Inquisition Head
DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Exeter. 6 January 1447. [Gyffard].
Jurors: John Germyn ; John Prye ; Richard Wyke ; Henry Wyke ; William Pollyslond ; John Cherlys ; John Wylle ; John Colle ; William Velecote ; John Asshe of Clyst; Baldwin Raylly ; and Robert Clerke .
He heldThe jurors do not know what further lands he held of the king in chief, or the date of his death. John Thorp is his son and next heir, but the jurors do not know his age.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 4 February 1447.
TNA reference
C 139/126/23 mm. 1–2
Inquisition Head
DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Exeter. 28 May 1447. [Gyffard].
Jurors: Richard Fortescu ; Richard Strode ; Walter Burell ; Richard Wyke ; Henry Wyke ; William Elyot ; William Wyke ; John Mannyng ; John Hoy ; Otes Bysshypp ; Henry Stapelhill ; and John Pontyngdon .
He was seised ofTNA reference
C 139/126/23 mm. 3–4
Inquisition Head
GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 4 May 1447. [Notyngham].
Jurors: John Skeye ; Robert Basset ; Richard Basset ; William Goldyng ; John Hampton ; John Feld ; John Richardes ; William Dauntesey ; Nicholas White ; Henry Lakyn ; John Castelman ; and John Luyde .
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. Joan, who was the wife of John Burdon , Ralph’s great-grandmother, was seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Oldbury on the Hill and the advowson of the church of the manor [value and tenure not specified]. By charter, shown to the jurors, she granted the manor and advowson to John Luscombe and John Tyrawde, clerk , and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. They granted the manor and advowson to the above John Burdon and Joan his wife, and their heirs and assigns, as in a charter shown to the jurors, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards John died; Joan survived him and held the manor and advowson in demesne as of fee by right of survivorship. By charter, shown to the jurors, she granted the manor and advowson to Thomas de Berkeley, lord of Berkeley , Nicholas Petipas , Thomas Brigge , Richard Rioll , Thomas Mille , Edmund Daunteseye , Robert Burdon , John Monke, clerk , and William Bole, clerk , and their heirs, so that they were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards Thomas, Thomas, Richard, Thomas, Edmund, Robert, John, and William died. Nicholas survived and, seised by right of survivorship, granted the manor and advowson to Edmund Hungerford, knight , and Thomas Hasard , for the term of six years from 25 March 1447, as in a charter shown to the jurors.Date of death as 520. John Thorp is his son and next heir, aged 15 and more.
[Head:] Delivered to court on 25 May 1447.
TNA reference
C 139/126/23 mm. 5–6
Inquisition Head
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Amesbury. ?2 November 1446.n281 [Rokes].
Jurors: John ?Rows [ms torn] ; William Botreaux ; John Rows of Heytesbury; Robert Cosyn ; John Turpyn ; William Keyser ; Thomas Knyght ; William Kyng ; John Baynton ; William Pet ; John Claymond ; and Robert Cole .
He was once seised in demesne of as fee of the manors of Boscombe, Burdens Ball, and Poulshot, and of 7 messuages, 11 virgates of land, 8 a. meadow, 3s. ½d. rent, and rent of ½lb. pepper in Allington, Newton Tony, and Middle Winterslow (Wyntereslewemydelton), and the advowson of the church of the manor of Boscombe. A fine [CP 25/1/257/62/21] was raised at Westminster on the morrow of Purification, 1431, between the said Ralph Thorp and Philippa, then his wife, querents, and Robert Dyngeley, clerk, deforciant , by which Ralph and Philippa acknowledged the manors, tenements, rent, and advowson to be the right of Robert, as those which he had by their grant; for which Robert granted the manors, etc., to Ralph and Philippa and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Ralph. The fine was shown to the jurors. Ralph and Philippa had issue: John, who survives. Philippa died seised of such estate in Ralph’s lifetime. Ralph died seised of such estate.Date of death as 520. John Thorp is his son and next heir, aged 14 and more.
TNA reference
C 139/126/23 mm. 9–10
No holding information available.
No holding extent information available.
- Bate(Writ Clerk)
- John Skeye
- Robert Basset
- Richard Basset
- William Goldyng
- John Hampton
- John Feld
- John Richardes
- William Dauntesey
- Nicholas White
- Henry Lakyn
- John Castelman
- John Luyde