Inquisition Head
SURREY. Inquisition. Southwark. 20 Aug. [Halle].
Jurors: John Hertefelde ; John Williham ; John Andrew ; William Kirtone ; John Dudyngton ; Geoffrey Ware ; Robert Ketel ; Edmund Welles ; Peter Hosyere ; John Fily ; Nicholas Lokyer ; and John Kent .
She died on 21 July last. John son of the Earl Marshal is her next heir, aged 18 years and more. Robert de Ponynges son of Richard, brother of Thomas, is his next heir, aged 26 years and more.
TNA reference
C 137/74/48 mm. 1-2
E 152/9/428 #2
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Hailsham. 15 Aug. 1409. [Halle].
Jurors: James ate Homwode ; John ate Garston ; John Tabard ; John Foghel ; John Benet ; Thomas Bray ; John Euerle ; John Profot ; Robert Harry ; Philip ate Broke ; John ate Welle of Bechington ; and John .aylot.
She held in dower with reversion to the right heirs of Thomas:
Date of death and heirs as above.
TNA reference
C 137/74/48 mm. 1, 3
E 152/9/428 #1
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
KENT. Inquisition. Wye. 11 Aug. [Kempe].
Jurors: John Cadman ; Thomas Dene ; Thomas Jordan ; William atte Med ; John Stace ‘smith’; John Stephne ; John Mercer ; Richard atte Lese ; John Dobour ; William Ylente ; John le Lene ; and Thomas Turrymurry .
She held in dower:
Date of death and heir of Thomas as above.
TNA reference
C 137/74/48 mm. 4, 5
Inquisition Head
YORKSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio. Howden. 4 Sept. 1409. [Santon].
Jurors: Robert Santon ; Stephen Cyssell ; Nicholas Beruyll ; William de Thorp ; William Whiten’ ; Robert son of Gilbert; John Santon ; John Hygyn ; Richard ?Lobias ; John Salden ; Robert son of Stephen ; and Thomas son of Benet.
She died on 24 July. John son of Thomas Moubray, late duke of Norfolk , is heir of John, being the son of Thomas, son of John, son of John, son of John, son of Roger, and aged 20 years and more.
TNA reference
E 149/92/15
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Selby. 10 June. [Hilliard].
Jurors: John de Munketon ; William Bastard ; John Broune ; Richard Fitlyng ; John de Morton ; Nicholas Hosbarne ; John Barker ; William Litster ; John de Burton ; William Rose ; Robert Brehyrhawe ; and John Foster .
She died on 26 July 1409 . John Moubray, a minor in the king’s ward, is next heir of John Lord Mowbray, being the son of Thomas, son of John his son. He was aged 20 years on 10 Aug. last .
John Moubray, Earl Marshal , a minor in the king’s ward, has received the issues since her death, by letters patent [CPR 1408–13 , pp.168, 220].
TNA reference
C 137/81/19 mm. 1-2
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Chipping Warden. 14 May. [Billyng].
Jurors: John Mille ; Walter Baker ; John Wright of Chalcombe ; Richard Cave ; William Stevenes ; John Pleystowe ; Philip Gardener ; Robert Baker ; John Manypeny ; John Stone ; Geoffrey Randull ; and Thomas Reue .
She died on 26 July 1409 . John Moubray , under age, is the next heir being the son of Thomas, son of Elizabeth, daughter of John de Segrave . He was aged 20 on 10 Aug.
Joan countess of Hereford received £8 rent at St. Andrew’s day after the death of Blanche. John Moubray has had the rest by virtue of letters patent, as above.
TNA reference
C 137/81/19 mm. 3-4
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition virtute brevis ac virtute officii. Loughborough. 9 June. [Knyghtley].
Jurors: Henry Wollerby ; Robert ?Pirly ; William Fouler ; Thomas Dyconson ; Richard Chappe ; William Colman ; Robert Maryot ; William Person ; Robert Bertram ; Roger Swepston ; William Prat ; and John Gyles .
Date of death and heir as above.
Joan countess of Hereford has had 20 marks from the rent, John de Moubray the rest, as above.
TNA reference
C 137/81/19 mm. 5-6
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Cirencester. 11 Aug. 1409. [Greuell].
Jurors: Geoffrey atte Hyde ; William London; John Martyn ; John atte Halle of North Cerney or South Cerney ; Thomas Snell ; John Honybourn ; Thomas Wythintheyate ; William atte Mulle of Boddington ; John Snell senior; William Daglyngworth of Down Ampney ; John Faber ; and John London .
Geoffrey Langley, knight , held the manor of Siddington and had two sons, Walter and Geoffrey. Walter inherited the manor and had a son John by his first wife, and another son Robert by another wife. By a fine of 1324–5 [CP 25(1)/76/54, no.325] he acknowledged the right of Robert de Farndon, clerk , to this manor by the name of the manor of North Siddington and to 1 messuage, 2 carucates and 4s. rent in Tarlton and Rodmarton, and Farndon regranted them to John and Ela his wife for their lives with remainder to Geoffrey de Langeley , Mary his wife and the right heirs of Geoffrey. He had a son Geoffrey whose daughter Joan was married to John de Cherlton, knight . After the death of Mary, John and Joan succeeded to the premises. Joan was abducted by John Trillowe during her husband’s life, but was reconciled with him and died pregnant by him and without issue. After her death John Trillowe occupied the manor, claiming to hold by the law of England.
Geoffrey brother of Walter had a son Edmund who married Joan and had issue Geoffrey and Joan. Joan died and Edmund married Elizabeth daughter of Justice William de Bereford and had a son John, father of the present John Langley . Geoffrey and Mary, Geoffrey their son and Joan all died without issue. Therefore the manor should descend to John Langley as heir of Geoffrey son of John, namely son of John, son of Edmund, son of Geoffrey, brother of Walter, father of John, father of Geoffrey son of John. After the death of Joan daughter of Geoffrey this John entered the manor, but for fear of death did not dare continue the estate which he claimed. Afterwards John Worthe entered the manor and claimed it as heir of Geoffrey son of John on behalf of his mother Beatrice, and in it he enfeoffed William Beauchamp , John Lovell , John Devereux and Lewis Clifford , knights, Henry Norton, esquire , Hugh Leversegge and Stephen le Leene , clerks. The tenants attorned to them. John Worthe died without issue and the feoffees granted the manor to Blanche, as the widow of John de Worthe, knight , for life with remainder to John Langeley . Blanche in her widowhood and all the tenants attorned to John Langeley . Before 1396–7 she released her rights in the manor to John. He entered it and she had no further estate in it.
She died on 21 July last . Her next heir is unknown.
TNA reference
C 137/74/53 m. 1
E 149/93/10 m. 1
ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Northleach. 12 Sept. 1409. [Greuell].
Jurors: Matthew Clifford ; Robert Polham ; Richard Colas ; Simon Heyford ; Thomas Fyffhyde ; John Colas ; John Clement ; Nicholas Styward ; William Groue ; John Groue ; Robert Benet ; and Thomas Graunger .
Same findings as last.
TNA reference
E 149/93/10 m. 2
Holding Item | Value | Quantity | Total | |
Diseworth | ||||
Total: - |
No holding extent information available.
- Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)
- Henry Wollerby
- Robert ?Pirly
- William Fouler
- Thomas Dyconson
- Richard Chappe
- William Colman
- Robert Maryot
- William Person
- Robert Bertram
- Roger Swepston
- William Prat
- John Gyles