Full text


Writ Head

176 Writ devenerunt . 12 May 1429. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding lands and tenements held by knight service of the heir of the late earl marshal, a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV .

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. Shadingfield 7 June 1429. [Hevenyngham].


Jurors: John Mannyng ; William Hokyr ; John Fraunceys ; Reynold Apilton ; William Caryon ; William Edrych ; Henry Barnabe ; Thomas Andrewe ; John Lace, senior ; William Cove ; Robert Athelard ; and John Walhawe .


The following came to the hands of ‪ Henry IV and is still in the king’s hands owing to the death of Walter Soterley and the minority of Edmund.

Uggeshall, the manor with advowson, annual value £20, held of John, present duke of Norfolk and brother and heir of Thomas, late earl marshal , as of the manor of Framlingham by knight service.
For the same reasons, the following came to the hands of ‪ Henry V and is still in the king’s hands.
Sotterley, the manor with advowson, annual value £20, held by Walter of ‪ Henry V, when prince of Wales , as of his honour of Chester.

He died on 4 January 1413. Thomas Soterley is his brother and next heir, and aged 21 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/37/10 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. Beccles 2 May 1429. [Hevenyngham].

[Inquisition: ms torn away at top left.]

Jurors: John Walhawe ; Roger Bumstede ; John Wylde ; Walter Quynte ; ...; John Sherwynd ; John Brunwene ; William Cove ; Thomas Andrewe ; John Lybberd ; and Henry Totewey .

Walter Soterley held the following in demesne as of fee.
Uggeshall, the manor with appurtenant advowson, annual value £20, held of John , brother and heir of Thomas, late earl marshal , as of the manor of Framlingham.

The manor of Framlingham is held in chief of the king by knight service. It was in the king’s hands because Thomas held of ‪ Henry IV in chief and John was lately a minor in the wardship of the same king.

Henry IV granted the manor of Framlingham with fee and advowson to the prince of Wales by letters patent dated 12 June 1405 [CPR 1405–1408, pp. 23, 26]. Walter was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Sotterley, the manor with appurtenant advowson, annual value £20,
held by enfeoffment of Thomas ...vage, knight, William de Hoo, knight , John de Norton, parson of Benacre , and Alexander de Bouresyerd, parson of Barsham , to Edmund Soterley , Margaret his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Edmund in perpetuity. Edmund and Margaret had issue: Roger and Walter, and died. Roger their son and heir was then seised of the manor but he died without heir of his body. Walter, Roger’s brother and heir, entered the manor and was seised in demesne as of fee tail.
He held the manor in chief of ‪ Henry V, then prince of Wales , as of the honour of Chester by knight service.

Walter died on 14 May 1409. The manors of Sotterley and Uggeshall descended to his son and heir, Edmund, a minor who died on 4 January 1413 in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV without heir of his body. The manors descended to Edmund’s brother and heir, Thomas. He was then a minor but is now aged 21 and more.

After Walter’s death, ‪ Henry V, then prince of Wales , seized the manor of Uggeshall by virtue of letters patent [as above], and took the issues of the manor of Sotterley because it was held of the prince of Wales as of his honour of Chester.

The prince granted custody of the manors and reversions, and the marriage of Edmund, to John Caundyssh , citizen and broiderer of London, by letters patent dated 26 February 1410. The letters were shown to the jurors. John occupied the manors and took their issues until 20 December 1412 when, by a deed shown to the jurors, he granted custody to John Burgh of Wallington, esquire , and to his assigns, on the same terms. John Burgh occupied the manors and took their issues until 8 July 1422 when, by a deed shown to the jurors, he granted custody of the manor of Uggeshall and marriage of Thomas Soterley to John Wyssyngsete and to his assigns. John Wyssyngsete occupied this manor and took its issues until his death on 3 May 1427. His executors are John Rycheman, clerk , and Richard Simman , and they have occupied this manor and taken its issues since 3 May 1427. John Burgh has occupied, held custody, and taken the issues of the manor of Sotterley since 8 July 1422.
TNA reference

C 139/37/10 m.3



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • John Walhawe
  • Roger Bumstede
  • John Wylde
  • Walter Quynte
  • John Sherwynd
  • John Brunwene
  • William Cove
  • Thomas Andrewe
  • John Lybberd
  • Henry Totewey


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