

Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
21-91524 Aug 1422Eleanor Widow Of John De ArundellAssignment of Dower
25-37408 Jul 1440Beatrice, Late CountessInquisition

Related places

Place name Relationship
FigheldeanIn parish of
KnightonContained in
KnightonFractional part
Knighton, 1/3 ManorFractional part
WiltshireIn county of

Extents and values

Total: 209.5d, (17s. 5d.)
(Keevil, Bulkington, Knighton, Acton Turville, Yatton Keynell, )

one high chamber, two low chambers, a latrine attached at the northern end, with free entrance and exit by the porch of a latrine attached at the northern end, with free entrance and exit by the porch of grange, parcel of the manor, a third of... in the manor, a stank at the south of the chamber of the countess with the parcel enclosing the same. Item: all the garden, 1/3 dovecot there. Item[s], 6 a. wood, a wood called ‘le Park’ at the north by ‘Mayneslye’...le ?W...stewode... 14, 1/3 wood called ‘le Westwoode’, from the middle of ‘Mayneslye’ at the western end to the southern end of ‘Goreshegge Ende’, by ‘le Cartesherde, 1/3 wood... in ?Plasshe... to... ‘Fayroke’ to ‘le Rithe’ running to the western end of ‘Shereuemede’ on the northern and eastern sides of the wood. Item[s]: ?[a third of], 54 a. meadow: 18 a., which lie as follows: – 2 a. in ‘Denemede’ by ‘le Litelwode’, 3 a. in ‘Tonmede’ by the croft, 10 a. pasture in ‘Oxenlese’ at the eastern side by ‘Wulford, 20 a. pasture in ‘Wykesle, a croft, a croft called ‘Paredise Croft’...;... ?a. ?meadow, similarly there, by ‘Totynneslonde, 7 ?a. ?pasture in ‘le Litelwode’, from ‘Denemede’ to ‘Bulkengemecrofte’ at the south by ‘les Shireholtes, 8 a. arable, land, arable, 15 a. land in ‘Goderigfurlange, 4 1/2 a. land in ‘le Wetelande, 3 a. land in ‘le Redeland, 10 a. arable in ‘le Felde’ by the land, 6 a. land between ‘le Southland’ and ‘le Felde, 6 a. land in ‘Carpentersmere’ and ‘le Hantynglande, 41/2 a. land by ‘Shitescroft, 2 a. land... by ‘le Mere, 2 1/2 a. land in the croft, meadow, 6 a. land in ‘Wodeferne, 10 a. land, 10 a. land... at the west of the new ditch... ‘le Mere’ and the land, 10 a. land in ‘Parkefelde’ by ‘le Rithe, 14 a. land in ‘le Furlange’ called ‘Denefurlange’ by ‘Sherpescroft, 10 a. land in the manor... iuxta Hay... forest, 10 a. pasture in ?‘Bullongenely, a knight’s fee in Acton Turville, 1/4 knight’s fee, 1/6 knight’s fee, knight’s fee, virgates, land, rent, tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate;... of land; tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate; tenement, 1/2 virgate, tenement, 1/3 virgate; tenement, 1/3 virgate; tenement, 1/3 virgate; tenement, 1/3 virgate; tenement, 1/3 virgate, one ?toft...; cottage, cottages, tenement, 1/3 virgate, called ‘le Hunte, manor, 1/2 manor of Bulkington from the lands and tenements assigned to Beatrice in her dower.

Value variation

100.0%1440-07-08-200204060801001201401601802002201440-07-08Values (d)