Full text


Writ Head

236 Writ de dote assignanda. ‡ 26 November 1422. [Wymbyssh]

Ordering escheator to make an assignment of right of vert and of hunting within the forest, chase and park of Arundel, insufficiently defined by an earlier assignment by ‪Henry V‬’s writ of 28 February 1416 in accordance with ‪Henry V‬’s letters patent [24 February 1416, CPR 1413–16, p.400].

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Assignment of dower. Arundel. 6 January 1423. [Wymeldon]


In the presence of William Ryman , one of the king’s farmers, John Persons the other farmer being warned but not present, and in the presence of John Lelye and William Hunte , next friends of John son and heir of John Arundell, Lord Mautravers , kinsman and heir of Thomas, late earl of Arundel . Assignment of dower to Beatrice to hold in free dower from the forest and chases of Arundel by metes and bounds:

a bailiwick called ‘Westholte’ from the road called ‘Bebetoneswey’, and ‘Bebetonesdowne’ in the east, as far as the road which leads from Singleton to Cocking
another bailiwick in the forest called ‘Alfrythholte’, from ‘Tapperesfelde’ in the west and towards the east by way of the hill as far as the high hill of Heyshott
another bailiwick in the forest called Selhurst, from the park gate of Selhurst and the park gate of East Dean as far as ‘le Stone de la Estfeld’ of East Dean bearing right as far as ‘le Westertrenche in le Rede’, and then as far as ‘le Parkhegg’ of Selhurst
from the chase within the Selhurst bailiwick from ‘le Wodegate’ and ‘Denesbury’ in the east as far as the hedge of Eartham in ‘Blakedenesfote’, and then bearing right as far as ‘le Berwe’ on the hill of Up Waltham
another bailiwick in the forest, called Rewell, from ‘le Santer’ of the great park and the road which leads towards Madehurst, to ‘Bernecrofte’ in the east as far as ‘Rudegate’, and then by the highway which crosses or leads towards the great ditch
from the chase within this bailiwick called Rewell, from ‘Knollegate’ of Binsted via the flowing stream by ‘le Whitestubbe’ as far as ‘lez rayles’ of the great park and then on by the park’s fence to ‘Tortyngtonestyle’ and then to Tortington
in ‘Stokeswode’ from the corner of ?Barpham, bearing right as far as ‘le Bisshopespart’ and ‘le Tristemadame’, and then bearing right to the highway at ‘Rudegate’
in ‘Vylersheswode’ from ‘Pollyngeshacche’ right to ‘lez quaterberwes’ and then as far as ‘le Northmesteberwe’
from Gumber and ‘Dantreeshoke’ and the [arch]bishop of Canterbury’ s wood, right via the embankment as far as ‘le Pounde’ of Gumber, and then bearing right from ‘Berkehalesgate’ to ‘Crokkeresgate’
small parks of Arundel from a marked hawthorn (hauthorn signat’) by a ditch in ‘le Launde’ as far as a marked maple (mapell) towards the north on the right, and then from this maple bearing right as far as the middle of the mill called ‘Swanberwemylle’, and from the mill by the park fence as far as the great barn in the park, and then from the north corner of this barn towards the west as far as the north corner in the east end of Arundel castle, and from the buttery next to ‘Sturmysterestour’ in the east end of the castle as far as the said hawthorn on the ditch,
with free entry and exit and hunting of beasts of the chase there.

For a further assignment see E 152/9/462 #7, calendared at CIPM XX.671B

TNA reference

C 139/8/91 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Singleton, Cocking (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Heyshott (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Selhurst, Selhurst, East Dean, East Dean (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Eartham, Up Waltham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Madehurst (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Binsted, Tortington (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
?Barpham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Vylersheswode, Pollyngeshacche, lez quaterberwes, le Northmesteberwe (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Gumber (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Arundel (Assigned Holding)
Total: -



No holding extent information available.





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