Inquisition Head
SHROPSHIRE. Assignment of dower. Cressage. 20 October 1433. [Boerley]. In the presence of William Fouleshurst , next friend of the heir of Thomas.
[Parts of the ms are galled.]
The following is assigned to Isabel in the manor of Cressage. In the manor: a chamber below the new chamber which John Boerley newly built, with the adjoining chamber and latrine, and 1/3 chapel to hear divine service; a bay of the building in the manor called ‘le Oxhouse’, next to the entrance to the hall of the manor, with a garden between ‘le Oxhouse’ and a ditch next to William Knotte ’s curtilage width-wise and lengthwise from the road leading from the manor gate to the hall and as far as the great ditch ‘del Mote’, with free entry and exit to the chamber, bay and garden. In ‘Cressege Hey’ wood: the west part beside Harnage Grange, namely beginning from a stream at ‘le ?...ershull’ [ms galled] in a line along the road from 3 oaks called ‘lez Cursed Okes’ to another oak called ‘le grete...rsed Oke’, along the road to a white oak marked with the sign of the cross standing at the top of the mountain and to another oak similarly marked at the top of the same mountain, and then straight to a willow growing in the hedge of this wood beside the road between Acton Burnell and Much Wenlock and opposite a tree called ‘le Mapultre’ growing on the other side of this road. A furlong (stadium [and following]) with a strip in the headland (capital’ selion’) called ‘le Plokkes’ in the field called ‘le Heyfeld’, extending straight from a ?stream called ‘le Plokkesbroke’ to ‘le Menyngdore’ at ‘Wedershull’, and then by a hedge on the east and the same stream on the north. A furlong in the field called ‘Leefeld’, extending from the west and an oak marked with the sign of the cross straight to the lower end of its assart called ‘Lutehey’ now in William Smyth ’s tenure, and then by the hedge between this furlong and the common pasture called ‘Horsecroft’ and another hedge at the end of this furlong next to ?‘Knauescastell’ on the east. A furlong called ‘Pundeley’ in the field called ‘le Hurstefeld’, widthwise as it lays between a small syke called ‘Duddesburysyche’ and ‘Buntham Heystowe’ and lengthwise from the highway leading towards Shrewsbury to a furlong now in William Knotte ’s tenure. A furlong of pasture called ‘le Marled Rudyng’ as enclosed by hedges and dikes with a moor called ‘Wryghalse More’ bounded by metes. In ‘Brodemore’ in the east of this moor by a hedge between the moor and ‘le Moreslye’ on the west, extending from a willow (‘wythyne’) growing in the hedge between the moor and ‘Belleswardynfeld’ opposite a parcel called ‘Longeleysmedewe’ and Isabel Sprot ’s land, and then straight to an oak and then a small syke and then along this syke to another oak growing in the hedge between the moor and the meadow of ‘Longeney’, marked with the sign of the cross. In the meadow of ‘Longeney’ the lower part by ‘le Moreslye’ on the east as is divided between the same hedge of ‘Brodemore’ and the river Severn, and extending widthwise from the same marked oak along a small syke to another oak marked with the sign of the cross growing by the Severn. In ‘le Gomycrofte’ the lower part as it lays and is bounded from a willow growing in the hedge between ‘le Brodemore’ and ‘le Gomycrofte’ and extending lengthwise straight along a small syke to the Severn and widthwise between this syke and this hedge. In the orchard, from the corner of the chamber assigned to her straight by the path extending from the door of the manorial hall to ‘le Brodemore’, with two royal yards (virgas regales) as a path to her part from ‘Gomycrofte’ beside the Severn, free entry and exit at will from the Severn opposite the hall door reserved to the heir. In ‘le Gossypp’ 3 strips (seliones) of pasture beside the Severn, lengthwise from the ford of the stream there straight to a ditch between the same ‘Gossypp’ and ‘le Lesewebarowe’, free entry and exit at will reserved to the heir to the heir’s meadow and pasture. In ‘le Lesewebarowe’, namely lengthwise straight from the ditch to the Severn as bounded by metes and oak stakes, and widthwise from these stakes to the Severn. In ‘le Stublebarowe’, namely as it lays along a strip lying in headland (capital’ selionem) extending lengthwise to the hedge between ‘le Londflod’ and ‘le Thornybarowe’ on one part and from a pear growing in a hedge beside the churchyard along the hedge extending to the same ‘le Thornybarowe’ on the other. In ‘le Thornybarowe’, namely from a small gate in the hedge between ‘le Londflod’ and ‘le Thornybarowe’ and straight to an oak marked with the sign of the cross growing beside the Severn widthwise on one part and on the other widthwise [sic] from the lower part of ‘Londflod’ by the hedge between ‘le Medewebarowe’ and ‘le Thornybarowe’. In ‘le Medewebarowe’, namely ‘le Vpperyght Dole’ now in William Wythynton ’s tenure, and lengthwise from an oak growing between ‘le Thornybarowe’ and ‘le Medewebarowe’ and straight along this hedge to the Severn. A parcel of waste called ‘Brompton Hull’ in allowance of ‘Mullecroft’ and another parcel of pasture beside ‘Persones Croft’ in Richard Leche ’s tenure that the rector of the church of Cound formerly occupied. In ‘Forletrente’, whereof from the tenement Isabel Donynton inhabits 4d., the tenement Richard Leche inhabits 4 1/2d. and the tenement Hugh Meylard , lately Margaret Curteys, inhabits 4 1/2d. Rent of 4s. yearly from a weir in the Severn, with right of distraint. 1/3 of 2 parts of a custom from boats at Cressage port when it happens. 3 parts of 2 parts with the perquisites of the ?court in whatever manner they issue... 13s. 4d. free rent from Hugh Meylard ’s tenement, lately William Eueson’s, and heriot when it falls. A tenement which William Wythynton inhabits, paying 12s. yearly; a tenement which William Broke inhabits, paying 10s. 9d. yearly; a tenement called ‘Pracheteslond’ in the same William’s tenure, paying 4s. yearly; a tenement which John Smyth inhabits, paying 14s. yearly; a parcel of arable called ‘Joweke Wattus’ in William Knotte ’s tenure, paying 4d. yearly; a toft and 1/2 virgate of land lately in William del Yate ’s tenure and in decay and which should pay 1/2 mark yearly, with heriot from these tenants when due. A messuage and a nook called ‘Bronesplace’, a toft and 1/2 virgate of land called ?‘Byrdeslond’..., a toft and 3 nooks of land called ‘Elyeslond’... and a nook of land with adjacent croft called ‘Nicholesplace of Eldecote’, a toft with adjacent croft called ‘Nic...’,... toft and 1/2 virgate of land called ‘Purselond’, a toft and 1/2 virgate of land called ‘Reveslond’, a toft and 1/2 virgate land called ‘... Corstoneslond’, a croft and nook of land in Newton called ‘Hogewilliamslonde’ and a croft in Pickthorn and... Newton called ‘Katerynslond’ which Richard Elf holds... with free entry and exit to the same. The whole wood from ‘Shepe...’ which goes towards Ludlow and ‘Cokkeshetewey’, to a maple marked by the escheator and a... in the west.
TNA reference
C 139/67/64 mm.1–2
n129^: The date of these letters patent is variously recorded as 2 June 1419 and 2 July 1419. 2 June: CPR and the corresponding ms, C 66/402 (7 Hen. V), m. 21; and 2 July: C 139 ms, CClR and corresponding ms, C 54/282 (10 Henry VI ), m. 2.
No holding information available.
No holding extent information available.
- Henry V(King)