Full text


Writ Head

935 Writ ‡ 3 April 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Southampton. 9 April. [Wayte].


Jurors: John de Dene ; John Michell ; Thomas Wheler ; John Wethewell ; William Brym ; Peter Moyle ; William ..okanse ; Richard ?Knyte ; John Burgeys ; Robert Taillour ; Thomas Mayho ; and John Ster .


She held the manor of Avon of the castle of Winchester by fealty and a rent of £4 silver to the king at Winchester castle yearly on the feast of St. Giles . Thomas Tyrell by his charter shown to the jurors, the licence of ‪ Edward III having been obtained, granted the manor to Walter Tyrell and Eleanor, then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, reversion to Thomas Tyrell to hold of ‪ Edward III . Walter and Eleanor had a son John, who survives. Walter died, and Eleanor alone was seised at her death. There are in the manor a hall, a grange, a water-mill, annual value 13s. 4d., 60 a. arable, 12 a. meadow, 12 a. pasture, 200 a. heath and 40s. rent, total annual value 20 marks. She held for life of the manor of Avon all the lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, wood and rent called `Knottyngesle', i.e. a messuage, 100 a. arable, 25 a. meadow, 12 a. pasture, 1 a. wood, 100 a. heath and 5s. rent in Avon, Ripley, Sopley and `Merdyng', annual value 40s., of John Tyrell by fealty and a pair of white shoes worth 6d. at Michaelmas yearly, which John Knottynggesley and his wife Isabel formerly held for life and a year more, reversion to Robert Notyere , John Bele and the heirs of Robert as appears by a fine levied in the reign of ‪ Richard II and shown to the jurors. Robert and John held of Walter and Eleanor for the service mentioned above. By a deed shown to the jurors Robert and John afterwards demised the reversion after the deaths of John and Isabel and a year more to Walter and Eleanor and the heirs of Walter. John and Isabel attorned to Walter and Eleanor. Walter, John and Isabel died, and Eleanor alone was seised at her death.

She died on 29 March 1422. John Tyrell is the son and next heir of Walter and Eleanor, the son and heir of Walter and kinsman and heir of Thomas Tyrell , i.e. son of Thomas's brother Walter Tyrell , and is aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/63/29A mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



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  • John de Dene
  • John Michell
  • Thomas Wheler
  • John Wethewell
  • William Brym
  • Peter Moyle
  • William ..okanse
  • Richard ?Knyte
  • John Burgeys
  • Robert Taillour
  • Thomas Mayho
  • John Ster


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