Referenced in E-CIPM(s)
E-CIPM | Date | Inquisition subject | Document type | Holding |
25-378 | 23 May 1440 | Beatrice, Late Countess | Inquisition | West Dean and Boxgrove. In the tenement called ‘Br... |
Related places
Place name | Relationship |
Box And Stockbridge | In hundred of |
Boxgrove | Manor in vicinity |
Boxgrove | Parish for |
Halnaker | Manor in vicinity |
Halnaker | Parish for |
Halnaker | Parish for |
Hampnet | Manor in vicinity |
Hampnet | Parish for |
Hampnett, East | Parish for |
Hampnett, East | Parish for |
Oving | Manor in vicinity |
St. Leonard's | Parish for |
Sussex | In county of |