The Second Inquisition post mortem conference

The Second Inquisition post mortem conference took place at the University of Winchester on Sunday 7th and Monday 8th September 2014. It was a small event of 22 delegates, all active in the field. The thirteen papers exploited new-found understanding and explored the potential of the source for all kinds of study. Four papers arose from project and the rest from other researchers in the field. Three papers by Christopher Dyer, Stephen Mileson and Matthew Tompkins looked at the economy and landscape; another three by William Deller, Katie Clarke, and Michael Hicks were based on the proofs of age. Matthew Holford added to our understanding of dower, Janette Garrett supplied a Northumberland case study, Gordon McKelvie considered IPMs in Scotland and Calais, and Jackson Armstrong dealt with naming practices on the Cumbrian borders. Simon Payling's paper was a wide-ranging critique of the biases obtained by fifteenth-century heirs. Finally Paul Spence of the partner institution King's College London located the project within the digital humanities and demonstrated how the interactive interface will work.