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Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Assignment of dower [indented]. [No location given] 20 June 1432. [ Gray ].

Writ de dote assignanda (Norfolk and Suffolk). 26 November 1431. [Clerk’s name unrecorded].G [CClR 1429–1435, p. 139.]

[Assignment: ms in poor condition, particularly down its right-hand side.]


[Writ recited.] Assigned by view of Geoffrey Snoryng , John Neweman , John Cok , John Smyth , Richard Bele , Thomas Move , John Ravele , Robert Stannard , Simon Sanyton , William Stannard , Robert Turnour , Robert Oxwyk , and other good men of the neighbourhood. Assignment from lands and tenements from the manors of Great Snoring and Shelton in Norfolk.

From the manor of Great Snoring: 1/3 site of the manor at the western side, called ‘ladyesyerd’, as enclosed by the ditch and metes there; 1/3 dovecot with a small barn and free entrance and exit; and a small wood called ‘le Newegrove’, in recompense for all the woods there; 1/3 piece of land called ‘Shortecrofte’ with 1/3 meadow opposite, called ‘Trenches’, and ?with a meadow called ‘Gotefordholm’; a piece of land called ‘Everstonhyll’ for a third of two pieces called ‘lez sexteneacres’; 10 a. called ‘Netherdechwong’ for a third of a piece of land called ‘Overdechewong’; 4 a. land abutting on the common way on the west for a third of 12 a. land called ‘Blakelond’; 3 a. land called ‘Puttokesacr’ with an acre at the end of the piece for a third of 12 a. land in various pieces; 4 a. land called ‘Powpyt’; 3 a. land called ‘Aleyneslondes’; 3 a. land abutting on ‘Stowegrene’; 2 a. land lying at ‘Stowegrene’; 3 a. land abutting on ‘Dechewong’ with ½ a. land at its western end; 5 a. land for a third of 15 a. land in a piece called ‘Mershewong’; 7 a. land lying at ‘Shepecote’ with 1/3 building called ‘Shepecote’, with free entrance and exit, and with 1/3 faldage and of the whole pasture for pasturing sheep, with free entrance and exit for them; 5 a. called ‘Mershewong’; 4 a. land called ‘Northhill’; 5 a. lying at ‘Quynnescrosse’; 3½ roods at ‘Repehowe’; 1 a. at ‘Mallecrofte’; 1½ roods at ‘Troweslond’; 2 roods at ‘Lyteldele’; 3 roods at ‘Stowe’; ½ a. at ‘Longelond’; 1 rood and 10 perches of land at ‘Dewedele’; 2½ roods on the eastern side of ‘Thorplondmere’; 2½ roods lying on the western side of the same; 2½ roods lying at ‘Lyngeleslede’; 2 roods at ‘Alqwyncrofte’; 2½ roods near ?‘Mallesernacre’; 3 roods at ‘Estlongelond’; 2 roods lying at ‘Cotes’; 1 rood at ‘Beggeresmere’; 1 a. at ‘Thredeles’; 3½ roods lying at ‘Bondeswong’; 2 roods lying at ‘Walsinghamweye’; 3½ roods lying on ‘Bondeswong’; 1½ roods lying at ‘Dewedele’; 3½ roods lying at ‘Stonylond’; 1 rood and 30 perches of land lying at ‘Brakylond’; 2 roods lying at ‘Overmersh’; 3½ roods lying at ‘Dedmanesgrave’; 2 roods lying at ‘Hamondesgrave’; 1½ roods lying at ‘Mannefeele’; 2 roods lying at ‘Stowefurlong’ with one rood there; 1 rood lying near there; 1½ roods lying at ‘Longroundel’; 1 rood and 30 perches of land lying at ‘Bondeslond’; 1 rood and 10 perches of land lying at ‘Blakelond’; 1 a. and 10 perches of land lying at ‘Southlongelond’; and a rood of land lying at ‘Overbrymlylond’; a pasture called ‘Bradmersh’; and 1/3 pasture called ‘Lokemersh’ as shown by the boundaries there at the western end; 1/3 of all meadows, namely, 1/3 meadow called ‘Semanesmedwe’ on the southern side; 1/3 meadow called ‘Rayesmedwe’; 1/3 meadow called ‘Lytilfordhill’; and 1/3 meadow called ‘Kyngesmedwe’ extending from ‘le Grope’ on the western side, as directed by the boundaries there, to the royal way against the south; 1/3 water-mill with a stank and mill-race (watercourse) and with a 1/3 fishery there; 1/3 court and leet; 1/3 rents from free tenants, namely, 16s. 6¾d. and 1 8d. taken as follows: Geoffrey Snoryng 13s. 4d.; Edmund Wodman 7¼d. and 1 8d.; Nicholas Duttele 5d.; prior of Little Walsingham 3½d.; John Hostyng 9½d.; and the heirs of John Aldewyn 13½d.; 1/3 bond-lands and bond-tenements with all services and rents, as follows: the tenement of Richard Goselyn and 15 a. land held by villein tenure that Henry Seman now holds; the tene- ment ‘lerges’, 33 a. and ?one ?rood of land that Richard Jowede now holds; the tenement lately of William Blome and 15 a. land that Thomas Heyhagh now holds; the tenement ?‘Gryffrug’ containing 4½ a. that Margaret Buttele now holds; the tenement ‘hylak’ containing 1 rood and 9 a. land that Nicholas Hylak now holds; the tenement ?‘Barton’ containing 14 a. land from various tenements that Robert Rode now holds; the tenement of Agatha Wagerys containing ½ rood, 1 acre, and 3 roods of land held by villein tenure... that Geoffrey Reede now holds; the tenement ‘Wyldes’, 4 a. land of the same tenement, and 2 a. of the tenement ‘Flemmyngges’ that Richard Shipdan now holds; the tenement ‘Tyteloves’, 3½ a. and 10 perches of land that Thomas Bele now holds; the tenement ‘Beles’ and 17 a. of land from various tenements that Richard... holds; the tenement ‘Jonyngges’ and ‘Groos’, containing ½ a. and 11½ a. and ½ rood of land from various tenements that Reynold Neweman ?now ?holds; and ?the ?tenement called ‘Strykes’ and 4 a. land that Christine Brasyn now holds; 7 a. land... held at farm from wasteland in the lord’s hand; 7 a. land that Thomas Move has at farm; 7 a. land that R... Neweman has at farm; 1½ roods of land that Richard Dekesburgh has at farm; and 3½ roods that William Dale has at farm; and 1/3 court and leet with suits of the same, wards, reliefs, escheats, and with all profits of the said... arising; assigned for 1/3 villeins, those villeins following: John Neweman , Reynold Neweman , and Richard... lands and tenements in their hands, with their families, works, rents, services, and all customs and profits from them; 1/3 rents from free tenants of the manor of Thursford, namely 4s. ¾d., taken from the following tenants: William Molet 10¾d.; John Molet 2d.; Margaret... 4d.; Henry Smyth 2s; Richard Seman 4d.; and Agnes Qwheyt 4d., with fines from the court there; 1/3 lands and tenements of tenants in bondage, with all services and rents from them, as following:... ‘Andrell’ and 12 a. land that John Passe now holds; the tenement ‘ James Bolle ’, 11 a. and 3½ roods of land that... holds; and the tenement of Alan Attewell and 4 a. land that Henry Brygge now holds; 1/3 pastures, as following: 1/3 pasture called ‘Stokhecche’; and a third of 2 pastures called ‘Thornecrofte’ and ‘Bullyacre’; 1/3 heath and furze with a third of a faldage for pasturing sheep, with free entrance and exit for the same; 1/3 piece of land called ‘Bretwong’ that Richard Bowety has at farm; 2 a. and 1 rood called...; ... rood beside 1 a. and 1 rood lying in ‘Barkerscrofte’; 2 roods beside 3 roods lying at ‘Westwongegappe’; 1 a. and 1 rood, and one messuage and croft ‘ Henry Sterre ’ that John Passe has at farm; 2 roods lying at ‘Howe’, 2½ a. lying at ?‘Wawcrykt’ and 3... at ‘Westwong’ that Thomas Balle has at farm; and 1 a. and 1 rood called ‘Laddes’ that Alice Bere has at farm; 1/3 site of the manor of Shelton called ‘Overhalle’, with the hall attached to the chambers, and the cook-house on the western side of the manor, with free entrance and exit to the same; 16 a. land called ‘maydelond’ in recompense for ‘Myllefeld’ and ‘Bikkelond’... acre(s) called ‘Stangatefeld’, and 8 a. in the same strip; 16 a. called ‘Dewsonscrofte’ with a dovecot there with issues; 60 a. land in ‘le Rode’ with the kiln there and sand and clay for making tiles; and... at ‘Lyrtysgapp’; 2 a. lying at ‘Brodeacrheg’; 2 a. at ‘Netherlaunde’; 8 a. called ‘Qwyteswong’... called ‘Owynnespytell’ containing 1 acre; 4 a. land in 2 enclosures called ‘Jenetclos’ and ‘Waleyscloos’; ?2 a. lying...; 12 a. land called ‘Reverescroft’; 3 a. lying at ‘Estwoldweye’; 4 a. lying in ‘Stangatefeld’; 3 a.... ‘medwe’; one meadow containing ½ a. that Roger Cobald has at farm; a tenement called ‘Thurketyll’, containing 4 a. with all service. . .; 1/3 pastures, as following: 10 a. pasture called ‘Somerleswe’; 10 a. pasture called ?‘Heeryng’... called ‘Lytylbulchunhawe’; and 3 a. pasture called ‘Netherhallesyerd’; 1/3 meadows... ‘holmes’; 4 a. meadow called ‘Ragdole’; and 3 a. meadow called ‘Dervynnesmedwe’; a third... with free entrance and exit to the same for milling; 1/3 wood and underwood... ‘Wode’, directed by a ditch there on the western side, with the northern head abutting ‘E... leclos’... Shelton with ‘Waleysgrove’ and ‘ Lukas Cloos ’, in recompense for all the wood and underwood there; 1/3 rents from the manor, namely, 25s. 3d. taken from the following: Robert Turnour 14d.;... 3s. 1d.; John Balle 2s. 6d.; John Feton 2d.; John Raule, junior , 4s.; John... 11d.; John Budde 2s. 3d.; ? Joan Barker 2s. 6d.; Henry Thressher 4...; Edmund Yongehusbond 6d.; Roger Chetilber 6d.; Walter Belward 4s.; William Attehill 3s. 4d., and fealty from them with suit of court, wards, reliefs, escheats, and all other profits; 1/3 lands and tenements of the villeins of the manor, namely, the tenement called ‘Sporles’ containing 8 a. land, that William Stannard ?now ?holds with... services, work, and rent from the same tenement; a tenement containing 10 a. land, that Robert Exwyk now holds, with services, work, and rent of the same tenement; the tenement called ‘Bagges’ containing 4 a., that John Florauns now holds with all rents and service from the same tenement; and a tenement called ‘Champeleones’ containing 3 a. land, that William Lely now holds, with service, work, and rent from the same tenement; a third of a faldage pertaining to the same manor; 1/3 villeins of the manor, the villeins as following: John Raule, junior ; and Robert Ravele , with their lands and tenements, their families, works, rents, and all customs and profits from them; and 1/3 profits of the court of the manors... and of all chases ... ways, easements, and liberties.

TNA reference

C 139/50/43 m.7



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Great Snoring, Thursford, Overhalle (Assigned Holding)
Total: -



No holding extent information available.





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