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Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio . York. 22 Jan. 1401. [Skipwyth].


Jurors: Thomas Makepays ; Roger de Goldesburgh ; John Wryght ; John Clifton ; William Gascon ; Robert Wattessone ; Robert Fische ; Henry Leel ; Thomas Chalonere ; William Louell ; Robert Holdenby ; and Ralph de Clifton .


Joan wife of Donald Hesilryg, knight , held the manor of Hemlington of Thomas late earl of Kent at farm for life by a rent of 10 marks, with reversion to the earl who forfeited it, annual value 20 marks.

She also held for life in Cottingham 2 messuages, 6 bovates, 12 a. meadow and 1 piece of land. Edmund de Brygham and John de Spayne, junior , were enfeoffed in fee simple on condition that she held for life with reversion to the same earl and his heirs, annual value £10.

She died on 18 Dec. last .

TNA reference

E 149/76/3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 7 April. [Hardyng].


Jurors: John Heron ; Edmund Craucestre ; Robert de Lylburne ; Robert Alder ; John Fenwyk of Blagdon ; John de Selby ; John Wetwod ; John Whitfeld ; John del Thorp ; William Matfen ; Robert Belyngham ; and William Yong .


Robert de Esselyngton once held the manor of Eslington and half the vills of Whittingham, Thrunton and Barton in his demesne as of fee, and he married Elizabeth. They had issue George, Elizabeth and Isabel. When he died the manors descended to George his son and heir. He died and they passed to Elizabeth and Isabel, his sisters and heirs, as shown by the inquisition on him [ CIPM IX, no. 454].

Then Elizabeth, Robert’s widow, married John Heron, knight , and after the death of George she was dowered in the chancery of Edward III of a third part with remainder to Elizabeth and Isabel.

Isabel granted to Donald Hesilrygge one half of two parts of the manor of Eslington and half of two parts of half the vills by a fine of Edward III [CP 25(1)181/13, no. 132; see also nos.117, 119, 120, 133] with the reversion of half of the third parts which Elizabeth her mother held in dower. Donald granted them to Thomas Surtes, knight , Hugh Westwyk , Edmund Hesilrygge , and their heirs and assigns. John Heron attorned to them. They granted them by their charter to Donald, Joan his wife, and the heirs of Donald.

Elizabeth died, and her holdings came to Isabel as sister and heir. She by a fine of Edward III conveyed them to Donald and Joan and the heirs of Donald [CP 25(1) 181/13, no. 133]. Again John Heron attorned to them.

John Warton holds lands and tenements in Framlington of Donald and Joan of their manor of Eslington by a rent of 40d. yearly, with reversion to John Midylham and Eleanor his wife, and the heirs of Eleanor after the death of John.

Elizabeth wife of John Heron died. The third part of the manor and of the half vills then came to Joan for life after the death of Donald for the reasons already given.

Donald died without heirs of his body and William Hesilrygge was his brother and heir, and to him Thomas Hesilrygge was son and heir, aged 30 years and more.

Joan died holding the above manor of the king in chief by a rent of 6 marks payable by the sheriff, and 16s. to the castle of Bamburgh for the service of carting logs ( truncagium ). The half vills of Whittingham, Thrunton and Barton are held of the king by a rent of 40d. payable by the sheriff, annual value 40s. and no more these days because of destruction by the Scots.

She died on 21 Dec. 1400 . John Warton is next heir and aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/23/41 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Asplion(Writ Clerk)


  • John Heron
  • Edmund Craucestre
  • Robert de Lylburne
  • Robert Alder
  • John Fenwyk of Blagdon
  • John de Selby
  • John Wetwod
  • John Whitfeld
  • John del Thorp
  • William Matfen
  • Robert Belyngham
  • William Yong


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