Referenced in E-CIPM(s)
E-CIPM | Date | Inquisition subject | Document type | Holding |
20-335 | 10 Feb 1416 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
20-336 | 21 Oct 1420 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
20-337 | 12 Jun 1432 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
23-663 | 12 Jun 1432 | Teryngham, John | Inquisition | Hatton, the manor with its members and their appur... |
20-335 | 10 Feb 1416 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
20-336 | 21 Oct 1420 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
20-337 | 12 Jun 1432 | John Teryngham | Inquisition | |
23-663 | 12 Jun 1432 | Teryngham, John | Inquisition | Hatton, the manor with its members and their appur... |
Related places
Place name | Relationship |
Hatton | Subentry of |
Hatton | Subentry of |