

Place name Relationship
'Burdyshale'Possibly contains
'Burdyshale'Possibly contains
BelsfordParish for
BelsfordParish for
ColeridgeIn hundred of
ColeridgeIn hundred of
CrowdyParish for
CrowdyParish for
DevonIn county of
DevonIn county of
DorsleyParish for
DorsleyParish for
Englebourne, GreatParish for
Englebourne, GreatParish for
FarmstoneParish for
FarmstoneParish for
HarbertonAssociated with
HarbertonManor in vicinity
HarbertonAssociated with
HarbertonManor in vicinity
HarbertonfordParish for
HarbertonfordParish for
HazardParish for
HazardParish for
HernafordParish for
HernafordParish for
Leigh, EastParish for
Leigh, EastParish for
Leigh, WestParish for
Leigh, WestParish for
SandwellParish for
SandwellParish for
StancombeParish for
StancombeParish for
WashbourneParish for
WashbourneParish for
WoodcourtParish for
WoodcourtParish for