Full text


Writ Head

603 Writ de dote assignanda . ‡ 24 November 1421.B

[CClR 1419–1422, pp. 177–8.]

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. [No date or place given ] [Wayte].

[Writ: ms torn away and missing down the right-hand side.]


Indenture by virtue of the king’s writ between William Wayte, escheator in Wiltshire and Hampshire, on the one side and Thomas Slifeld and Elizabeth his wife, widow of George Brewes, esquire , on the other, in the presence of John Benger, junior , John Wygge, parson of Manningford Bruce , John Shadwelle , and other friends of Hugh Cokesey kin and heir of George, as son of Walter son of Agnes sister of George, to assign a reasonable dower to Elizabeth from the manor of Manningford Bruce of which George was seised in demesne as of fee.

Manningford Bruce. Assigned: a chamber called ‘Brode chamber’ on the eastern side of the principal hall with free entrance and exit; a cooking chamber on the western side; a stable called ‘Olde Stabell’; 1/3 byre on the western side; a barn called ‘Southbarn’; 1/3 ‘la Shepehous’ on the eastern side; 1/3 dovecot; 1/3 orchard on the eastern side; and 1/3 garden on the eastern side; 19½ a. arable in a strip called ‘le Oley’ on the western side near ‘le landshar’; 5½ a. arable in ‘Nhayngales Forlong’ near the way leading to Marlborough; 6½ a. arable in ‘Mulle Forlong’ on the western side; 5½ a. arable in ‘Frampton Forlong’ on the western side; 2½ a. arable called ‘le hounde’; 5 a. arable in ‘Knolles Forlong’ near the drove; 5 a. arable in ‘myddel Forlong’ on the western side; 5 a. arable in ‘Putte Forlong’ on the western side; 4 a. arable in ‘oute longlond’ on the northern side; 1½ a. arable in ‘Childeslond’ on the western side; 14 a. arable in ‘le longlond’ on the northern side; 5½ a. arablein the same strip on the higher, stony side; 4 a. arable in ‘Holeweys Forlong’ on the eastern side; 3½ a. arable in ‘Pathe Forlong’ near ‘le Shepehous’; 3 a. arable of ‘la ten acres’ on the northern side; 5 a. arable in the strip called ‘Shepe Forlong’ near ‘le Shepehous’; 5 a. arable in ‘ladel Forlong’ near ‘Oxedowne’; 4 a. arable in ‘Le Combe’ on the northern side; 3 a. arable in ‘haldele Forlong’ on the eastern side; 4 a. arable in ‘Sharp Forlong’ on the western side; 4 a. arable in ‘Whiteacre Forlong’ on the western side; 6 a. pasture in ‘le Wynter Downe’ on the eastern side; 4 a. pasture in ‘Oxedowne’ in the part called ‘Whadden’; 4 a. pasture in ‘le Somerdowne’ on the northern side; 4 a. meadow in ‘le Upmede’ on the eastern side; 3½ a. meadow in ‘hilmede’ on the eastern side; 5 a. meadow in ‘le garston’ on the western side; 1½ a. arable called ‘tenement halvyn’; 4½ a. arable called ‘Brokesherde’ in the northern field on the western side; 5½ a. arable in ‘Brome Furlong’ on the western side; 1½ a. arable at ‘Hachate’ on the western side; 1½ a. arable at ‘Heggethorne’ on the southern side; 2½ a. arable in ‘Hulle Forlong’ on the southern side; 1½ a. arable at ‘vine acres’ on the southern side; 10 a. pasture at ‘le Fryth’ on the northern side; ?10 a. [ms worn] pasture at ‘le Breche’ on the eastern side; and pasture for 66 sheep in the common pasture at ‘le hatfeld’; a meadow called ‘le dykemede’; a messuage and 1½ virgates, lately held by Thomas Mulleward ; a messuage and ½ virgate that John Knolles holds; a messuage and ½ virgate that Thomas Carter holds; a messuage and virgate that John Caleys holds; a messuage and ½ virgate that John Hatfeld holds; a messuage and 2 virgates lately held by Simon Baldwyn ; a cottage lately held by Thomas Bocher ; 2 crofts that Robert Parsones holds; a cottage and croft that John Wylmot holds; and a cottage that Simon Wodehous holds; and 1/3 advowson of the church there, when vacant. Annual value of the messuages, cottages, tofts, land, meadow, pasture, and rent, £8.

TNA reference

C 139/52/77 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Manningford Bruce, Marlborough (Assigned Holding)
chambera (1 x chamber) -
cooking chambera (1 x cooking chamber) -
stablea (1 x stable) -
byre 1/3 (0.33 x byre) -
barn, la Shepehousa (1 x barn la Shepehous), 1/3 (0.33 x barn la Shepehous) -
dovecot 1/3 (0.33 x dovecot) -
orchard 1/3 (0.33 x orchard) -
garden 1/3 (0.33 x garden) -
arable19½ a. (19.5 x acre) -
arable5½ a. (5.5 x acre) -
arable6½ a. (6.5 x acre) -
arable5½ a. (5.5 x acre) -
arable2½ a. (2.5 x acre) -
arable5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable4 a. (4 x acre) -
arable1½ a. (1.5 x acre) -
arable14 a. (14 x acre) -
arable5½ a. (5.5 x acre) -
arable4 a. (4 x acre) -
arable3½ a. (3.5 x acre) -
arable3 a. (3 x acre) -
arable5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable4 a. (4 x acre) -
arable3 a. (3 x acre) -
arable4 a. (4 x acre) -
arable4 a. (4 x acre) -
pasture6 a. (6 x acre) -
pasture4 a. (4 x acre) -
pasture4 a. (4 x acre) -
meadow4 a. (4 x acre) -
meadow3½ a. (3.5 x acre) -
meadow5 a. (5 x acre) -
arable1½ a. (1.5 x acre) -
arable4½ a. (4.5 x acre) -
arable5½ a. (5.5 x acre) -
arable1½ a. (1.5 x acre) -
arable1½ a. (1.5 x acre) -
arable2½ a. (2.5 x acre) -
arable1½ a. (1.5 x acre) -
pasture10 a. (10 x acre) -
pasture10 a. (10 x acre) -
pasture66 (66 x sheep) -
meadowa (1 x meadow) -
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
virgates1½ (1.5 x virgates) -
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
virgate ½ (0.5 x virgate) -
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
virgate ½ (0.5 x virgate) -
messuage, virgatea (1 x messuage virgate) -
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
virgate ½ (0.5 x virgate) -
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
virgates2 (2 x virgates) -
cottagea (1 x cottage) -
crofts2 (2 x crofts) -
cottage, crofta (1 x cottage croft) -
cottagea (1 x cottage) -
1/3 (0.33) -
Value£8£8 (=1920d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)



No holding extent information available.





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