Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 7 Dec. [Loveney].


Jurors: Thomas Gounce ; William Cumberwell ; Richard Chilterne ; William Smyth ; Hugh Pecche ; Thomas Kere of Barnston ; Richard atte Hale ; Walter Onywand ; Robert Heyward ; John Vynch ; Thomas Herde ; and Simon Veysy .


In parliament at Westminster in 1407 on the petition of Richard son and heir of Aubrey de Veer, earl of Oxford , the king granted that without proof of age he should have livery of the manors of Canfield and Downham with a rent in Tilbury juxta Clare and a third part of the manors of Prayors and Bourehall, which Philippa widow of Robert Beer, duke of Ireland , held during the minority of Richard by ordinance made in parliament at Westminster in 1401, the premises then being in the king’s hands owing to the minority.

Richard by indenture dated 16 Jan. 1407 made with royal licence [CPR 1405–8 , pp.297, 299, 311] granted the premises to Philippa for life on condition that if she recovered in dower from Richard in any court any lands which her husband had held the grant would be of no effect and he might regain the premises. So she held them with reversion to Richard and his heirs.

Canfield is held of the king in chief as one knight’s fee, annual value £53 6s.8d.;
Downham and the rent in Tilbury, parcel of the manor, also of the king in chief as half a fee, annual value £18;
and the third part of Prayors and Bourehall of the earl of March , service unknown, annual value £6.

She died on 24 Sept. last . The king is her kinsman and next heir, aged 44 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/88/43 mm. 1-2

E 149/97/14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 18 Oct. [Whythed].


Jurors: Edmund Wynselowe ; Robert Yonge ; Stephen Wylkyn ; William Bartlot ; Adam Barbour ; Thomas Totesham ; John Asshley ; Henry Cordwaner ; Thomas Sherman ; John Brystowe ; John Lyoun ; and John Mayhewe .


The king granted Richard de Veer that he should have livery of the manor of Kensington without proving his age, as above. He granted it to Philippa on 16 Jan. 1407 on the same condition as above. It is held of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, annual value £30.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/88/43 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Easingwold. 5 Nov. [Hilliard].


Jurors: John Jhonson ; William Birdde ; John Nutman ; William ?Guice ; Robert Saundirson ; Thomas Nubalde ; Nicholas Kyng ; Gilbert Mody ; Adam at the Beeke; John Foster ; Richard Sibbill ; and William Godyshalff .


She held to herself and the heirs of her body of the king in chief, by the grant of Richard II confirmed by the king, the manor and advowson of Thornton in Lonsdale and the manors of Middleton Tyas and Kneeton by Catterick [CPR 1396–9 , p.583; 1399–1401 , p.273]. On 24 Jan. 1405 the king granted the reversion of these manors to John his son and his heirs [CPR 1401–5 , p.484] and they now belong to him;

annual values, Thornton in Lonsdale manor and advowson £10,
and Kneeton 40s.

She died on 24 Sept. last without issue.

TNA reference

C 137/88/43 mm. 5-6

E 152/9/441 #6 (misnumbered #5 on roll)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Kendal. 27 Oct. [Crakanthorp].


Jurors: ... ...; ... ...; Richard Doket ; James de Redemane ; Matthew de Niandsergh ; Richard Gilpyne ; William Garnet ; John de Layburn ; Robert de Birkheued ; William de Levens ; Robert de Dokwra ; and Robert de Levens .


Philippa widow of Robert de Vere, duke of Ireland , and daughter of Ingram lord de Coucy and Isabel his wife, held in fee tail by the grant of Richard II on 18 May 1399 half the manor of Kendal with its members, of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £120.
The reversion failing heirs of her body was to the king and his heirs. Henry IV confirmed the grant and granted the reversion to John his son, as above.

John de Bethome held the manor of Beetham of her by homage, fealty and a rent of 32s., annual value 100s.,
and the following held of her the premises stated by homage, fealty and the rent and with the annual value as given:
… the manor of Farleton, 26s.8d., 40s.;
William de Wyndesore the manors of … of Kendal …, £12;
Richard de Redemane, knight , the manors of Levens and Lupton, 26s.8d., …;
the same Richard half the hamlet of Whinfell, 8s.2d., …;
William de Dahytyngton and Alice widow of Thomas Warde various tenements in Middleton formerly of Thomas Adamson … 6s.8d.;
Ralph Lasc… …burn, 30s., 100s.;
John de Moryceby the manor of Hutton Roof … 60s.;
D …various tenements in ‘Kirketal’ … 20s.;
John de …ouredale various tenements in Hutton Roof … £6;
Rowland Vaux and the prior of … in Thrimby … 5 marks;
Richard de Bellyngeham various tenements in Strickland Ketel … 30s.;
Robert de Stirkeland … 8d., 5s.;
Robert de Dokwra various tenements in Kendal 2s., 5s.;
John Bray 1 tenement in Strickland Ketel, 3s.4d. …;
John Swaynson 1 tenement in Crosthwaite called Hubbersty Head, 18d., …;
[Alan de] Penyngton, knight, the manor of Little Langdale … 40s.;
Richard de Banewithryg 1 tenement in Grasmere, 1d., 3s.4d.;
…ton … in Strickland Ketel, 5s., …;
Hugh Ward 1 tenement in Bowston, 2d., 3s.4d.;
the same Hugh … in Strickland Ketel … 12d.;
John de Stirkeland of Brundrigg 1 tenement in Strickland Ketel formerly of Rowland de Patton , 4 1/2d., 4s.;
the same John 2 other tenements in the same, rent of 1 root of ginger, 8d.;
John de Wynster 1 tenement in Winster Thwaites in Strickland Ketel, rent of 1/2 lb. cumin at Martinmas, …;
Robert Philipson 1 tenement in the same, rent of 1/2 lb. cumin, 5s.;
the abbot of Cockersand 1 tenement called ‘Lyndowes’ in the same, 1/2d., 12s.;
… tenement called Aldfield in the same, 2d., 3s.;
William de Derley tenements called Likbergh in the same, 8d., …;
… Dokwra a tenement in the vill of ‘Thornewinghall’ … 2s.;
William de Weshyng 1/2 a. in ‘le Whiterodyng’, 1/2d., 6d.;
Alan de Penyngton and John de Lamplugh , knights, lands and tenements in Stainton, 1d., 5s.;
John de Berwyke, senior , lands and tenements in the same, 12d., 10s.;
… tenements in Rigmaden, rent of 3 barbed arrows, 40s.;
William Thornburgh, tenements in Sleddale …;
… tenements in Hutton Roof, 3s.4d., 21s.8d.;
and Thomas de Tunstall, knight , lands and tenements in Kirkby Lonsdale, 12d., …

She held the following advowsons in her demesne as of fee:

Grasmere, taxed at £10,
the chapel of Windermere at 100s.,
the chapel of St. Mary below Lake Windermere with lands called Monkbarrow and other lands 20s.,
and the chapel of Casterton called ‘Colnekilne chapell’ and lands 13s.4d.

Richard Roose formerly held tenements in Bannisdale of Philippa, which were once held by Margaret wife of Roger of Lancastre by homage, fealty and a rent of 2s., annual value 100s. Now Richard entirely disclaims these holdings but why is unknown.

In Kendal Adam Mercer held 1 burgage of Philippa by a rent of 2d. payable by equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas and suit of court there every 3 weeks, annual value 12d. Similarly the following held of her the number of burgages shown by suit of court and rent, with annual values given: Robert de Dokwra 4, 2s., 6s.; Richard de Bellyngeham … 19d., 10s.; James de Pykeryng 1, 15d., 12s.4d.; John Colynson 7, 19 1/2d., 20s.; Robert de Stirkeland 2 … 12s.; Robert de Burgh 5, 21d., 13s.4d.; William de Levens 1, …; Robert de Birkenhed 1, 4d., 2s.; Robert Lord 6, 19d., 10s.; Thomas Dawenay 6 with ‘les Bothes’, 3s.10d., 40s.; Roger de Wynter 1 … 6s.; Adam Warenner 2, 2s.6d., 13s.4d.; Thomas de Mansergh 2, 1 1/4d., 2s.; Adam Fattyng, chaplain , 3, 14d., 10s.; William Jepson 1, 1/2d., 2s.; John de Dokwra 1, 8d., 6s.8d.; John del Watere 1, 3d., 3s.4d.; John de Wyndesore 1, 3d., 3s.; Roger de Rothewell 2, 5d., 4s.; William Barnet 1, … 5s.; Nicholas de Eskheved in right of Margaret his wife 1, 23d., 12s.; Thomas de Kendale son of Richard Walker 5, 4s.10d., 24s.; Thomas de Sleddale … 5d., 10s.; John de Hallewod … 10 1/2d., 20s.; John de Preston 2, 5 1/2d., 10s.; Robert de Brigges 1, 1 1/2d., 3s.; John Milner 1, … 4s.; Thomas Litster 1, 12d., 10s.; John son of Richard de Burgh 2, 12d., 6s.; John del Brigges 1, 17d., 6s.2d.; John de Staynbanke 1, 3d., 3s.; Hugh Gilwhene 1, 1 1/2d., 11d.; John Roos 1, 3d., 3s. All are held in chief of the manor of Kendal.

She died without heirs on 24 Sept. last . The premises remain to John the king’s son.

TNA reference

C 137/88/43 m. 7



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Levens, Lupton
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Hutton Roof
Total: -
Total: -
Hutton Roof
Total: -
Total: -
Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Crosthwaite, Hubbersty Head
Total: -
Little Langdale
Total: -
Total: -
Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Total: -
Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Total: -
Winster Thwaites, Strickland Ketel
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
le Whiterodyng
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Hutton Roof
Total: -
Kirkby Lonsdale
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
St. Mary below Lake Windermere
Total: -
Casterton called ‘Colnekilne chapell’
Total: -
Total: -
Kendal, Kendal
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Doket
  • James de Redemane
  • Matthew de Niandsergh
  • Richard Gilpyne
  • William Garnet
  • John de Layburn
  • Robert de Birkheued
  • William de Levens
  • Robert de Dokwra
  • Robert de Levens


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