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Writ Head

622 Writ, ordering return to chancery of an inquisition already taken ex officio . ‡ 8 May 1402

Addressed to William Hungate escheator

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Middleton. 12 April 1402. [Hungate].


Jurors: Richard de Lelehome ; William de Clyf ; John Howsome ; John Mawdrye ; Thomas Rofe; Thomas Helperby ; William de Thornton ; William de Crauncewyk ; John atte Marre of Huggate ; John de Thorneton ; John de Wythornwyk ; Adam de Fenton ; John Stafeley ; and John Alaynson of Anlaby .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Kilnwick Percy near Pocklington, the manor, by knight service of William Lord Latimer , under age in the king’s ward, annual value 100s.

Scagglethorpe, Colton and Laund, the manors, and lands and tenements in Moor Monkton, by knight service of Thomas Lord de Moubray, under age in the king’s ward, annual value £10.

Towthorpe, the manor, by knight service of Lord de Moubray annual value 100s.

He died on 18 Nov. Thomas son of his deceased son William, his next heir, is aged 18 years and more and married to Margaret daughter of John Godarde, knight .

TNA reference

C 137/32/34 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition. Pocklington. 27 May. [Hungate].


Jurors: William Bekard of Bielby ; William Jakelyn ; John Langdale ; Robert Liolf; William Barton ; Hervey (Heruici) Rotse; William Rither ; John de Pokethorp; Robert Chapman of North Dalton or South Dalton ; John Barker of Everingham ; William Dolman ; and Richard atte Esshe .


He held the manors of Kexby, Kilnwick Percy, Hook, Scagglethorpe, Colton and Laund with certain lands and tenements in Moor Monkton, and rents of £15 14s.10 1/2d. from the manor of Leppington. On 8 Sept. 1398 he gave them to Robert Twyer, knight, master Adam Fenrother, rector of Catton , Walter Rudestan of Hayton and William Conestable of Catfoss; and on the following Sunday they demised them to him to hold at their will, and so he held them, and not by any other status as was said.

Kexby is held of the earl of Westmorland by fealty, annual value 50 marks; Kilnwick Percy of William Lord Latimer , under age in the king’s ward, annual value 100s.; Hook of the abbot of St. Mary’s, York, by fealty, annual value 10 marks; and the other manors of Lord de Moubray, under age in the king’s ward, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/32/34 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

624 melius sciri . ‡ 20 June 1402 [Kirkeby].

Regarding 623: inquire how the manor of Kilnwick Percy was entailed and of what estate Thomas Ughtrede died seised of the other manors, etc., and what lands and tenements he held in the vill of Moor Monkton , and how and in what way (qualiter et quo modo).

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition. York castle. 22 Sept. [Hungate].


Jurors: William Barker of Tadcaster ; Henry de Acclom ; Roger Fulbaron ; John de Clifton ; Robert de Haldenby ; Thomas de Appilton ; Stephen Arowsmyth ; Robert Chapman of ?Naburn ; John Addyson of Hessay ; Ralph de Clifton ; Richard de Rouclyff; and John Smyth of Colton .


Robert de Scardeburgh, knight , John Dayvill , John Lascels and William de Rykhall, chaplain , held in their demesne as of fee the manors of Kilnwick Percy near Pocklington, Towthorpe, Scagglethorpe, Colton and Laund and certain lands and tenements in Moor Monkton. They granted them by their charter of 1346–7 to Thomas Ughtred, knight , father of Thomas, and Margaret his wife and the heirs male of Thomas. Thomas held them as heir of his father and mother. The tenements in Moor Monkton comprise 12 messuages, 24 bovates and 20 a. meadow, which together are called the manor of Moor Monkton.

TNA reference

C 137/32/34 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Kirkeby(Writ Clerk)


  • William Barker of Tadcaster
  • Henry de Acclom
  • Roger Fulbaron
  • John de Clifton
  • Robert de Haldenby
  • Thomas de Appilton
  • Stephen Arowsmyth
  • Robert Chapman of ?Naburn
  • John Addyson of Hessay
  • Ralph de Clifton
  • Richard de Rouclyff
  • John Smyth of Colton


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