E-CIPM 22-741: JOAN

Full text


Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Newport Pagnell. 9 August 1427. [Manyngham]


Jurors: John Prudde ; Reginald Ingryth ; Thomas Edward ; Richard Stafford ; John Proudefot ; John Baker of Tickford; Thomas Wether ; John Chubbenale, junior ; John Mountfort ; William Perye ; John Janyn ; and Henry Dycon .

She held in her demesne as of fee
2 parts of the manor of Gayhurst and the advowson of the manor’s church, except that Alice widow of John Nowers, knight , should present every third time of vacancy by reason of her dower by endowment of John Nowers her late husband. The 2 parts and the advowson are held of the king in chief by 1/4 knight’s fee. In the 2 parts of the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly because the houses are derelict; 2 parts of a close called ‘the Orchard’, worth 12d. yearly; 60 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; another 60 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly and no more because fallow; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 5 messuages, 2 cottages, 2 tofts and 5 1/2 virgates in the hands of tenants at will, worth £3 10s. 4d. yearly; 40 a. underwood which can be felled every 7th year and each acre worth 3s. yearly when felled, whereof 38 a. of this underwood is worth nothing and will be worth nothing for the following 6 years because the year before she died it was felled, sold and carried away, and the residual 2 a. are worth 6s. if felled next year and will be worth nothing for the 6 following years; 2 parts of a water-mill, worth nothing yearly because wasted and destroyed; and 10s. 2d. assize rents of free tenants.
She held in her demesne as of fee
2 parts of the manor of Stoke Goldington and the advowson of the manor’s church, namely presentation every two out of three times when vacant as the prior of Ravenstone should present every third time. The 2 parts and the advowson are held of the king of the honour of Peverel, services unknown. In the 2 parts of the manor there are 2 parts of the site, worth nothing yearly because the houses are derelict; 60 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; another 60 a. land, each acre worth 1d. yearly and no more because fallow and very little occupied; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 5 messuages, 3 cottages, 2 tofts and 4 1/2 virgates in the hands of tenants at will, worth 60s. yearly; 80 a. underwood which can be felled every 7th year and each acre worth 2s. 6d. yearly when felled, worth nothing now and for the following 6 years because the year before she died it was felled, sold and carried away; 18s. assize rents of free tenants; and 3s. 4d. assize rents from lands in ‘Woluesfeld’ which the heirs of Stephen Burnet late of Hanslope hold at fee-farm.

She died on 26 June last. John Nevylle , her son, is her next heir, aged 14 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/28/32 mm.1–2

E 152/10/513



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  • John Prudde
  • Reginald Ingryth
  • Thomas Edward
  • Richard Stafford
  • John Proudefot
  • John Baker of Tickford
  • Thomas Wether
  • John Chubbenale, junior
  • John Mountfort
  • William Perye
  • John Janyn
  • Henry Dycon


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