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Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Royston. 20 April 1435. [Burgoyne].


Jurors: James Russell ; Henry Roys ; John Aspland ; John Tryplowe ; William Smyth ; John Felpote ; John Howe ; Raymond Bawdewyn ; William Sexcy ; Warin Brownnyng ; Thomas Hamond ; and John Pomell .

He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee of the king, or any other, but was seised of the following in his demesne as of fee long before his death.
Ickleton, a toft, annual value 4s., held of the king of the honour of Boulogne as 1/20 knight’s fee.
He granted the toft by charter to George Langham , Henry Langley , Robert Hunte , John Basset , Ralph Grey , and John Wylberfosse, clerk , and to their heirs and assigns. They were thus seised in their demesne as of fee. They afterwards demised it by charter to John Lounde and William Garton , clerks, to hold for their lives with remainder to Anne, daughter of Richard, and to her heirs. John and William were thus seised in their demesne as of free tenement.

He died on 18 January last. Anne his daughter is his next heir, and aged 6 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/69/25 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented].n136 Saffron Walden. 17 March 1435. [Iwardby].


Jurors: John Boreham ; John Veyse, senior ; ?John [ms torn] Rouchestre ; John Shymmyng ; Richard Jofep ; John Herward ; Robert Bechamp ; William Hunte ; Edmund Botere ; William Hygham ; William Haukyn ; John Parker of Rickling ; John Garlond of Saffron Walden ; and William Cok .

He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee, or in service, of the king in chief, or any other. By a fine levied on the morrow of the Ascension 1434 [CP 25/1/292/67, no. 149], between John Wylberfosse, clerk, querent , and Richard, deforciant , Richard recognised the following third and advowson to be in right of John, held by grant of Richard, and, for this recognition, John granted them to Richard for life, without impeachment of waste, with the following remainders: to Joan, wife of Richard, still living, for life; to the heirs of the body of Walter Bygood ; and to the right heirs of Richard, to hold of the chief lords of that fee by due service, as fully apparent in the fine. The fine was shown to the jurors. Richard was thus seised in his demesne as of free tenement and all the tenants attorned to him. He died seised of this estate.
Bacons, 1/3 manor, true annual value 10 marks, held of others than the king but of whom is unknown.
Bigods formerly Alfriston, 1/3 manor in Great Dunmow, true annual value 100s., held of the king in chief by knight service.
Dengie, 1/3 advowson of the chapel or prebend in the church.
Long before the fine was levied, Thomas Percy, earl of Worcester , Richard Lescrop, knight , William Coggeshall, knight , Alexander de Walden, knight , John, parson of Great Tey (Theye), John Stowe , and Alexander Warderobe were seised of the above manors in their demesne as of fee. They demised them by charter to Isabel, wife of Walter Bygood , and to the heirs of her body by Walter, to hold of the chief lords, etc., [in ms]. The charter was dated at Great Dunmow (Dunmowe) on 16 April 1399. Walter had previously married Isabel Baynard and they had had issue: Katherine, Margaret, and Elizabeth. Walter afterwards died, and Katherine married Robert Hunte , Margaret married William Galyon , and Elizabeth married Richard, named in the writ. William and Margaret had issue: Isabel. Margaret afterwards died, and Elizabeth died without issue. Katherine, daughter of Walter, and Isabel, daughter of Margaret, are still living.

Date of death and heir as 320.

[Foot:] memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to Chancery by John Hercy on 14 April 1435.

TNA reference

C 139/69/25 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
toft4s.a (1 x toft)4s. (=48d.)
Total: 4s. (=48d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • James Russell
  • Henry Roys
  • John Aspland
  • John Tryplowe
  • William Smyth
  • John Felpote
  • John Howe
  • Raymond Bawdewyn
  • William Sexcy
  • Warin Brownnyng
  • Thomas Hamond
  • John Pomell


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