Tables of references for documents
These tables are reproduced from the published volumes of CIPM 18-26. They allow a user to find where a document cited by its 'old' reference (that is, the reference in the Record Commission calendars) can now be found.
For example, the opening entries in the table for volume 18 mean that the document listed in the 1821 Record Commission calendar (p. 259) as 1 Henry IV, no. 3A, is now found in the file C 138/1, and is calendared as CIPM 18-3, whereas 1 Henry IV, no. 3B has been removed from the archive of inquisitions post mortem to Chancery extents for debts and for that reason is not calendared.
The Record Commission volumes can be viewed at Google Books (vol. 1) and the Hathi Trust (vols. 2-4).