E-CIPM 22-618: SIBYL

Full text


Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Lichfield. 10 October 1425. [Lowe]


Jurors: John Forster ; Thomas Chilterne ; Hugh Bridd ; Thomas Boteler ; John Overton ; Thomas Symondes ; John Hech ; John Hubelot ; Thomas Maynard ; Gilbert Lady ; Thomas Hory ; and John Fraunceys .

She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or others because long before her death she and John Grevell , her husband, were seised in her right of
the manor of King’s Bromley
in which they enfeoffed Lewis Grevell and Richard Mikelton and their assigns. Lewis and Richard were seised and continued in their possession until the day of this inquisition.
Annual value of the manor £4, but of whom and by what service it is held, unknown.

She died on 27 August 1425. John Corbet is her kinsman and next heir, aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/24/33 mm.1–2

Writ Head

618 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 26 November 1425. [Wymbyssh]

Of whom and by what service the manor as detailed in 617 is held.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Tamworth. 5 December 1425. [Lowe]


Jurors: John Ruggeley ; John Aston ; John Ridware ; Thomas Hubard ; John Fraunceys ; Thomas Chilterne ; John Halle ; Richard Brokton ; Richard Aston ; William Chorley ; John Hunt ; and Robert Scot .

The manor of King’s Bromley is held of the king by service of 101s. 8d. paid to the Exchequer by the sheriff at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. In the manor there are 40 a. land, worth 30s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, worth 10s. yearly; 10 a. pasture, worth 40d. yearly; and 36s. 8d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions.
TNA reference

C 139/24/33 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition [indented]. Boxford. 24 October 1425. [Drury]


Jurors: Robert Carles ; William Thurston ; John Reve ; John Facon ; John Clerk ; John Ive ; Robert Thurgor ; John Wodebyn ; Edmund Walle ; John C...aner of Newton [ms torn]; Philip Sparwe ; and John Dexter .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king in chief or another. Robert Corbet senior , her grandfather, father of Robert her father, and whose heir she was when she died, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Assington. Long before her death, namely on 30 July 1376 by his charter of this date, shown to the jurors, and described as Robert Corbet of Hadleigh, knight , he granted the manor amongst other things to Robert Thurnyng, parson of Combs church , William de Dunclent and John Barkere , chaplains, their heirs and assigns; and the latter were seised. On 1 September 1379, by their charter shown to the jurors, Robert Thurnyng , William de Dunclent described as William Dunclent , and John Barkere granted the manor, described as the whole of their manor in the vill of Assington, to Robert Corbet, senior , described as lord Robert Corbet, senior , in Hadleigh, knight, and Beatrice his wife, for their lives and to their assigns for one year after their deaths, successive remainders to lord Robert Corbet , son of lord Robert Corbet, knight , by his first wife Sibyl then deceased, and his male heirs; the male heirs of lord Robert Corbet, senior , and Beatrice his wife; and the right heirs of Robert Corbet the father. Robert Corbet, senior , and Beatrice had issue of a son named Guy, who survives, aged 40 years on the day of this inquisition. Afterwards, Robert Corbet , son of Robert Corbet, senior , and Sibyl his first wife, entered the manor as in the remainder, had issue Sibyl, named in the writ, and died seised of the manor by virtue of the grant, without male heirs. After Robert’s death, ‪Henry V‬ ’s Chancery issued a writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator, by virtue of which Edmund Oldhalle , the escheator, held an inquisition which found that Robert son of Robert Corbet named in the ‪ Henry V writ, held the manor in his demesne as of fee of the king of the honour of Peverel and that Sibyl, named in the ‪ Henry V writ, was the daughter and next heir of Robert Corbet son of Robert and aged 30 years and more [CIPM XX, no. 738]. By reason of the inquisition, the manor was in the hands of Henry V . Sibyl successively sued for delivery from the king’s hands and continued in her possession. She took the issues until Guy Corbet , son of Robert Corbet, senior , and Beatrice, as their next male heir according to the gift, long before her death entered the manor against her and removed her by virtue of the remainder. He continues in his possession, and Sibyl had nothing in the manor after his entry.

The manor is held of the king of his honour of Peverel by service of 6s. 8d., annual value £10.

She died on 15 August 1424. John Corbet is her kinsman and next heir as son of Thomas brother of Robert Corbet, senior , father of Robert Corbet , her father, and was aged 40 years and more on the day of this inquisition.

TNA reference

C 139/24/33 mm.5–6



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King’s Bromley
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
King’s Bromley
Total: -




  • John Ruggeley
  • John Aston
  • John Ridware
  • Thomas Hubard
  • John Fraunceys
  • Thomas Chilterne
  • John Halle
  • Richard Brokton
  • Richard Aston
  • William Chorley
  • John Hunt
  • Robert Scot


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