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Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Partition of the manor of Dyrham, held of the king in chief, in the presence of Gilbert Denys and John Drayton 4 Feb. 1416 [Stoughton].


First to Gilbert and Margaret Denys:

Various parts of the mansion, great hall, woolhouse, buttery, ‘withdrawyngchambre’, barns, stables, fishponds, are named with free ingress and egress, [but parts of the paragraph are illegible ].

Rents and services of John Paunsfot, knight , for the manor of Haresfield, held by knight service, and of John Weston .

William Sporne, 1 messuage and 2 1/2 virgates, rendering 3s.9d. at Christmas, Lady Day and Midsummer and 10s.3d. at Michaelmas, 21s.6d.; and 1 cottage called ‘Abboteslond’ with adjacent cotland, rendering by equal parts at the usual terms 8s.; John Moreman, 1 messuage and 2 virgates, rendering similarly 20s., and 1 messuage and cotland 3s.; John Dyllyng, 1 messuage, 1 virgate 20s.; Richard Chapman , similarly 20s.; William Oldefeld 1 cottage, 1 cotland 6s.8d. and 1 messuage, 1 virgate 20s.

Rents and services of Nicholas Stanshawe for the manor of Hinton, and of John Weston ; Walter Hereward , ‘nativus’, rendering 3s.9d. at Christmas, Lady Day and Midsummer, and 10s.3d. at Michaelmas, 21s.6d.; William Dyllyng, 1 messuage, 1 virgate 20s., and 1 messuage, 1/2 virgate 13s. (?); Edward Dyllyng, 1 cottage, 1 cotland …; John Okeford, 1 messuage, 1 virgate 16s.; Walter Dyllyng, 1 messuage, 1 toft, 1/2 virgate 20s. … Dyllyng, 1 toft, 1/2 virgate. cottages with cotland 16s.; John Lynne, 1 messuage. 1/3 virgate 8s.4d.; John Spencer, 1 cottage with curtilage, 3 a. arable and meadow 6s.8d.; John West 1 toft, 1 virgate 20s., and 1 messuage, 1/2 virgate 13s.4d.; John Frigg, 1 messuage, 1 1/2 virgates 21s.; Walter Murselegh, 1 messuage, 4 cotlands 34s.

Walter Hereward , John Sporne , ‘nativi’.

The following tofts: 1 with cotland formerly of Henry Brown 6s.8d.; 1 called ‘Skynneres’ and ‘Sunford’, 1 curtilage, 2 a. arable, 1 a. meadow 3s.9d.; 1 cottage once of Stoty James with close 5s.; 1 and 1 virgate called ‘Yevans’ 16s.; 1 and 1 virgate called ‘Brugannes’ 16s.; 1 and 1 virgate formerly of Richard Weston 16s.; 1 messuage, 1 a. in each field with close formerly of John Gybbus 4s.; 1 parcel called ‘Clerkeslond’, 7 a. in each field 3s.; 1/2 watermill there 10s.

First presentation to church.

A list of small plots in the east and west fields, pasture, wood and gardens, follow. The woods are called ‘Irisshecleve’, ‘Welchewode’, ‘Oldenhulle’ and ‘Huncombe’ as far as ‘Rodemore’, ‘Ok … ‘Bernardshurne’ and ‘Hodeleye’ comprising about 91 a. The gardens include half of the one named ‘Northclafcroft’ below, and half of ‘Weynyard’.

Second to John Drayton and Isabel:

A list of parts of the mansion as above with free ingress and egress.

John Paunsfot, knight , the manor of Haresfield, by knight service, and John Weston, 1 messuage, 2 1/2 virgates, held in common with the parceners.

William Sporne, 1 messuage, 1 virgate, and 1 cottage called ‘Abboteslond’ 8s.; John Moreman, 1 messuage, 1 virgate 20s., and 1 toft with cotland 3s. John Dillyng , Richard Chapman and William Oldefeld . as above, and Oldefeld 1 close called ‘Amondesclos’ 4s.; Thomas Warle, 1 messuage, 1/2 virgate 12s.4d.; William Rogers, 1 toft, 1/2 virgate, 1 cotland 18s.; John Philippes, 1 cottage, 1 cotland, 1 close 5s., and 1 toft, 1 cotland called ‘Duryes’ 8s.4d.; William, Richard and John Russell, each 1 messuage 1/2 virgate, rendering 3s.9d. at Christmas, Lady Day and Midsummer and 10s.3d. at Michaelmas, 21s.6d.; Thomas Salke, 1 messuage, 1 a. in each field 34s.; John Alleth, 1 messuage, 1 virgate 16s.; Thomas Wykewyke, 1 close called ‘Loppernecroft’ 4s.

1/2 watermill 10s. William Sporne , Thomas James , ‘nativi’.

List of small plots in the east field and west field, and of meadow, pasture, wood and garden. The woods called ‘Emmet’, ‘Lavdelie’, ‘Sevenacre’, all lying between ‘Bacheweys’ and ‘Trencheweye’ extending to about 91 a. The gardens include half ‘de la Pole’ garden to east of the great fishpond, from the house called ‘Prustushous’ to the ‘Millepound’, with free ingress and egress next the west end of the hay barn and the close held by the parceners in common; ‘Southcalfcroft’. 1 a. of wood to the south of the way from the mansion of Dyrham to Tormarton, as enclosed by hedges; half the garden called ‘Wenyard’ to the west; and half the meadow and copse called ‘Renehamme’.

Second presentation to the church.

TNA reference

C 138/17/61 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'Durham' has also been modernised to 'Dyrham'.



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