Using this edition

Search and browse pages

Quick search

The box at the top right corner of every page allows a quick search of the full text of the IPMs. This is the best way to find a particular IPM, to search for subjects, and to search for jurors and persons. It can also be used to search for places.

  • The wildcard * (0 or more of any character) is supported and can be used in any position.
  • For exact string matching enclose the search term in double quotes "".
  • Boolean searching is supported

To find a particular IPM:

25-1 (finds all documents containing the strings "25" and "1", but the document 25-001 is the first result. "25-1" produces a smaller set of results. Do not search for "25-001")

Other sample searches:

"knight service", "suit of court"

mill* (finds mill, mills, millpond, water-mill, etc., but not watermill; also the names Mille, Millere etc.)

*mill* (finds the above, and watermill, windmill etc.)

(*mill* AND corn) NOT water

Browse inquisitions

This page provides an ordered list of IPMs in this edition. It can be filtered by date using the slide bar. (Be aware this filter will not include any undated inquisitions). It can also be filtered by inquisition type and writ type. Search results can be ordered according to inquisition number, date and type.

Browse people

This page provides an ordered list of persons occuring in the IPMs. Please note the following: (1) it does not include jurors, unless they appear in proofs of age. Project resources did not allow full indexing of jurors; it is hoped to provide a static index in a future release) (2) this dynamic index only covers volumes 22 and 23 (the period 1422-32): static indexes (see below) are available for the other volumes.

Sorting is strictly alphabetical (so all entries beginning with a question mark appear together)

The list can be filtered:

  • by name, using the name box to the left. The * wildcard is supported. (Examples: contains "emma", starts with "ta*l*r"). Note that searching for multiple words is not permitted (so you may search for "lincoln" but not "bishop of lincoln"). The image above shows results filtering by [contains "emma"]
  • by office (note: classification of offices and ranks is currently inconsistent. Please check both lists!)
  • by rank (note: classification of offices and ranks is currently inconsistent. Please check both lists!)
  • by gender

The browse list links both to the text of the IPMs in which a person occurs, and to a profile page for that person.

Browse places

This page contains all places occuring in the IPMs. They can be viewed on a map or as a list. Please note that the map includes only places that have been georeferenced. Since not all places have georeferences (e.g. unidentified places), the list provides fuller results.

Neither the map nor the list is initially populated. To populate them select one or more of:

  • a place name
  • a county name
  • a place type (the image below shows the results after selecting "advowson")

To zoom in or out on the map (and other maps on the site) use the +/- buttons at the top left of the map.

The tile at the top right of the map allows different base layers to be displayed.

Results may be refined using the same filters. For example you could search for: advowsons in Hampshire, or parish/vill names containing the string "valence"

Results include related places: for example a search for "Twyford" will include Thorpe Satchville, Leics., in Twyford parish.

Please note: fractions of manors and advowson are treated as distinct place types. To find all references to advowsons/manors, check "manor/advowson (fraction of)" as well as "manor/advowson"

Static person and juror indexes

These indexes were generated directly from the indexes to the printed volumes or from the marked-up text. They may contain minor errors or omissions. Please bring these to our attention!

View pages

Inquisition view

This provides the text of an inquisition or group of inquisitions associated with a single tenant in chief.

The typical contents of an IPM (writ, jurors and so on) are explained elsewhere on this site.

For the purposes of browsing, one inquisition is selected by the system at a time. This is displayed at the top of the screen and is also visible in the page URL. For example, eCIPM 26-173 to 26-175 are the IPMs for Thomas Wykeham which all display on a single page. The URL for 26-173 ends with view/inquisition/26-173/, that for 26-174 ends with view/inquisition/26-173/174. To select a different inquisition in any given range, use the arrows next to the heading at the top of the page.   

The default view provides the full text of inquisition selected. Panels at the top of the page allow you to view summary information relating to holdings and extents (where this information is available), a list of people occuring in the document, and a map of places mentioned.

Place view


This provides a summary of the contexts in which a given place occurs, with details of date, inquisition subject and county. Where available, a summary of any holdings information is also provided.

Related places

Provides a list of related places: the administrative units (county, hundred, parish) in which a place is contained; related subentries such as manors; and nearby manors. (The related places are derived from large datasets of manors and tax vills, and not all of them appear in the IPMs for 1399-1447).

Extents and values

Provides a visualization of changing values over time, where this information is available. This is still under development; please bring any errors to our attention!

Person view


Provides a summary of the contexts in which a person occurs


Provides a summary of a person's relationships, offices etc. as recorded in the IPMs.

Citing this site

We hope that this site will become the edition of record for the IPMs from 1399-1447 and will be used to cite other volumes when these become available.

In cases where a number of IPMs are cited we recommend that use of this site is acknowledged at the outset in general terms, for example:

  • Inquisitions Post Mortem are cited from Mapping the Medieval Countryside [online]. Available at (accessed: (access date)), and take the form eCIPM [volume no.]-[inquisition no.]

Subsequent references can take the form eCIPM 23-10, etc.

Other sample references:

Abburbury, Richard | Mapping the Medieval Countryside [online]. Available at (accessed: (access date))

Adderbury, St Amand's manor | Mapping the Medieval Countryside [online]. Available at (accessed: (access date))

Version and release details

This is version 1.0 of the site, including the IPMs for 1399-1447 (CIPM xxi-xxvi), released on 1 October 2018. It replaces the beta version, which was released on 13 July 2015.


We welcome comments, suggestions for improvement and notices of errors or omissions. Please contact us at: