 50 marks,
held by enfeoffment of John Dandlin to George and Mary, and to George’s heirs and assigns. The enfeoffment was made by a charter dated Watford 1 August 1408, shown to the jurors. Of whom the manor is held and by what service is described below. He held the following conjointly with Mary his wife for their lives by demise of Richard Stafford, esquire , John Wythemale, esquire , John Mervyn, chaplain , and John Umfrey by a charter dated 3 September 1428. The lands were described as all their lands and tenements, rents, reversions and services, meadows, and pastures in Ashby St Ledgers.
Silsworth, a messuage and virgate, worth 20s. yearly
; and
Watford, 2 mills, one driven by water and the other by wind, worth 20s. yearly,
with remainders successively to Eustace and the heirs of his body; and to the right heirs of George.
Ashby St Ledgers, a messuage and virgate, worth 10s. yearly; and 60s. assize rent, with remainders successively to Eustace Burneby and Philippa his wife, still living, and the heirs of their bodies; and to the right heirs of George
The mills are part of the manor of Watford, and 2 parts of the manor and 2 parts of the two mills are held of the king in chief as ½ knight’s fee. The other third of the manor and mills was lately held of the king in chief at fee-farm, rendering £20 yearly at his Exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts. Joan, queen of England , holds this fee farm in dower.
The messuage and land in Silsworth and the messuage, land, and assize rent in Ashby St Ledgers are held of the king as of his honour of Leicester as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
By letters patent dated Westminster 3 February 1409 and shown to the jurors, Henry IV , among other things, pardoned George and Mary for all gifts, alienations, and purchases made by them without royal licence from any lands and tenements held of the king in chief, and for all entries made by them after the deaths of their ancestors into their inheritances without suing the same from the king’s hands.
Date of death and heir as 212.
TNA reference

C 139/39/29 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
arable40s.100 a. (100 x acre)£2 (=480d.)
pasture6s.24 a. (24 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
meadow20s.12 a. (12 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
Total: £3 6s. (=792d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • William Lussell
  • Richard Rawlyn
  • William Hert
  • John Broun
  • Thomas Seer
  • Thomas Jakkesson
  • Philip Campion
  • John Helwes
  • Richard Malston
  • Thomas Brian
  • John Oxton
  • Richard Stier


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