Referenced in E-CIPM(s)
E-CIPM | Date | Inquisition subject | Document type | Holding |
20-517 | 12 Sep 1416 | Edward Burnell, Knight | Inquisition | |
25-494 | 08 May 1441 | John Radclyf, Knight | Inquisition | Billingford, the manor with advowson of the church... |
20-517 | 12 Sep 1416 | Edward Burnell, Knight | Inquisition | |
25-494 | 08 May 1441 | John Radclyf, Knight | Inquisition | Billingford, the manor with advowson of the church... |
Related places
Place name | Relationship |
Billingford | Same as |
Billingford | In vicinity of |
Billingford | In parish of |
Billingford | Same as |
Billingford | In vicinity of |
Billingford | In parish of |
Norfolk | In county of |
Norfolk | In county of |
Witchingham, Little | In vicinity of |
Witchingham, Little | In vicinity of |