Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 10 May 1434. [Stokdale].


Jurors: William Gatton ; John Sweyne ; John Stamer ; John Shethe ; Reynold Coteler ; Edmund Litelee ; John Stubber ; John Hervy ; Thomas Markaunt ; John Qwytelok ; William Downe ; and John Cokyr .


He and Alice, formerly his wife, were seised of the following in their demesne in her right. They had issue William who had issue Robert. Alice died and Nicholas was seised as tenant by curtesy and died seised of this estate.

Little Totham, the manor called Rook Hall, in which there are buildings, worth nothing;n101 40 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 10s. assize rent, at Easter and Michaelmas equally. The manor is held of the bishop of London of his manor of Stratford (Statefford), service unknown.
Mundon, a marsh, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, and 40 a. land, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, each acre 2d., held of John Albe of Colchester, service unknown.
He was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of
lands and tenements in Epping,
which he granted by his charter dated at Epping on 20 May 1433 and shown to the jurors, to John Clifton , John Fastolf , Henry Inglose , John Tirell , knights, Henry Langlee, esquire , John Fastolf of Oulton, Thomas Pekot, esquire , and Edmund Wichyngham and Edmund’s heirs and assigns.

He died on 6 April last. Robert is the kinsman and next heir of Nicholas and Alice as son of William their son, aged 22 years and more.

[Dorse:] memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to Chancery on 14 May 1434.

TNA reference

C 139/64/31 mm.3–4

Writ Head

202 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 16 April 1435. [Wymbyssh].

Inquire as to what the lands and tenements granted in 201 were, of whom held, by what service and of what value [full details of grant given and previous escheator named].

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Ingatestone. 31 October 1435. [Iwardeby].


Jurors: John Hyldemare ; John Stokwell ; John Wych ; Edmund Strode ; John Gaynesford ; Thomas Stace ; John Paty ; Thomas Lavrence ; John Covpere ; William Perham ; Roger Glovere ; and Simon Coorne .


He was lately seised of the manor of Epping in his demesne as of fee and granted this as in 201, described as all lands, tenements, rents and services in that vill. In the manor there is the site, worth nothing yearly; 30 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 12d. assize rent, at Michaelmas. The manor is held of the countess of Stafford , service unknown.

TNA reference

C 139/64/31 mm.1–2

Writ Head

203 Writ. ‡ 9 April 1434. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk .

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Acle. 22 April 1434. [Drury].


Jurors: Geoffrey Walle ; Thomas Brygge ; Thomas Walsh ; John Holtman ; John Pepyr ; John Berkyng ; John Potter ; Robert Hendy ; John Roche ; Oliver Kebyte ; Thomas Baynard ; Adam Horn ; John Wegge ; John Deynes ; Adam Wryghte ; John Heryng ; Richard Cordy ; and William Bemond .

He held the manor of Fishley, formerly that of Matthew, son of Gerard de Redham , with the advowson of 1/2 church of Fishley which belongs to it, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there is a dovecot, worth nothing yearly; 6 a. arable, worth 3s. yearly, each acre 6d.; and 7s. assize rent, at Easter and Michaelmas equally by the hands of tenants.
He held the manor of Moulton St Mary with its view of frankpledge for life by enfeoffment of Henry Inglose, knight , John Fastolf of Great Yarmouth and Robert Norwich . By their charter dated at Moulton St Mary on 2 October 1429 and shown to the jurors, they granted these to him for life, successive remainders to Edmund Wichyngham and Alice his wife, who survive, and the heirs of their bodies, and then the right heirs of Edmund. Nicholas died seised of this estate.
Moulton St Mary. The manor, with view of frankpledge, is held of John, duke of Norfolk , service unknown, annual value of the manor 10 marks.
He and Joan his wife held at his death the manors of Upton and Cantley in her right for her life by enfeoffment of Robert Whitte, esquire , Robert Norwych and Robert Kent . By their charter dated at Upton on 30 January 1424 and shown to the jurors, they granted these to Joan for life, remainder to Edmund Wychyngham and Thomas Whyttewell of Felmingham and their heirs and assigns. Joan survives seised. Nicholas died seised of his estate in right of Joan.
The manor of Upton is held of William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk , service unknown.
The manor of Cantley is held of William Phelipp, knight , service unknown.
The manors are worth nothing yearly above £20 annual rent from the manors to John Fastolf of Oulton and Margaret his wife for her life by grant of Nicholas.
Date of death and his heir as in 201.
TNA reference

C 139/64/31 mm.5, 7

Writ Head

204 [Writ: see 203 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 24 April 1434. [Drury].


Jurors: Alexander Love ; John Smyth ; Richard ?Payn [hole in ms] ; John Hermer ; John Aylmere ; John Neve ; William Wynferthyng ; John Greve ; William Spark ; Robert Andrewe ; John Alisaunder ; and William Howard .


He held the manor of Sotherton with the advowson of Sotherton church in his demesne as of fee jointly with John Berney , Thomas Deschalers and Henry Inglose . By their charter shown to the jurors, Ralph Elyngham and Thomas Brightgene granted these to John, Thomas and Henry and to John Heuenyngham , Robert Berney , knights, and John Whitewell , now deceased, and their heirs and assigns [Nicholas not cited].

Sotherton. The manor is held of John Waleys , service unknown, annual value £10.

Date of death and his heir as in 201.
TNA reference

C 139/64/31 mm.5–6

n101^: Inserted: ‘nothing’. Deleted: ‘yearly’.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Rook Hall
buildingsworth nothing -
arable2d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
pasture6d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
assize rent10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £1 2s. 8d. (=272d.)
marsh6s. 8d.a (1 x marsh)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
land6s. 8d., 2d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
lands, tenements -
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Rook Hall
buildingsworth nothing -
arable2d. (per unit)40 a. (40 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
pasture6d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
assize rent10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £1 2s. 8d. (=272d.)



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • William Gatton
  • John Sweyne
  • John Stamer
  • John Shethe
  • Reynold Coteler
  • Edmund Litelee
  • John Stubber
  • John Hervy
  • Thomas Markaunt
  • John Qwytelok
  • William Downe
  • John Cokyr


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